Hadley Girl Scouts SU 143 -- Leaders Mtg -- 11/1/17 -- Notes

(Roselee, Dana, Mara, Shoshona, Jo-Ann, Deirdre, Jean, Barbara)



--Thank you’s – Dana volunteered to send Thank You’s for us to Tr.184 (money & supplies) and to GSCWM (First Aid Kits). Jean will send her the info.

--December “meeting” 12/6, 7pm – will be at Mi Tierra – informal-type meeting.

--Hadley Daisy Recruitment 11/8/17 at Library sponsored by GSCWM – Jean will stop by.

--Looking to help Gr.3 -Tr.60551 find new leadership. Dana and Maureen are not planning to continue next year. Jean would like to have a parents meeting -- and have the SU lead the meeting so as to not put dana and maureen in the hotseat.

--Cookies – 12/13 – Card orders begin; 1/12 – Booth orders begin.

Cookie Rallies: Gr. 2-3 on 1/5. Supertroop on 1/6-7.

GSCWM BIG cookie rally sleepover gr.K-12 on 12/9-10 in Spgfd Thunderbirds hockey game & activities. $30.

GSCWM Cookie Kick-Off Lock-in gr.2-8 on 1/12-13.


--QSP questions – Barbara let each troop know what $ target they need for QSP to make more $$ on cookie sales.

--Halloween Park and Rec Rag-Shag Event – Girls and leaders from grades 6, 7, and 9 helped Sunday at the event.


--SU Tools Team (Ruth, Amanda, Barbara, Mara, Amanda, Emily) -- hasn’t been able to meet. We’ll try again.

--Camping Committee. There is some interest in Spring Camping. It would be good if the committee can report its ideas at the January meeting.

--Court of Awards (Laura, Jean) – 6/3/17? (Hopkins Grad wknd) We’ll be looking for other members & specific input in January. We shared some early ideas of dates and places to consider: -- Hopkins Gym? H.Elem.Sch?, Look park? 6/10 at Hopkins? Friday night? 6:30?

--Calendar (notes for Ruth). The google calendar works well for some folks, and others aren’t interested in the google calendar. For the “paper-calendar people” a monthly “pdf” printout of the calendar was requested. Can ruth do that for us? (and note – evidently the colors come out differently on each person’s computer – so Ruth shouldn’t worry about that.)


--First Aid & CPR – Pliska – 11/6 and 11/16 – agreed that the SU will pay for the older girls who attend.

--Caroling 11/18 at M.Club all set. Golden Court caroling will be sometime the week before Christmas (12/16-24), depending on the weather.

--Derby – Boy Scouts have said Girls will have separate event. Still looking for exact date and times. 3/17? Troops expecting to participate include: Gr. 2, 3, 4, 5, ?6.

--Winter Events – no new news.

SUPERTROOP -- (8:15pm) (Gr 6-12)

--10/29 – Park & Rec Rag Shag Event -- Review. Event needs were different this year. Communication wasn’t easy.

--12/16 – Lunch w/ Santa at HES – (jean got date & place from Diane—Park & Rec) We don’t have info, and Director is changing. We’ll keep folks posted when we learn anything.

“Traditional” plan has been

Park & Rec – Halloween – Grade 7

Santa – Grade 8 – Mara, Shoshona

Easter Eggs – Grade 9 – don’t have one.

Of course, girls from other grades can help, too.

--Climbing Wall Sleepover -- 1/6-7/18 – about 25 girls so far.

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