Burnett Shire Council

Hinterland Residential Zone Code

Development complies with the code if it is consistent with—

(a)if code assessable — the specific outcomes for the relevant development code; or

(b)if self assessable — the acceptable solutions for the relevant development code.

The following are the overall outcomes for the Hinterland Residential Zone—
Overall outcome / Description of how proposal complies with the code / Council comments (Council use only)
a)Development does notcompromise the character or amenity of the zone from—
(i)works that appear excessively bulky, high, dominant, or otherwise inharmonious; or
(ii)uses that are too intense, considering the form and nature of other uses in the area.
b)Non-residential uses predominantly serve the needs of the people and businesses in the local area and are compatible with the amenity of the area.
c)Uses and works respect and enhance the low density Residential or semi-rural character and amenity of the area.
Specific Outcome for inconsistent uses in the Hinterland Residential Zone.
Inconsistent use / Description of how the proposal complies with the code / Council Comments
The following defined uses and use classes are inconsistent uses and do not locate in the Hinterland Residential Zone—
a)Dual Occupancy;
b)Higher-density Housing;
c)Industry Use Class; and
d)Rural Use Class
Table 4.7Specific outcomes and probable solutions— effects of use in the Hinterland Residential Zone
Column 1—Specific outcomes / Column 2—Probable solutions / Description of how proposal complies with the code / Council comments (Council use only)
SO.156The character of the Hinterland Residential Zone reflects detached dwellings in low density or semi-rural settings. / No probable solution identified
SO.157Throughout the Hinterland Residential Zone detached dwellings are—
i.available at a range of densities and styles in appropriate locations to meet a variety of housing needs; and
ii.affordable and form part of a safe and secure community. / No probable solution identified
SO.158Uses that have the potential to emit dust, light, noise, odours, vibration, or other emissions at levels likely to create an environmental nuisance do not locate in the Hinterland Residential Zone. / No probable solution identified
SO.159Non-residential development is at a scale that is consistent with the residential amenity of the area. / No probable solution identified
Table 4.8Specific outcomes and probable solutions—works in the Hinterland Residential Zone[1]
Column 1—Specific outcomes / Column 2—Probable solutions / Description of how proposal complies with the code / Council comments (Council use only)
i.are of a scale and design that reflect the existing hinterland residential character of the area; and
ii.make a positive contribution to the streetscape. / PS.160.1The maximum height of residential buildings is 6.5m.
SO.161Vehicle loading or unloading, refuse storage areas and other utility spaces are not obtrusive from adjacent roads. / No probable solution identified

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Burnett Shire Planning Scheme

[1] The specific outcomes and probable solutions for works in this table apply to a material change of use involving works.