Insurance Market Behavior
and Health Insurance
Hangzhou, PRC
4-8 December 2006
Howard J. Bolnick, FSA, MAAA, Hon FIA
Adjunct Professor, Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University
Chair, Health Section of the International Actuarial Association
With teaching assistance from
Song Song Liao, MunichRe – Beijing Office
China Region Committee, Society of Actuaries
Society of Actuaries of China
Hangzhou Liuying HotelNo. 6 Qing Bo Qiao He Xia Nan Shan Road, Hangzhou China
Morning Sessions are scheduled from 9:15 am – 12:00 pm with one 15 minute break. Afternoon Sessions are scheduled from 1:15 pm – 4:00 pm with one 15 minute break.
MorningAfternoon /
Introduction and Seminar Overview ( please click for full syllabus)
Opening SessionPART I – INSURANCE MARKET BEHAVIORTopic 1: Risk Shifting Using Insurance
Topic 2: Insurance Market Behavior and Failure
Topic 2A Markets with Asymmetric InformationTopic 2B Insurance Company Responses to Consumer Behavior
Morning and Afternoon / Topic 2C Feasibility of InsuranceWEDNESDAY, 6 DEC
MorningAfternoon / Topic 2D Market Structure and Insurance Market Behavior
Topic 3: Insurance Market Behavior and Health Insurance
Topic 4: Health Insurance Environment
THURSDAY, 7 DECMorning and Afternoon
/ Topic 5: Private Health Insurance ProductsTopic 5A: US Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit – A Study of Product Design Problems and Principles
Topic 5B: Private Medical Expense Insurance- Voluntary Health Insurance
Topic 5C: Health Insurance Products and Reinsurance in ChinaTopic 5D: Other Health Insurance Products (Only as Time Allows)
The goal of this a one-week intensive Seminar is to provide attendees with a thorough understanding of economic behavior of insurance markets, and, to apply this understanding to practical problems of health insurance.
The Seminar begins by analyzing characteristic economic market behavior of consumers and insurance companies (Insurance Market Behavior) and the consequences of their behaviors to the feasibility, profitability, and viability of insurance products (Market Failure). Insurance Market Behavior allows us to identify “critical factors” that affect common health insurance products, and, to understand how insurance companies design effective Risk Management Tools to compensate for Market Failure. This behavioral approach to understanding insurance and, more particularly, health insurance, is designed to provide Seminar attendees with a useful theoretical framework and practical conceptual tools needed to design and manage insurance products.
This Seminar covers intermediate to advanced insurance economics and health insurance concepts. It is recommended for actuaries and non-actuaries who:
· Have attended and mastered basic course material covering actuarial mathematics and/or general insurance concepts; or,
· Have practical experience in insurance companies, insurance consulting firms, or public healthcare programs; and,
· Have an interest in improving their understanding of insurance economics and applying this knowledge and their educational and work experience to specific problems of health insurance product development and portfolio management; and,
· Have strong English language reading and listening skills as all the lectures and most of the discussions will be in English.
Our lectures, projects, and readings assume only a basic knowledge of health care financing and health insurance products, although familiarity with health care and health care financing in China is helpful.
This is an intensive learning experience, covering a great deal of material. It is equivalent to a full semester at university. A successful attendee will spend as much time in advance preparation and evening work on readings and projects as time spent attending lectures.
Those attendees who chose to become health practitioners will be able to use information from the Seminar as a solid base upon which to build their health insurance skills. However, additional self-study will be needed to become a competent health actuary.
Enrolment is limited to provide the optimal learning environment.
Actuarial members may find this seminar a useful contribution to their personal professional development. The amount of hours recorded is left to the discretion of the individual. However, a maximum of 15 hours may be counted towards CPD requirements.
Members of the Society of Actuaries should visit the SOA website ( for information on PD credits in due course.
Attendees who need accommodation at Hangzhou Liuying Hotel may make room reservations with the Society of Actuaries of China (see registration form). Lunches and dinners will be provided. Attendees will be responsible for their own hotel accommodation expenses.
Smart casual attire is appropriate for this seminar.
This Seminar requires advanced preparation. A complete set of Lecture Notes, syllabus, Readings and Lecture Resources from this seminar are found in the Health Seminar CD-ROM that will be sent to attendees 4 weeks before the seminar. Attendees should first read the entire syllabus. Immediate attention needs to be given to the Problem Set and to key Seminar readings. Attendees are expected to complete this assignment before the Seminar begins and to hand it in on Day 1 of the seminar. Please print your own copy of each day’s Lecture Notes and bring them with you to reference and to take notes on during class. Please do not change any formats when printing.
Howard J. Bolnick, FSA, MAAA, Hon FIA
Mr. Bolnick is an Adjunct Professor at Northwestern University Kellogg Graduate School of Management where he teaches a course “Risk Bearing Markets and Insurance”. He is a co-founder and Chairman of the Board of InFocus Financial Group, LLC, a venture to develop and to sell health and other innovative insurance products using creative direct response methods. Mr. Bolnick is a Director of Third Coast Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Health Care Service Corp. and a Member of the Board of the Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan.
Throughout his business and professional career, Mr. Bolnick has been heavily involved in health care financing. He has written numerous articles and speaks regularly on health insurance, managed care and health policy subjects. He has served in leadership positions in important professional, trade and civic organizations and is a Past President of the SOA. Mr. Bolnick is recognized as an authority on health care financing matters.
(Please click here for full resume)
There will be teaching assistance from:
Song-Song S. Liao
General Manager Health Development
Munich Reinsurance Co, Beijing
Insurance Market Behavior and
Health Insurance Seminar
Hangzhou, 4 - 8 Dec 2006
R E G I S T E R by 10 Nov 2006
FAX TO 86 10 6607 0927
For overseas delegates, registration fee will be collected in cash at the reception desk on 4 Dec 2006 and a receipt will be issued on-site. To work effectively, kindly bring the exact amount (RMB 2,000).
Registration fee will still be collected for cancellations made after 20 Nov 2006 and for no-shows.
Ms. Donghong Liu, Society of Actuaries of China, c/o Insurance Association of China
No 22 Xijiaominxiang, Xicheng District, Beijing 100031 PRC
Tel: 86 10 6607 0927 (Office) / 1391 021 3582 (Mobile)
Fax: 86 10 6607 0970
Please print clearly:
Name: ______
First Name Last Name
Company: ______
Dept.: ______Job Title: ______
Mailing Address (for CD-rom): ______
Tel: ______Fax: ______Email (compulsory): ______
Actuarial Member of ______Non-member
Hotel Reservation (Hangzhou Liuying Hotel,
Room Type and Rate (inclusive of breakfast and service charge):
Superior Room RMB 488 nett per night
Lake View Superior Room RMB 588 nett per night
Executive Room RMB 588 nett per night
Deluxe Room RMB 588 nett per night
Room Type: ______No. of Room: ______Occupancy: Single / Double*
For double occupancy, please state the other guest’s name: ______
Arrival Date ______Departure Date ______