LACE Awards Nominee Questionnaire

CONGRATULATIONS on being nominated for the GWBC®2015 LACE AwardsCORPORATION OF THE YEAR.
This award will be presented to a current GWBC Corporation that has created significant advancement in breaking down barriers that impede WBEs from gaining fair access to procurement opportunities. The Award Winner will be honored for various initiatives and processes it has launched to increase its relationship and spending with WBE suppliers, including supplier development activities, financial assistance, and strategic alliance counseling.

Note: The Company must be an active member of GWBC and demonstrate participation and financial support.

To help us make a fair and equitable selection, please complete the following according to the 2014 calendar/fiscal year. All submitted information is kept strictly confidential and is destroyed after all award selections are finalized.


- 2014 LACE Awards Winner’s DO NOT qualifyin their Winning Category for 2015 Nominations or Applications.

- All questions must be answered. Failure to answer all questions or to complete the application in its entirety will automatically disqualify the applicant.

- Please do not leave any requested questions or information blank (e.g. email addresses, company name, contact, etc.)

- Please limit your responses to all open-ended questions to 500 words ONLY.

- Completed applicationMUST be received by GWBC by 5 PM, Monday, October 19, 2015. (No extensions will be granted.)

- Please email your application to ONLY. Any questions about the application should also be directed to this email address.

Section 1: Checklist

1. Complete all sections and questions in their entirety.

2. Submit a high-res color headshot, in JPEG format.*

3. Submit a high-res company logo, in JPEG or EPS format.*

*Please email your headshot and company logo in high-res format to .

Section 2: Required Signature

Company Name:

Nominee Name:

*By typing your full name, you agree that the foregoing statements and submittals of information are true and correct and include all materials necessary to identify and explain the information responses. The undersigned also agrees to hold GWBC harmless in any claim arising out of this nominee application and agrees to indemnify the GWBC for any liabilities.

Nominee Signature*:

Section 3: Nominee Questionnaire

ITEM 1: General Nominee Information


Business Address:

Is company in good standing?______YES______NO

If Your Company is selectedas the Award Winner, Who Will Accept the Award on The Company’s Behalf?

Full Name:



ITEM 2:References

Please list 3 GWBC WBE Suppliers who can attest to the benefits from and participation in your WBE supplier-diversity, supply-chain and procurement program.Reference letters can be submitted, if available.

Reference 1




Reference 2




Reference 3




ITEM 3: WBE Purchasing History

Please provide a record of corporate purchasing history from GWBC women-owned businesses.Please supply names of businesses for each year noted.



WBE Company Name


WBE Company Name


WBE Company Name



WBE Company Name


WBE Company Name


WBE Company Name



WBE Company Name


WBE Company Name


WBE Company Name

ITEM 4: Please answer the three (3) questions below.

  1. Provide evidence of your company’s formal supplier diversity initiative—specific plan, approach, education, etc.(Please limit to less than 500 words ONLY)
  1. Include the names and responsibilities of each staff person or departments assigned to the task of purchasing from women-owned businesses. Describe the procurement opportunities provided.
    (Please limit to less than 500 words ONLY)
  1. List the organizations that your corporation participates and retains membership in that may impact women entrepreneurs. Please provide a brief overview of your involvement for each.

(Please limit to less than 500 words ONLY )

Completed applicationMUST be received by GWBC by 5 PM, MondayOctober 19, 2015. (No extensions will be granted.) Please email your application and all additional materials if applicable to ONLY. Any questions about the application should also be directed to this email address.

Thank You for Your Participation and Support of GWBC!

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