Jamestown PTA Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Call to Order – Jill Curran, PTA President
- A motion was made and passed to approve the November, 2013 PTA Meeting minutes
- Ron Molteni – Jamestown Ambassador for More Seats for More Students
- His job is to find out Jamestown community concerns and relay to school board members. If you have a concern, please email him at .
- School board now refocusing attention to middle schools – more pressing need to look at middle school capacity now then building a second elementary school.
- By 2018 – will be a need for a 1000 seat middle school
- How will this come about?
- New School? Additions? Or Both?
- In the future there will most likely be a process about boundary changes for middle schools as well.
- New Elementary School discussion
- APS has new group for new elementary school families that is now sending messages
- PTA for new ES will be formed before new school opens.
- Jamestown community would like to see a more inclusive/more structured process for forming new PTA
- Appears that much of the process is being done behind closed doors now by a small group of people.
- Concern that parents will feel like they were left out of the process.
- Meeting on Thursday, Dec. 5 at Jamestown about the formation of new ES PTA
- Discussion last year that APS may use Science Focus or Walter Reed as potential option for new ES
- Probably will not be a second new ES so they may end up using these locations to alleviate crowding in other elementary schools in the county.
Principal’s Report – Ms. Kenwyn Schaffner
- Camilla Gagliolo – Instructional Technology Coordinator
- Ms. Gagliolo gave a presentation on Jamestown’s technology program
- Jamestown was selected as an Apple Distinguished School- Under 100 schools selected in U.S.
- Jamestown uses a blended toolkit – iBooks, iPads, MacBooks, iPod Touches, and interactive whiteboards
- Jamestown one of the first schools to use the iPads in 2010 in a pilot program
- Currently, some second graders and multi-age classes are participating in a 1-to-1 iPad pilot program
- Allows students to express their creativity by inspiring, engaging, collaborating, creating, communicating, publishing, celebrating.
- Students are creating digital books using BookWriter and Drawing Pad
- Also using iPads for science, social studies, math
- Early results of the 1-to-1 iPad program
- Higher reading scores
- Higher interest in writing
- Better access to materials
- More engaged students
- All Jamestown students will be using technology in the classroom at various points throughout the year.
Treasurer’s Report – Rod Pick
- November Financials distributed