Strategies for Development 332-341

  1. How do many governments of LDCs finances development?
  2. What are the two major international lending agencies?
  3. What does the World Bank focus its lending toward?
  4. What are 3 specific things the World Bank made hundreds of loads towards?

New Directions in Development

  1. Revived liberal faith in the market mechanism and the private sector:
  2. What are countries expected to eliminate when they adopt neoliberalism?
  3. What were governments of LDCs asked to do when they adopt neoliberalism?
  4. Does neoliberalism push for low or high taxes?
  5. A composite of skills, habits, schooling, and knowledge that contributes to successful economic development and sustained growth.
  6. Money sent by international migrants back to family members in their home country:
  7. What creates strong migration pressures to move out of Africa?
  8. According to the World Bank, how much worth of remittances were sent in 2011?
  9. Besides meeting basic family needs, what are remittances often used for when transferred to poor countries?

Development prospects read

Challenges and Opportunities Facing Developing Countries

  1. What are some major challenges facing developing countries?

Foreign debt

  1. What types of things do LDCs spend borrowed money on?
  2. How can a development project be considered a failure?
  3. How is development money lost?
  4. What are programs called that force governments to eliminate tariffs and reduce spending on education, health care and social services to get them to pay off their debts?

Land ownership

  1. Why are squatter settlements vulnerable to slum clearance?
  2. What is the most essential resource in rural agricultural societies?
  3. What does population growth in the developing world increase?
  4. What is the redistribution of arable land to farm workers called?
  5. Who are often the most disadvantaged segment in the poorest countries in the world?

Gender inequality

  1. In the cultural sense, a reference to socially created distinctions between femininity and masculinity:
  2. Where has gender related contrasts been reduced?
  3. As women’s agricultural productive role declined, they were afforded ______domestic authority, ______control over their own lives, and ______property rights.
  4. What does it mean “women gained greater control over their fertility”?
  5. Where are women paid less than men for comparable employment?
  6. What two regions have a low economically active female population? Why?
  7. Is there a higher percentage of women working in South Asia or the Middle East?
  8. Looking at figure 10.22, what is the largest country with less than 25% of the adult women active in the labor force?

Read Empowering Women Financially on p. 338

Alternative measures of development and well being

  1. What does HDI stand for?
  2. What 3 statistics are included in the HDI?
  3. What does GEM stand for?
  4. What region dominates the top of the GEM rankings?
  5. What region has the lowest ranked countries of the GEM rankings?

Does Foreign Aid Help? Answer questions 1-4 on p. 334-335