Mid-City Security District

Regular Meeting Minutes

April 21, 2016

First NBC

4011 Canal Street

New Orleans, La. 70119

Board Members Present

Jim Olsen

Jay Brinkmann

Harley Winer

Mike Riehlmann

Guests Present

Joe Laura

Jason Villemarette

Sidney Torrez

William Rafferty

Brad Cousins

Sam Palumbo

Becker Rutledge

6:30 – start of meeting. A quorum was present.

All Board Members and guests introduced themselves.

A motion to approve the minutes from the March meeting was made, seconded and approved.

Crime Report – Sgt. Palumbo gave the monthly report and answered questions put to him by Board members and guests. Specifically, Sgt. Palumbo answered questions about the possible use of certain auto-theft devices.

March Arrest Tally: 21

State Felony: 1

State Misdemeanor: 9

Municipal: 2

Traffic: 1

Summons: 7

Juvenile Felony: 0

Juvenile Misdemeanor: 1

Citations: 99

Financial Status Report The monthly Cash Transactions Statement was distributed and discussion was had as to the District’s financial state. Additionally, Becker Rutledge reported on the Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity, as well as the Statement of Revenues & Expenses.

MCSD Vehicle Report Jim Olsen reported that recent additions to the MCSD fleet of vehicles are being kitted out and should be available in the very near future.

Orleans Parish Assessor’s Office Review. Michael Riehlmann reported that since the correspondence with Mr. Williams’s office about undercharging certain parcels, an analysis of the Assessor’s Office online records reveals that many of the parcels in question now bear the correct classification.

Website Update Jay Brinkmann reported that he will hire an individual in the near future to update and improve the website.

Security Light Review. Jim Olsen reported that Entergy is to repair one of the security lights that have gone out.

MCNO Representative Report Brad Cousins reported to the Board and guests that the MCNO is now attempting to get MCSD residents to lease security cameras to install on homes and face to the street. To date, 22 grants have been completed and 11 more are in the process. A motion to provide MCSD grants to assist in the lease program was made, seconded and approved.

Report on Crime Reporting App Mr. Sidney Torrez and Jason Villemarette explained to the Board and guests the computer and smartphone app that he designed and put into use in the French Quarter. He indicated that the Downtown Development District will soon be using the app as well. The Board and guests posed questions to Mr. Torrez and Mr. Villemarette.

A motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved and the meeting was concluded.


As Secretary of the Mid-Security District, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes duly and legally adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Mid-City Security District, after due notice, and that said minutes have not been rescinded, modified or recalled and are in full force and effect.

WITNESS my signature this ______day of ______, 201____.


Michael G. Riehlmann