Avon Primary Care Support Agency

Procedures for Payment of locum costs for covering Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Sickness leave, together with Prolonged Study Leave and provision for cover for suspended doctors

Avon Primary Care Support Agency
Document status: Final
Version / Date / Comments
1.0 / 26.03.2004 / Draft
1.1 / 01.04.2004 / PCT approval – Date on which procedures become effective
1.2 / 20.04.05 / Reviewed by APCSA Board. Document changed from policy to procedures
1.3 / 12.07.06 / Reviewed by APCSA Board. Document changed to include rate of payment.
1.4 / 30.05.07 / Review and approval by APCSA Board

Julie Cooper General Manager

If you need this document in a different format please telephone Helen Bond on 0117 9002559

1 Background………………..…………………………………………………………………... / 1
2 General Principles..…………………………………………………………… ………….… / 1
3 Payments for locum cover for maternity, paternity and adoption leave….………. / 1
4 Payments for locums covering sickness leave….……………………………….…..… / 2
5 Payments in respect of prolonged study leave………….……………………………... / 2
6 Payments for locums to cover for suspended doctors……………………………….. / 2
7 Payment Rates…..……………………………………………………………………………. / 3
8 Audit……………………………….……………………………………………………...... / 3
9 Disclaimer…………..…………………………………………………………………………. / 3
10 Review of this policy………………………………………………………………………… / 3


1 Background

The Statement of Financial Entitlement (SFE) details payments to which contractors may be entitled. The Statement of Financial Entitlement outlines the areas that are compulsory and the areas where PCTs may use local discretion. The PCTs covering the former county of Avon, in conjunction with Avon Local Medical Committee have developed a single policy to cover these payments.

An initial working party consisted of PCT Representatives, Primary Care Support Agency and Practice Managers. Whilst developing this procedures document it should be noted there were underlying principles common to the following payments,


  • for locums covering maternity, paternity and adoption leave
  • for locums covering sickness leave
  • in respect of Prolonged Study Leave
  • for locum cover for suspended doctors

2 General Principles

PCTs will pay these entitlements if the performer on leave is a GP Performer. All GPs regardless of employment status or funding source are eligible. It is important therefore that practices notify PCTs/Primary Care Support Agency of all GP Performers and contracts are kept up to date. These entitlements will not be paid if the performer on leave is not a GP Performer.

The Statement of Financial Entitlement states that the practice should not be paid for locum costs where a partner, shareholder or an existing employee provides locum cover, unless the performer on leave is a job-sharer. In the recent climate with shortage of locums this is sometimes unworkable. It has been agreed locally to allow locum cover to be provided from partners or employees who currently work less than full time, provided the cover is in addition to their normal commitment.

The maximum amount payable shall be that amount stated in the Statement of Financial Entitlement. This amount will be pro-rated based on the level of commitment of the GP Performer on leave.

Process for claiming

Before engaging a locum the practice should seek approval via Primary Care Support Agency. Claims should then be submitted to Primary Care Support Agency for costs actually incurred, after they have been incurred and on a monthly basis. If the practice are in receipt of any other source of payment for the absence (eg. statutory maternity pay) this should be declared and payment will be made nett of these amounts.

3Payments for locum cover for maternity, paternity and adoption leave

To be eligible for payments the following conditions must be met

  • partnership agreements must state that the GP Performer is entitled to take such leave.
  • salaried GPs contract of employment must state that they are either entitled to be paid the full salary by the contractor whilst on leave or they are entitled to payment under statute.

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Process for claiming

Before engaging a locum the practice should seek approval via Primary Care Support Agency. Claims should then be submitted to Primary Care Support Agency on a monthly basis for payment. This is contrary to existing arrangements but should ensure adequate cash flow at practice level.

4Payments for locums covering sickness leave

Arrangements are very similar to Red Book, with eligibility being based on list size, length of absence and Whole Time Equivalent GP Performers in post. Under Red Book arrangements a local exception was agreed with the Local Medical Committee. It was agreed that should another partner, in addition to the partner taking sick leave, be absent due to pre-booked leave for at least two weeks this partner would be excluded from the eligibility calculation during that time. This agreement will continue and extend to all GP Performers named in the contract.

PCTs may make payments at their discretion where there is an unusually high rate of patient sickness in an area in which services are performed or in rural areas. Payments may be made where a GP Performer is returning from sickness leave and may require additional support. In the past after consultation with the Local Medical Committee, payments have been made to assist a staged or part-time return to work. This may now also apply to a GP performer who is at risk of needing to go on sickness leave.

Process for claiming

Before engaging a locum the practice should discuss with Primary Care Support Agency. Primary Care Support Agency will discuss the specific case and eligibility to payments with the practice and issue an application form if necessary.

5Payments in respect of Prolonged Study Leave

The Post Graduate Dean recommends approval of the educational aspects of the application, with the PCT agreeing affordability.

Process for claiming

Before engaging a locum the practice should seek approval via Primary Care Support Agency. Once approved the GP applying should forward their claim to Primary Care Support Agency.

6 Payments for locums to cover for suspended doctors

Arrangements remain very similar to those currently in operation. Due to the rarity of such claims the Statement of Financial Entitlement would be read in detail at the time. Decisions taken by the PCT would vary depending on the reason for suspension and other local factors.

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7 Payment Rates

For 06/07 and 07/08 the maximum amount payable per week will not be increased from the 05/06 rate of £978.91 (pro-rated for part –time GPs). The PCT will however, consider very exceptional circumstances and may agree to pay up to a maximum rate of £1500 per week. Any such cases will be referred to the Director of Primary Care for the relevant PCT.

8 Audit

Practices are required to keep accurate records demonstrating costs incurred and PCTs can request these for inspection at any time.


Where there is a difference in the Statement of Financial Entitlement and this policy, unless the Statement of Financial Entitlement allows for PCT discretion in any particular instance, the Statement of Financial Entitlement takes priority.

10Review of this policy

This policy will be reviewed annually. This will be a responsibility of the Avon Primary Care Support Agency Management Board.

Julie Cooper

General Manager, Avon Primary Care Support Agency

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