
Students have the option of seeking academic credit if eligible, but not required by Bryant University. Employers offering unpaid internship related to academic studies are highly recommended to process for academic credit prior to posting. The approval of your unpaid internship will insure that you are in agreement with the Department of Labor's Fair Labor Act and partner with Bryant University.

Unpaid internships must meet the following criteria established by the U.S. Department of Labor's Fair Labor Standards Act: ·

1) The training should be similar to that given in a vocational setting

2)  The experience is for the benefit of the student

3) Students do not displace regular employees

4)  The site sponsor provides the training and receives no immediate advantage from the activities of students

5) Students are not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the training period

6) The site sponsor and student understand that the student is not entitled to wages for the time spent in training.

The employer is held responsible for providing a professional experience and training program that acquaints the student with industry, company and project/task assignments.

Internship Timelines:

The timelines for the fall and spring semester are based on the students' academic calendar.

The Summer timeline is based on employer recruitment needs. Please create your posting deadline within the timeline periods below.

Interested students meeting your qualifications will submit resumes and any other documents you require during the posting period. You have a choice on how to receive the materials:

  1. emailed each day as students apply during the resume collection period

2.  you can access the resumes during the resume collection period

  1. instruct student to apply directly to your website

Recommended Internship Timelines- 2017

Semester / Posting Period / Registration Deadline / Intern Period
Internships posted by employers
Resume Deadline established / Apply to employers requiring credit or
students seeking credit only / Work schedule negotiated between student and employer
Spring / 09/01/16 -02/05/17 / 02/09/17 / Jan.- April
Summer / 09/01/16-05/31/17 / 06/07/17 / June-August
Fall / 07/01/17-09/15/17 / 09/20/17 / Sept.-Dec.

After reviewing the resume(s) please contact the selected student(s) directly to schedule an interview at your site. You are part of the student's educational process on conducting a job search therefore, you are encouraged to contact the student within 3 business days to schedule an interview. However, if your company has a policy on managing interviews, please state the policy in your posting to manage student's expectations.

The Career Center's team looks forward to assisting you to recruit talented Bryant students for the 2016-2017 academic year, as you have done in the past. If you have any questions, please let me know.