Theatre Objectives -September 5- September 8

TEKS: Inquiry and Understanding:

(A)develop characterization based onsensory and emotional recall;

(B)expand body awareness and spatial perceptions using mime;

(C)respond to sounds, music, images, and the written word, incorporating movement;

(D)develop an understanding of the mechanisms of vocal production;

(E)identify theatrical vocabulary and terminology, including basic anatomy of theatre spaces; and

(F)identify the structure and form in examples of dramatic literature.

Monday- Labor Day!

Tuesday September 5- TSW will continue to present their personal monologues to the class from friday. If time permits, we will begin our Trust Exercise. (see Wed.)

Wednesday- TSW begin to understand working in theatre is all about trusting your collaborators. They must trust their fellow actors will learn their lines, move when they are supposed to , rehearse until a scene is as good as it can get, and perform as well as they possibly can! In turn, they place their trust in me!

Today we will do the bind walk. One person will blindfold himself or herself while their partner leads them around the school. This exercise is intended to build trust and allow each person to use his or her senses more fully. Closing: The students will reflect openly about their experiences in this activity.

Thursday- TSW continue to work on trust and cooperation today. Today the students are going to make a machine. The students will work together to create the various parts and sound effects of a machine. They can choose a realistic machine or make up a new one- imaginary. Each person’s voice and body should play a significant part in the machine. This exercise not only continues to build trust but cooperation and enhance imagination and creativity.

Friday- TSW be introduced to Konstantin Stanislavski and will learn about his contributions to acting and theatre. Students will dissect the following quote from Stanislavsky “Live truthfully in imaginary circumstances” to gain an understanding of what it means. Students will then produce their very own quote to be hung on the wall of fame in the classroom. Students will be introduced to the following terms: Adrenaline, Articulation, Pliable, Professionals, Routine, Stage Fright, Vocalizing, Conscious, Observation, Recall, Sense memory, Spontaneous, Subconscious and Visualize.