Board of Education


Regular Meeting

June 13, 2016


President of the Board, Phillip Hyde called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 p.m.

Board Members Present: Case, Childers, Hyde, Rossman, Vusich and Williams

Board Members Absent: Grover

Welcome and Introduction of Guests was conducted by President Hyde, as we ask Board Members, Administrators, and the Audience to introduce themselves. Those in attendance were:

Kevin Mikulka Jeremy Winsor Debra Acker Debbie Dayringer

Graham Salogar Kevin Sherrick Jorae Arrington Jennifer Upton

Mike Myers Paul Avery Eli Arrington Greg Wolfe

Paul Hungerford Emily McCracken Cheryl Wiseman Daymond Grifka

Approval of Agenda:

Motion by Williams, support by Case that the June 13th, 2016 agenda be approved as printed. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval of Minutes

Motion by Williams, support by Case that the Board approves the minutes of the regular meeting of

May 9th, 2016 as printed. Motion carried unanimously.

Communication to the Board

Written Correspondence - None

Comments and Concerns of Citizens Presents - None

Good News About Our Schools

Food Service Director – Mrs. Dayringer

·  During May and June sack lunches were provided for student field trips.

·  Staff Appreciation Open House was held May 11th. Menu created, food prepared and served.

·  Four end of the year cookouts were held. Thank you to Mr. Avery, Mr. Baxter and Mr.Wolfe for grilling all the hot dogs. Five hundred foot long hot dogs were grilled and served.

·  Meals served to approximately 100 parents for the Elementary Fun Run.

·  Preparing for the start of summer Latchkey and the Meet Up and Eat Up program that will be available this year.

Buildings, Grounds, and Transportation - Mr. Wolfe

·  Staff working on summer time projects.

·  Cleaning of the buildings is underway.

·  The construction project is currently on time for completion.

Community Education - Mr. Myers

·  Graduation went well overall and we had 53 that walked. It’s an excellent experience for the students.

·  Several parents came up to staff to say “Thank you” for what all the staff does to prepare students for this night.

·  Total 94 students have graduated this year so far - hoping to reach 100 by June 30, 2016.

On line

·  We have been getting computers back and are working to update them and then return them to students to continue their educational endeavor this summer.

Middleton Alternative & Adults

·  The new adult computer cart is being used by the adult students on a regular basis.

·  The new library that Amber set up is being utilized by adults and alternative students. It is good to see students wanting to read and not just looking at their phones.

·  We obtained a large number of books from a Title ID program that was closing in St. Johns.

·  Students had a great time looking through the titles. It was very exciting to see their interest.

·  Summer school program began with over 29 students who have shown an interest in attending. This program will run until end of August.

·  There is also an online program during this time frame so students can continue to work towards graduation.

·  The COED FAAE softball team finished the season 6-3. We had as many as 19 coed players participate.

Jail Programs

·  We are currently working to complete 2016-2017 school year grants for the three jail programs.

Elementary School – Mr. Avery

·  The weather was great for all the scheduled Field days which made them a lot of fun.

·  Summer Birthdays were celebrated with pencils.

·  The Wacky/Fun Run was a huge success again this year.

·  2016-2017 Orientation dates are:

·  Elementary Students – August 30, 2016 – 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Kindergarten Students - August 31st, 2016 – 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

The Elementary PTO held their annual last day of school luncheon.

·  The summer latchkey program had 20 children today. This program is open to all kids.

·  Data is being reviewed for the illuminate program.

High School/Middle School - Mr. Hungerford

Middle School

·  The middle school staff held spring orientation meetings for the 6th grade students and their parents.

High School

·  Graduation was a success. We received many compliments from students, parents and extended family members.

·  Teacher Evaluations are complete for this year.

·  At this time, we are going to wait until mid-August to build the Master Schedule due to the unpredictable variables associated with online students, etc. Student schedules will be available the week of 8/29/16.

·  Ms. Beadlescomb is reviewing the step needed to allow Fulton students the ability to earn from 3-6 college credits more than are currently available.

·  Thank you to Mrs. Dayringer and Mr. Wolfe for the cookout.

·  Thank you to Mrs. Buck and the Freshman class for organizing the Color run. There were 50 participants in the run/walk.

·  2016-2017 Orientation dates:

Middle School – August 29, 2016 – 6:00 p.m.

Freshman – August 30, 2016 – 6:00 p.m.

Superintendent’s Informational Reports

Salmon Release Project

Jeremy Winsor and Kevin Sherrick presented to the Board an overview of the Salmon Release Project and it’s cross curricular components.

