Bill No. SB278

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Petoskey MS

Introduced by: Nathaniel Wurster

Grade: N/A

A bill to mandate that in the event that either the Michigan Bucks and/or the Detroit City Football Club decide to construct a soccer specific stadium they must present their funding and agree to share the stadium.


Section 1: In the event that either the Michigan Bucks and /or the Detroit City Football Club decide to construct a soccer specific stadium, they must agree to these terms; due to the fact that both teams are having difficulties trying to assemble funding for two separate stadiums, they must first combine their efforts and present a form of funding. The second term in which both teams must comply is that they must agree to share the complex and surrounding facilities. These terms and conditions shall become void if one team presents a form of funding in which it can build its own sustainable new location.

Section 2: The funding, in which this bill would concern, would be the funding for the stadium. This shall be decided by either team as long as they are able to present their funding plan.

Section 3: The terms and conditions stated in Section 1 and Section 2 will be enforced and monitored by Major League Soccer and its semi-pro entities, including the NASL, USL, PDL, and NPSL in which both teams are affiliated with directly or are attempting to join.

Section 4: If one or both teams fail to comply with the terms and conditions stated above, whatever national soccer association is monitoring the two clubs, will fine whichever team involved 150,000 dollars for a first offense. In the event that the team(s) should commit a second offense they shall receive a 500,000 dollar fine. If the enforcer shall find evidence of a third offense, any office members or owners involved shall be jailed for 12 months with a 750,000 dollar fine applied to the team.

Section 5: This law shall be viewed by both teams when passed, but will go into effect 6 months after one, or both, teams state their funding plan.

Bill No. HB285

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Petoskey MS

Introduced by: Jayna Bearss

Grade: N/A

A bill to mandate an increase in vehicle registration fees and fuel taxes to fund Michigan's roads.


Section 1: This bill would fund Michigan roads by increasing vehicle registration fees and fuel taxes.

Section 2: The funding for these roads would be supported by increases in gas taxes and registration fees.

Section 3: Increased registration fees would be monitored by the Secretary of State and fuel taxes would be monitored by the State of Michigan.

Section 4: Due to increased fees and taxes, no penalties are required.

Section 5: This bill with go in affect a year after passage.

Bill No. SB286

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Vassar MS

Introduced by: Jordyn Putman, Courtney Palmer

Grade: N/A, N/A

A bill to ensure that community colleges scholarships can be given out based on community service hours.


Section 1: A bill to ensure that all community colleges in the state of Michigan offer scholarships for tuition based on community service hours throughout middle school and high school.

Section 2: This bill will be funded by state prison taxation and state funding.

Section 3: For students to have two full years of community college they are required to have a total of 200 hours of community service hours in middle school. Also, they are required 200 hours of community service each year of high school. For a total of 1,000 hours.

Section 4: If a student manages to make 2,000 hours of community service they can receive four full years at a community college that offers the three in one program with other universities.

Section 5: This scholarship does not include housing and food. It will be strictly for tuition and books.

Section 6: This bill will be enforced by the Michigan Department of Education.

Section 7: This bill will go into effect the school year of 2017-2018.

Bill No. SB294

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Vassar MS

Introduced by: Kaiden Heinrich, Nathaniel Rutkowski

Grade: 7, 7

A bill to mandate that there shall be a legal wolf season in the Upper Peninsula.


Section 1: The Upper Peninsula in Michigan shall have a legal wolf season.

Section 2: This season shall take place during coyote season which takes place July 15-April 15.

Section 3: This bill will be enforced by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

Section 4: Only 60 wolf licenses will be issued a season.

Section 5: Each wolf must be reported physically reported to the DNR. Failure to do so will result in a fine $500.

Section 6: This bill shall go into effect next coyote season.

Bill No. SB302

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Harbor Springs MS

Introduced by: Briana Goldsmith, Jacquelyn O'Neill

Grade: N/A, N/A

A bill to mandate that all citizens who use Michigan roadways wear reflective clothing when biking/running on roads from dusk to dawn.


Section 1: This bill should be partially funded by the people who buy the reflective clothing, and the remaining funded by the State of Michigan.

Section 2: Michigan State law enforcement shall enforce all bikers and joggers to wear the reflective clothing at appropriate times of day.

Section 3: Failure to follow the procedure of wearing reflective clothing will result in a $50 fine for the first offense.

Section 4: The second offense for failure to follow procedure shall result in a doubling of the fine to $100.

Section 5: This bill shall go into effect January 1, 2016.

Bill No. SB310

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Saugatuck MS

Introduced by: Luke Lencioni

Grade: 8

A bill to make it required for first responders to attend middle school and recreational rocket league football games in case of injury of the players participating in the sport.


Section 1:This bill will be funded by the local fire department’s funds.

Section 2:The town’s police department will enforce the law and make sure the fire department is active at the games.

Section 3:The town’s local fire department’s failure to be attendant at these games shall lead to a small fine of $50-$60 for those who were to be stationed at the game.

Section 4:The Second Offense of a certain group/person who violated this law will result in jail time for the number of hours not spent station at these games. Every offense of the law after this will result in the same punishment.

