1. Public Session: No members of the public were present.

2.Acceptance of Apologies: Apologies were received from Councillors Woolley, Davies, Ferguson and Shropshire Councillor Lea. Present Councillors Haines, Barratt, Fielding, Morris, Millman and Elcock.

3. Dispensations: None.

4. Approve theMinutes of the meeting held on Tuesday12th May 2015. It was RESOLVED to sign and approve the minutes if the meeting held on Tuesday 12th May 2015. Councillor Fielding Confirmed he would continue to be vice chair and represent the Parish Council on the educational charity.

5. Matters arising: a. memorial book and storage. Councillor Millman is still working on this project. Maximum cost is likely to be £100.00

6. Planning: a. see between meetings: 15/01908/VAR Affordable Dwelling adjacent to High Clere Nordley Bridgnorth. Variation of condition nos 8 & 9 attached to planning permission14/04348/FUL (tree protection) to allow for an amendment for removal of trees. no objection.

b. Decisions:None.

c. Consider change of planning policy. It was RESOLVED to adopt the amended planning policy.

d. Place plan review. Noted.

7. Shropshire Council Report: Councillor Parr arrived at the meeting in time to report, Shropshire Council had arranged for over grown trees to be cut back between Cantreyn and Stanley Lane. The Triangle is being cut on an adhoc basis and not to a lawn standard. Councillor Parr has obtained the information required to confirm Shropshire Council has the 5 year land supply required to keep to the development plan.

8. Car park: a. Update. The car park is looking in good condition.

9. Shropshire Council Local Joint Committee: The meeting discussed youth provision. The funds available are likely to be used to fund two youth sessions at the building on Innage Lane one for 10-12 year olds and one for 13-15 year olds. There is a move to make this building a community asset. There is a rurality element of £1000.00 to support opportunities in rural areas. The group are working with local stakeholders and trawling for bids to supply the service. The place plan review was discussed. There are likely to be more meetings of parish and town councillors and Shropshire Councillors rather than public meetings.

10.Finance:Invoices to pay: It was RESOLVED to payVJ Knowles £150.00.

b. change of signatories. Noted.

c. consider grant to Astley Abbotts PCC. It was RESOLVED to grant £600.00 as a one off increase. Clerk to emphasis this is a one off. Clerk will also offer councillors as volunteers for clean up days if required for a can and cake.

d. Highways Maintenance grant received £3000.00. Noted.

11.Highways Maintenance. a. Clerk to give chair Mr Wentworth’s number again. Councillors asked to water planter. Councillor Morris was thanked for the excellent work she had done. She ahs also volunteered to do a litter pick along B4373 along with Councillor Barratt.

12. Correspondence: a. The Forum. Noted.

b. Clerks and Councils direct. Noted.

13.Points from the parish including highways and police matters. There has been an attempted burglary at Bould Farm. A transit van with false number plates. Clerk to find out about repair to the potholes highlighted in yellow.

14. Date of the next scheduled Tuesday8th September 2015. The meeting was declared closed at 8.30pm.