department of Decision Sciences and Engineering Systems

Monthly Activity Report  FEBRUARY 2006

Published Technical Reports

Wallace, William A., “Restoration of Services in Interdependent Infrastructure Systems: A Network Flows Approach” (with E.E. Lee and J. E. Mitchell), DSES Technical Report #38-06-522; and, “A Cognitive Model of Improvisation in Emergency Management” (with D. Mendonca), DSES Technical Report #38-06-523.


Berg, Dan., “The Management of Emerging Technologies – Is it different?,” American Management Association Technology Innovation Manufacturing Management Council Meeting, Tampa, FL.

Wallace, William A., "Probes as Path Seekers" (with A. Demers, G. F. List, and J. Wojtowicz),2006 Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January, 2006; "Field experience with a wireless GPS-based ATIS system" (with G. List, A. Demers, P. Salasznyk, and J. Wojtowicz), 12th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, San Francisco, CA November, 2005; "The Interdependent Layered Network Model for Protection of Critical Infrastructures" (with J. E. Mitchell), 2005 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting, November, 2005; and, "Data Integration for Traffic Incident Management" (with P. Salasznyk, and G.F. List), 2005 Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November, 2005.

Proposals Accepted for Funding and Grants Received

Grabowski, Martha R., PI, “American Bureau of Shipping Leading Indicators of Safety,” American Bureau of Shipping, 1/06, $65K.

Willemain, Thomas R., PI, “RPI DSES - GE Global Research Center Joint Statistics Study,”GE Global Research Center, 1/06, $60K.


Fall 2006 Compared to Fall 2005

March 1, 2006 – March 1, 2005

Fall 2006 / Fall 2005 / Fall 2006 / Fall 2005 / Fall 2006 / Fall 2005 / Fall 2006 / Fall 2005
Total / Total / Total / Total / Total / Total / Total / Total
Applicants / Applicants / Admitted / Admitted / Accepting / Accepting / Accepting w/FA / Accepting w/FA
New / New
PHD / 57 / 47 / 3 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
MGTE / 21 / 21 / 12 / 4 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0
MFSE / 1 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
ORST / 18 / 13 / 9 / 4 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
TOTAL / 97 / 83 / 24 / 10 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0