Grand Knights Message February 24th, 2009

Brother Knights,

Tomorrow Lent begins and I hope everyone takes the time to reflect and fast during this time in the anticipation of the dying and rising of our Lord. This is a time for prayer.

Speaking of prayer, please keep in your prayers, Brother Amery Schultz and his family for the loss of their newborn baby Matthew. Matthew past away an hour after his birth early Saturday morning.

I have to tell you that it just amazes me that amount of involvement the Knights have in our church. Every Sunday, there are anywhere from 6-10 Knights involved in the service at OLOV and another 2- 4 involved in the service at Sacred Heart and St. Benedict. This is reflection of the kind of men that join this fraternity. I am truly proud to be part of this group.

On another good news story, as you witnessed earlier, we have two new Knights joining us from Sacred Heart, Ron Gatzke and Mike Mulholland. They will take their first degree on March 31st here in Vernon. This now gives us enough men to form a viable Round Table for Father Richard in Lumby. In early April, after their first degree, we’ll have a meeting with the already existing Knights and Father Richard at Sacred Heart, to get this Round Table kicked off.

This will give us 4 new Knights for the 1st degree at the end of March. With that, it will bring us to 220% of goal. Assuming we get our insurance requirement, and Brother Amery assures me this will happen and we get the Columbian award for services, we will hit Double Star Status!!

We also have a major degree on Saturday May 23rd in Salmon Arm. If you are currently are a 1st degree, please mark this date on your calendar. Brother Steve and I had a meeting a couple weeks ago to go through the list of potential candidates. After some culling of a few, we still had 17 candidates on the list. If you know already that this date will work for you, please let me know and I will put you on the list.

Thank you for your time. Until next month, live, laugh and be happy, all while doing God’s work.

Dale Hofer

GK 12202