

Food Teacher: Mrs. Wallis


Lemon Meringue Pie



150g plain flour

75g margarine

6-8 teaspoons cold water


1 lemon

2 egg yolks

75g sugar

20g corn flour

150ml cold water


2 egg whites

50g caster sugar


1.  Prepare self and table

2.  Oven gas 6, 190C

3.  Make short crust pastry – sieve flour, rub in margarine until mixture looks like breadcrumbs.

4.  Add enough cold water to bind pastry together mixing with a knife, gather into a ball.

5.  Roll pastry into circle, line flan dish. Put a piece of greaseproof paper on top of the pastry; weigh down with baking beans or trimmings from pastry.

6.  Bake blind for 10 minutes

7.  Wash and grate lemon rind finely.

8.  Cut lemon in half, squeeze juice using lemon squeezer.

9.  Put corn flour into a small pan, blend with cold water. Put onto the hob, heat until thick – Keep stirring all the time

10.  Remove pan from heat, add rind and juice to the pan. Add sugar.

11.  Remove paper from pastry case, return pastry to the oven for 5-10 minutes until cooked thoroughly

12.  Carefully separate egg yolks from whites, making sure each white goes into a clean small bowl. Add yolks to the pan, stir gently over gentle heat until thickened.

13.  Remove pastry from oven. Turn oven down to Gas 4, 170C

14.  Pour filling into pastry case

15.  Combine egg white together, whisk with clean beaters until egg white holds peaks, and gently fold in almost all of the caster sugar.

16.  Spoon or pie meringue on top of filling. Sprinkle with remaining sugar. Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown.

Tomato and Basil Tart

Ingredients / Equipment
100g plain flour
50g butter or margarine
2-3 x 15ml spoons cold water
2 tomatoes
50g cheese, e.g. Mozzarella, Gruyere or Cheddar
Handful of basil leaves
2 eggs
125ml semi-skimmed milk
Black pepper
/ Weighing scales, sieve, mixing bowl, measuring spoons, palette knife, flour dredger, rolling pin, sandwich tin or 18cm flan ring, fork, chopping board, knife, grater, measuring jug, baking tray.
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C or gas mark 4. / 2. Make up the short crust pastry:
•  sift the flour into the bowl;
•  rub the butter or margarine into the flour, using your fingertips, until it resembles breadcrumbs; / •  add the cold water and start to mix together;
•  Mix to form a firm, smooth dough. / 3. Roll out the pastry, on a lightly floured surface.
4. Line the flan ring or sandwich tin. / 5. Trim the edges of the pastry using the palette knife.
6. Prick the bottom of the pastry with a fork. / 7. Slice the tomatoes.
8. Slice the cheese. / 9. Whisk the eggs and milk together in the measuring jug using the fork. Tear the basil into the mixture, and then add a few twists of black pepper.
10. Pour the egg mixture into the pastry shell / 11. Arrange the tomato slices and cheese, over the top.
12. Place on a baking tray and bake for 30 minutes, until golden and firm.

Cheese and potato pie


800g. Potatoes (for mashing)

25g. Soft marg

4tbspns. Milk

75g. Red cheddar cheese

Seasoning as required

Choose one of the following fillings:

1.  1 tin tuna, 100g. Cooked bacon or ham

25g. Sweetcorn

50g. Red cheddar cheese

2. 1 small tin baked beans and sausage


1.  Prepare yourself

2.  Place saucepan half-full of water on hob, with lid on, to boil.

3.  Wash potatoes and peel. Cut into equal size pieces.

4.  Place in boiling water and cover with lid (tipped). Cook for approx 20 mins.

5.  Grate cheese on metal plate.

6.  Prepare any other fillings e.g. open tins, cut ham into smaller pieces.

7.  Test potatoes. When soft, drain through a colander over the sink.

8.  Mash potatoes with milk, seasonings and marg.

9.  Stir in three-quarters of the cheese. Place in the dish; sprinkle the rest of the cheese on the top.

10.  Put in the oven to brown for 15 mins. (This will be done at home.)


Basic ingredients required:


75g butter or marg

150g crushed biscuits e.g. digestive, ginger


5 fl.ozs. double or whipping cream

1 carton mandarin yoghurt (5 fl.ozs.)

75g. cream cheese

50g. sugar-optional

1 can mandarin oranges


1.  Prepare yourself

2.  Melt marg. in saucepan and add crushed biscuits off the heat. Stir well.

3.  Press into the tin with fork. Leave in a cool place to set

4.  Whisk the cream until thick. DO NOT OVER WHISK.

5.  Stir the yoghurt and sugar into the cream.

6.  In a small glass bowl soften the cream cheese with a teaspoon; add a spoon of the cream and yoghurt mixture to help the process.

7.  Add the cream cheese to the cream and yoghurt mixture.

8.  Chop half of the oranges and place on top of the biscuit base.

9.  Spoon over the cream filling.

10.  Decorate with the remaining fruit.

11.  Place in the fridge to chill.

Bread and Butter Pudding a delicious pudding using up bread

Ingredients: serves 4

4 slices Bread

25g/1oz low fat margarine or butter

50g/2oz Sultanas

2 Eggs

25g/1oz Sugar

300ml/10fl.oz. Milk


1. Preheat the oven to 170ºC, Gas mark 3. Grease a 7.5cm/3 inch deep ovenproof dish.

2.  Butter the bread and cut into quarters (triangles or squares). Reserve 4 quarters and arrange the rest in layers in the dish, sprinkling the sultanas between each layer. Top with the reserved quarters.

3.  In a saucepan, heat the milk to hot but not boiling. In a large bowl, mix together the eggs and sugar then add the hot milk, stirring well.

4.  Slowly strain over the bread and fruit, being careful not to dislodge the top layer of bread. Leave to stand for 5 minutes.

5.  Sprinkle with a little sugar and bake in the oven for 30 minutes until the top is browned and crispy.

Top Tips:

o  Add 75g/3ozDark chocolate, roughly chopped into the milk. Heat to hot but not boiling and stir well until the chocolate has melted.

o  Add the juice and grated zest of 1 orange

o  1 tsp Grated Nutmeg or 1 tsp Ground Cinnamon

o  Use up dry bread, croissants, brioche, teacakes or fruit bread


Basic ingredients required:

2 egg yolks

1tablespoon lemon juice

½ pint olive oil


1.  Prepare yourself and work area.

2.  Place the egg yolk and lemon juice in a blender and mix well.

3.  Gradually pour in the oil very slowly whisking continuously until thick.


Basic ingredients required:

2 egg whites

100g caster sugar


1.  Prepare yourself and work area.

2.  Whisk the eggs whites until stiff.

3.  Sprinkle in the sugar and carefully whisk in.

4.  Place in a piping bag with a large plain tube and pipe onto greaseproof paper.

5.  Bake in the oven at 110°c /225°f. The aim is to dry out the meringues without any colour.