Graduation Date for the Class of 2017

Sunday, May 21, 2017 is the graduation date for the Class of 2017. The last day for seniors will be

May 17, 2017.

District School Improvement Team

Mr. Grifka reviewed the items covered in the May 24th, 2016 District Improvement Team Meeting.

Sinking Fund Project Update

Mr. Grifka will shareed an update on the Fulton HS/MS Addition and Remodeling Project.

Board of Education Reports and/or Action

Student Handbooks

*Mr. Hungerford – High/Middle School *Mr. Podolak - Athletic Handbook

Mr. Avery - Elementary School *Mr. Myers - Adult/Alternative Education

*No Changes

Motion by Childers, support by Vusich that the Board approves the first reading of the 2016-2017 Elementary School Handbooks as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

MHSAA Resolution

Motion by Case, support by Rossman, that the Fulton Schools adopt the resolution joining the Michigan High School Athletic Association for the 2016-2017 school year as presented and approves related interscholastic participation and all travel associated with such membership. Motion carried unanimously.
Recommendations of the Superintendent

Personnel Action

Employment Resignation

High/Middle School Secretary

Motion by Williams, support by Vusich that the Board accepts the letter of retirement/resignation from High/Middle School Secretary, Cheri Lounds effective June 30, 2016 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Assistant Preschool Teacher

Motion by Case, support by Williams that the Board accepts the letter of resignation from Assistant Preschool Teacher Jeanine Smith effective June 10, 2016 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Employment Recommendations

Summer Latch Key Food Service Extra Hours

The summer Latch Key program will be running a breakfast program which will require a Food Service staff member to work an additional three (3) hours during the days the Latch Key Program is in session. Mrs. Gloria Dunkel has accepted the additional hours. Mrs. Dayringers letter of recommendation is enclosed.

Continued Probationary Status Recommendations

3rd Year Probation 4th Year Probation 5th Year Probation

Emily Feehery Donnalee Quiaoit Emily McCracken

Anthony Wetmore

Motion by Case, support by Williams, that the Board grant 3rd year probationary status to Emily Feehery; 4th year probationary status to Donnalee Quiaoit, and Anthony Wetmore; 5th year probationary status to Emily McCracken as presented. Rossman abstained. Motion carried.

Recommendation for Tenure

Motion by Case, support by Williams that the Board of Education grants Tenure status to Sarah Nevins as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Fall Coaching 2016-2017

Varsity Cheerleading

Varsity Head – Carrie Kirkpatrick


Varsity Head – Tracy Beadlescomb

JV – Pat Roof

MS Coach (7th Grade) – Cari Smith

MS Coach (8th Grade) – Holly Malek

Cross Country

Varsity Head Boys & Girls – Janae Yeoman

MS Boys & Girls – Jeff Biddinger


Varsity Head – John Lewis Varsity Assistant Head JV – Posted

Varsity Assistant – Dave Sheahan Varsity Assistant – Joel Gillespie

Varsity Assistant – Cory Reynolds Volunteer – Zach Baker

Volunteer – Jeff Waldron Volunteer – Gavin Buckovick

Volunteer – Wil Germain

Middle School Head – Adam Mager

Middle School – David Winsor

Motion by Case, support by Williams that the Board employs the coaching and volunteer coaching recommendations as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

$250,000 Capital Improvement Loan Update

We sent out bid information to seven (7) area banks with a deadline for bids of June 1, 2016. We received

three (3) bids and accepted the lowest bid from Isabella Bank with an interest rate of 0.99%. A copy of

the bid acceptance sheet is enclosed.

Financial Statements and Bills

Motion by Case, support by Childers, that the May Financial Statements for the Athletics in the amount of $3,446.95, for the invoices in the amount of $206,527.24 and for the payroll in the amount $467,391.53 be paid. Motion carried unanimously.

Sinking Fund Expenditures

Motion by Case, support by Childers, that the Board approves the payment of expenditures in the amount of $293,037.92 from the sinking fund as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Other Matters for Possible Action

Closed Session – “Public Act 267 of 1976 – Open Meetings Act” – 8C Negotiations Discussion

Motion by Case, support by Vusich that the Board move to meet in closed session pursuant to Sections 8(c) of the Michigan Open Meetings Act, MCL 15.268(a), to consider upcoming negotiations at 8:10 p.m. Roll call vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Williams, support by Case that the Board moves out of closed session at 9:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Rossman, support by Case that the regular June meeting of the Board of Education be adjourned at 9:01 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deana Grover Cheryl Wiseman

Board Secretary Recording Secretary