Minutes of Meeting Held 13 January 2016


Georgina A’Bear, Steve Vaux, Tony Murch, Sarah Chard,Kevin Rigg, Sue McCulloch, Aldetha Raymond, Pamela Akerman

RSG members: Brian Crisp, Dr Knott, Bruce Talmadge

Guests: Isabel and George Clarke, Fritz Schruff


Carola Thorpe


Item 2

Declarations of interest: all members present completed a form with name and brief description of property held within the Parish, if any.

Item 3

Minutes of previous meeting agreed (10 Dec 2015), Steve Vaux to post on website.

Item 4

Sue McCulloch was proposed by Kevin Rigg, and unanimously voted in as Vice-Chairman. Aldetha Raymond volunteered and was also unanimously voted in as Secretary, Sarah Chard to continue to cover is Aldetha is unable to attend.

Item 5

It was agreed to change the Constitution to reflect the Neighbourhood Plan status. Jane Hopkins confirmed that she no longer wished to be involved. Sarah Chard to revise Constitution as agreed and bring to next meeting for signing by all committed members. It was also suggested that each committee member prepare a brief personal statement to bring to the meeting on 29 February, to introduce themselves to new members and vive-versa.

Item 6

The final version of the response to Wiltshire Council was agreed, amendments to be made and reply submitted by Tony Murch and Georgina.

Item 7

Questionnaire preparation:

It has been confirmed that the request for the Rural Housing Needs Survey has been submitted, we should have an update on progress by the end of January. Georgina A’Bear to confirm if we will be delivering these. Our own survey will be kept separate. Steve Vaux suggested that a pilot survey should be carried out before distributing the survey to the whole village in order to get feedback and address any issues. An open presentation to the village approximately 7 days ahead of the survey being distributed was also suggested.

The use of professional consultants was again brought up. Kevin Rigg suggested that we defer any decision about consultants until our WC Link Officer is appointed, and that we should take advice from them. It was also suggested that we liaise with other parishes/villages in the same position who have used consultants about their experiences.

Tony Murch suggested inviting representatives from similar but more advanced Neighbourhood Plan groups to discuss/advise at a future meeting. ) The West Lavington( website and the Market Lavington ( websites may be useful, pdf copies of their Questionnaires are attached. Freshford also may be useful: - then click on ESHA workshop on the right-hand menu.

The topics for the questionnaire were confirmed as:

  • Traffic
  • Community Transport
  • Community Buildings (needs some revision)
  • Business and Employment
  • Environment and Conservation
  • Green Living and Wellbeing
  • Land Use
  • Housing

Space to be added for comments at the end of.

It was suggested that the WI should be consulted over the questions included in the Community Buildings section.

Aldetha Raymond suggested that the newer members of the committee (Sue McCulloch and Pamela Akerman) comment on the questions as ‘fresh pairs of eyes’. All committee members to complete and return a questionnaire (website version) to Steve Vaux, with any feedback. It was felt it would be better to save any comments for the next meeting, rather than engage in discussions via multiple (and possibly confusing) emails.

Bruce Talmadge, Brian Crisp and Nigel Knottfrom the Road Safety Group attended. Georgina read out their mission statement, which will be resubmitted with minor amendments. Their suggestion for the traffic part of the questionnaire were requested by the next meeting (4 February).

Guest Isabel Clark produced a report detailing all accidents from the top of Inmarsh to Baldham, only those where injuries were sustained require reporting.

Item 8

Website report – Steve Vaux reported 60+ hits on the website each time an update appears in Spotlight. The Facebook page is inactive, possibly due to content constraints. There has been no activity on the email account since mid-October.

Following amendments regarding posts now filled, Carola Thorpe’s Spotlight was to be submitted by 16 January.


Aldetha Raymond asked if it was possible to reduce the number of emails being sent to all committee members, and where it is necessary to send them, please could they be kept concise. This is particularly an issue for those working full time, and using work email addresses.

Dates of next meetings

4 February 7.30pm Kennet Room, Social Club

29 February 7.30pm Beech House (courtesy of Carola Thorpe)