Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)

September 9, 2013 Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm.

Roll Call

Present Absent

Yvonne Beatrice Carol Greene, excused

Anne Powley Jack Bolan, excused Leda Dunn-Wettre Randall Brewster, excused

Ron Wohlberg Deborah Grob, excused Barbara Shanley Gus Vasiliadis, excused

Flag Salute

Sunshine Law: The secretary read the Sunshine Law.

Ms. Dunn-Wettre moved to open the Public Session and Mrs. Beatrice seconded the motion. All approved. No members of the public were present.

Ms. Dunn-Wettre moved to close the Public Session and Mr. Wohlberg seconded the motion. All approved.

Minutes: Mrs. Beatrice moved to approved the August 5, 2013 minutes as corrected and Ms. Dunn-Wettre seconded the motion. All approved.

Applications: 5 Aronow Place, Block 126, Lot 126.02 Soil Movement.

After a thorough review of the Soil Application, Mrs. Beatrice moved to approve the Soil Movement application for 5 Aronow Place and Mrs. Powley seconded the motion. All approved.

Vote: 5 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain: Beatrice, yes; Dunn-Wettre, yes; Powley, yes; Wohlberg, yes; Shanley, yes.

NJDEP: No comments

Chair’s Report: The Chair, on behalf of the Commission, welcomed Mrs. Powley as a Class C member to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).

Old Train Station Museum, Wanamaker Shed and Glasgow Outhouse: The Chair reported that DPW picked up the Home Depot donated building materials for the Glasgow outhouse. The Chair contacted Tanis Concrete and they agreed to donate the concrete for the new outhouse foundation. DPW will dig the foundation and schedule delivery of concrete with Tanis Concrete. Mr. Wohlberg is researching a possible donation for the shingles.

Mahwah Day: The set up for September 28, 2013 Mahwah Day has to be done by 11 a.m. Ms. Dunn-Wettre and Mrs. Shanley will meet earlier that morning to set up the HPC Booth. Mrs. Powley will loan the HPC a table for the booth. The HPC will again sponsor walking tours of Ramapo Reformed Church cemetery and the Train Station Museum and sell past years’ holiday ornaments and promote donations for the New York New Jersey Trail Conference restoration of the Darlington Schoolhouse and Glasgow outhouse restoration.

Joyce Kilmer White Oak Tree Dedication: The Chair reported that the dedication will be held on October 12, 2013 at 12:30 p.m. The Commission approved the wording on the plaque and the secretary will order the plaque, and ask the Recreation Director if the HPC could use its sound system for the dedication. DPW has found a large rock for the plaque to be mounted on and will mount the plaque. The Chair will send out invitations to the Township Council, Mayor, Environmental Commission, Library Board of Trustees, Mr. Michelini, and the poetry contest winners and family members.

Winter Farmhouse: The Chair reported that she has not been able to contact the realtor for the property, but will pursue it.

790 Ramapo Valley Road: The Chair reported that the sale of 790 Ramapo Valley Road fell through.

Old News

Apple Ridge Cemetery: No report at this time.

5 Aronow Place: Ms. Dunn-Wettre volunteered to reach out to the owner, Mr. Stuart Roberts, for an update on the restoration of the stone cottage. She will also reach out to William Koyack, a retired Mahwah Police Captain, whose family lived at the cottage years ago.

Mr. Wohlberg moved to adjourn the meeting and Mrs. Dunn-Wettre seconded the motion. All approved.

These minutes are a synopsis of the MHPC tapes, which are on file at the Township Municipal Building.
