Shawnee County CDDO

TCM Affiliate Meeting

September 3, 2009

Present: Ali Pontious, Sunflower Supports; Celeste Hund, Sunflower Supports; Rachel Kuehn, CDDO; Anita Staats, Dream Catchers; Nancy Rhone, Dream Catchers; Marvin Branch, Monaco & Associates; Linda Selbach, Dream Catchers; Kelly Zink, Dream Catchers; Coleen Hernandez, CDDO; Michele Heydon, Sunflower Supports; Ashley Anne Wells, sunflower Supports; Paula O’Brian, Dream Catchers; Sara Dinkel, Dream Catchers; Don Richardson, TARC; Ann Barr, TARC; Ramona Macek, CDDO

The meetings began with the announcement of guest speaker, Beth Simpson, Office manager at Heartland Pharmacy.

CDDO Updates:

1)  Ramona reminded everyone that the BASIS services page needed to be completed for individuals that are private pay and turned into Sandy Jenkins.

2)  She expressed her appreciation to everyone for all their assistance transitioning individuals to HCBS services. And stated that the definition of “family” does include the individual’s spouse and that their services would have to be supportive home care rather than residential as per the definition of family in the HCBS MR/DD Waiver handbook.

3)  Timili (Quality Management Coordinator) will be contacting TCM agencies to set up appoints for the annual TCM review in October.

4)  Effective Oct. 1, 2009 Target Case Managers required training hours will change from 36 hours to 20 hours annually per CDDO policy 06-011 (Training Requirements). Newly hired case managers are to receive all training requirements as identified in the Shawnee County CDDO Case Management curriculum form 06-011.001 within 6 months of employment. TCM agencies may need to revise the own agency required hours if so desired.

5)  The CDDO continues to advocate that SRS allow supportive home care hours be based upon the Needs Assessment.

6)  Sandy Jenkins, CDDO, attended a three-day seminar on Medicare Part A,B,C & D.

7)  Ramona spoke of the local Emergency Preparedness work group that is developing a plan in case of emergency mostly focused on a possible outbreak of the H1N1 virus. The plan will identify how to maximize available resources of staff and space if needed. The plan may also include staff going to residences and how billing day services will be allowed for those situations. It is hoped to have a Memorandum of Agreement between service providers by the end of September. The workgroup currently includes representatives from Individual Support Systems, Equi-Venture Farm, TARC and Sunflower Supports.

8)  Ramona stated there have been a lot of Crisis requests submitted to the CDDO Funding Committee and is frustrating when the crisis request is approved and three weeks later the person has not accessed the service requested or additional information requested does not come back in a timely manner. The CDDO Funding Committee will be following the 30 day limit of keeping an approved crisis open. If at the end of 30 days services haven’t been accessed, the crisis request will be closed and the case manager will be asked to resubmit a new request outlining the crisis.

9)  BASIS – Behavior tracking is required for all behaviors. This is important to impress on parents. It was stated the hardest to gather documentation from is those who are not receiving any services and don’t see the benefit. These families need to be encouraged to do so for the HCBS waiver eligibility. The CDDO will continue to advocate non-waiver eligible, Tier 0, individuals be funded with State General Funds. Although there are no guarantees funding for State General Funds will continue. Dream Catchers requested the CDDO send something in writing about the status of the family support grant being paid to individuals’. Rachel (Community Support Associate) is working on another letter.

10) SRS/CDDO/CSP – families need to continue advocating to legislatures to not cut funding. CDDOs were asked to submit information to SRS showing the number of individuals affected by the reductions to SGF.

11) It was asked if Tier 0 individuals change to Tier 5 if they will be refinanced to HCBS. It was stated that the CDDO will request the person be funded with HCBS which will then have to be approved by SRS.

Guest Speaker: Beth Simpson, Office Manager at Heartland Pharmacy. Heartland Pharmacy is a closed door pharmacy and not open to the general public. Heartland Pharmacy serves approximately 2,000 special needs individuals which are under long-term care such as assisted living, HCBS waivers etc. Beth explained the packaging system for the prescription system was originally developed for persons with Alzheimer disease. All prescriptions have the person’s name, day and time when the prescriptions should be taken. Beth stated that if you have an individual whose schedule is different than the standard to let them know so the times can be adjusted accordingly. She also stated that the packagings are color coordinated to show the different types such as short-term (red) and PRN (green). The benefit of an individual’s non-prescription medications going through Heartland Pharmacy is to use as a tracking system in case of hospitalization or an emergency as well as a record of out-of-pocket expense. The daily individual packaging also assists if a prescription is changed either discontinued or a dosage has been increased to use in conjunction with medications already purchased.

They offer 4 doses a month free due to lost or dropped medications. She advised that if an individual loses or drops a dosage they should take that days dosage from the last day of the month and use the replacement.

Heartland Pharmacy is located in Lawrence and Wichita; there are three full-time pharmacists at the Lawrence location. They are also on the University of Kansas pharmacy list and accept one pharmacy student a semester.

Beth discussed Medicare Part D and Medicaid insurance. Every year plans change and the individual with dual eligibility can incur a premium that they had not ever had previously if they are not enrolled in one of the benchmarked companies. If an individual chooses a non-benchmark plan they can be billed the difference between what Medicare covers and what the national average for that prescription is. Individuals have to watch to see if there is a premium, deductible or co-pay. Heartland Pharmacy will be sending out a copy of the top three benchmark companies to agencies they contract with. Heartland Pharmacy takes care of all the pre-authorizations which include prescription changes.

The CDDO IT Consultant and CDDO IT Assistant worked with Heartland Pharmacy on the web based system (BCI) so affiliates approved may access an individual’s current prescription list which mirrors their MARS report. Affiliates that are interested in having access to this MUST have yearly authorization on record with Heartland Pharmacy. This includes residential providers, case managers, day service providers and the SNCDDO. The read-only link is updated daily at 4 p.m. In the BCI you would go to Basic Information, under the tab Medical Management (MM) all necessary information should be listed including current doctor orders and the date written. There also is a program which allows charting medication given on-line. You will also have the capability to print off medication sheets which are useful for doctor appointments. It s also advised to have a written description of what a medication is used for as some are prescribed for different diagnosis than what the prescriptions are normally used for.

For more information contact Beth Simpson, 1025 N. 3rd Street, Suite 110, Lawrence, KS 66044. Phone – (888) 331-0807; Fax – (785) 331-0878 or email .


·  September 24th – CDDO Quarterly Training (flyer to be emailed)


·  Food & Water in an Emergency – Federal Emergency Management Agency & American Red Cross

The next meeting is November 5th at 3 pm.