An evening of music and praise in loving memory of Tilly Walker – to be held in Mahons Hotel, Irvinestown on Thursday 11th February at 7.30 pm.

Taking part – Cup O’Joe, Roy Drenning, Youthful Chorus (Amy & Louise), SilverTones Male Voice Choir, Irvinestown Primary School Choir, and Margaret Johnston. Tickets available at NI Hospice Shop, Irvinestown Primary School and Real Life Bookshop. Admission – Adult £10, Concession £8 and Children £5. In aid of Horizon West Childrens Hospice, Killadies and Africa Gospel Church Baby Centre.


Church Door (Jan) – Caroline Campbell, Mark Eaton,

Joy & Alex Cromie

Creche (24th Jan) – Julie Campbell & Heather Donald

Church Cleaning (23th Jan)- Violet Prentice & Jean Hall

Tea/Coffee (24th Jan) Tex Glenn

Sunday 17th January 2016


10.15am Morning Worship – Maureen McKeague


11.00am Prayer in Vestry

11.30am Morning Worship – Maureen McKeague

11.45am Sunday School

7.00pm Evening Worship in Magheracross Church

7.00pm Youth Fellowship in Youth Room

If you are visiting with us today, you are very welcome, and we trust that you will be truly blessed.

Sunday 24th January 2016


10.15am Morning Worship – Chris Lyttle, Youth Pastor


11.00am Prayer in Vestry

11.30am Morning Worship – Chris Lyttle, Youth Pastor

11.45am Sunday School

7.00pm Evening Worship in Ballinamallard Methodist

7.00pm Youth Fellowship in Youth Room

Notices for coming week


8.00 pm Prayer Meeting in the Vestry

8.00 pm Bowls in the Hall


8.00 pm House group in the home of Jill Keys

8.00 pm House group in the home of Jennifer Grey


2.30 pm Craft Group in MWI Room

6.30-8pm Girls Brigade

Additional Notices

Rev John Beacom & Elaine Beacom – are currently on holidays, returning at the beginning of February. If you need to speak to a minister in their absence, please contact Rev Eleanor Hayden, Irvinestown Circuit.

Irvinestown & Pettigo Methodist circuit are holding a Miss Mustard Seed restoration of heart and home Vintage Coffee Day with vintage display and cake sale in Irvinestown Methodist Hall on Saturday 6th February from 10 am to 4 pm. All Welcome – Admission Free.

Global Vision Lakelands & North West Global – come and be inspired, encouraged and challenged by this year’s joint Global Vision Conference which is being held in Darling Street Methodist Church on Saturday 13th February from 10am to 3.45pm.

Global vision – Saturday 20th February in Lismore Comprehensive School, Craigavon. More details to follow.

Zephaniah Dancers – Saturday 27th February at 7.30 pm in Fermanagh Christian Fellowship. A group of Irish Dancers whose aim is to bring forth the Gospel in a unique and dynamic way.