Section 5:This bill will go into effect August 10, 2016.

Bill No. SB318

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Mason Consolidated MS

Introduced by: Bryce Floyd, Jaylynn Stefanski

Grade: 8, 8

A bill to mandate that Michigan citizens be alerted when drinking water reaches a hazardous level.


Section 1: A specific sound and or message shall be played through the television broadcast system, text message alert system, community sirens, and social media.

Section 2: This bill shall be funded by the Public Safety Services of each city or community.

Section 3: This bill shall be enforced by the local authorities including the Mayor and or the city council members.

Section 4: If the county does not send out these alerts, they shall be fined $10,000 for the first offense, $20,000 for the second offense, and $30,000 for the third. Failure to comply after the third offense will result in a punishment of mayor or council member in no less than 30 days in jail.

Section 5: This bill shall become effective a month after it has been passed.

Bill No. SB326

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Mason Consolidated MS

Introduced by: Hannah Lavanway

Grade: 6

A bill to mandate that all vehicles should have an alarm system when opening a door that would remind the guardian that a child is in a car seat.


Section 1: An alarm system is defined as a warning message that can be turned on and off by the driver after starting the engine of the vehicle.

Section 2: A “warning message” is defined as a message that a driver can choose to remind them that they have a child in the car.

Section 3: The bill is intended to prevent death of children left in a vehicle unattended.

Section 4:Car manufacturers will have until 2018 to install the alarm system on all new vehicles.

Section 5: Department of Child Welfare and Local Police Departments will enforce this bill.

Section 6: If a citizen is seen with a child in a car seat and has not activated their alarm, the first and second time are warnings and the third time will be a fee of $1000.

Section 7: If the above fee is not paid in a reasonable time, Child Protective Services could be called to the home.

Bill No. SB334

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Union City MS

Introduced by: Lauren Smith

Grade: 7

The people of the State of Michigan enact that children under the age of 6 will not be allowed on main roads on a bicycle.


Section 1: Main roads are roads that receive 200 cars or more per hour.

Section 2: Bicycles are any 2 or 3 wheeled man powered machine.

Section 3: 1st offense- a warning.

Section 4: 2nd offense- the child's parent or guardian will pay a $250 fine.

Section 5: 3rd offense- the child's parent will parent will pay a $500 fine.

Section 6: 4th offense- the child's parent will pay a $500 fine.

Section 7: This bill shall go into effect one year after passage.

Bill No. HB341

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Elk Rapids Cherryland MS

Introduced by: Robert Fager, Tyler Ketz

Grade: N/A, N/A

A bill to enact that there should be no curfew in the State of Michigan.


Section 1: Michigan shall not be allowed to have youth under the age of 16 have a curfew of 10:00 pm.

Section 2: Michigan shall not be allowed to have youth over 16 years of age have a curfew of 12:00 am.

Section 3: This bill will not require any funding.

Section 4: This bill requires no enforcement and actually less than before, because now police needn't patrol past the curfew to catch people breaking the curfew.

Section 5: If this bill is passed there will be no penalty because there is no law to break.

Section 6: This bill shall take effect one year after passage.

Bill No. SB342

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Elk Rapids Cherryland MS

Introduced by: Jacob Graf

Grade: N/A

A bill to mandate that the drinking age be raised to 25.


Section 1: The legal age of alcohol consumption should be 25.

Section 2: If a person is found in violation of the lawthey will be guilty of a misdemeanor

and shall be fined $1,000.

Section 3: The law will come to order on January 1st, 2016.

Section 4: The Police officials will enforce this law.

Bill No. SB350

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Onsted MS

Introduced by: Brennan Young, Kyle Floer

Grade: N/A, 7

A bill to limit the amount of trash coming into Michigan from Canada.


Section 1: This bill will put a limit on the amount of landfill waste allowed to come into Michigan from Canada.

Section 2: Border patrol will be responsible for managing the number of trucks of trash a company brings in from Canada.

Section 3: Any company caught bringing in to much trash will be fined $5,000.00, a second offense will be $10,000.00. If a company continues to do this they will not be allowed to continue to operate in Michigan.

Section 4: This bill will go into effect on May 1st, 2016.

Bill No. HB109

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Ann Arbor YMCA

Introduced by: Emma Seth

Grade: 8

A bill to mandate that companies that show diversity in employees in the areas of sexual orientation and gender identity receive tax breaks.


Section 1: Sexual orientation is defined as the gender(s) one is attracted to.

Section 2: Gender identity is defined as the gender(s) one identifies as.

Section 3: Tax breaks are defined as 9% off businesses’ taxes.

Section 4: This law will be funded by the Department of Civil Rights.

Section 5: The Department of Civil Rights will enforce this law.

Section 6: This law will go into effect one year after its passage.

Bill No. SB112

Referred to the committee on Erie

Delegation: Petoskey MS

Introduced by: Brady Ewing

Grade: 6

A bill to mandate that college athletes be paid.


Section 1: Due to higher revenue of college sports, college athletes should get paid.

Section 2: The funding would be from ticket sales, advertisements and product sales such as jerseys.