Notes about what is happening with Marketing Hometown America – Make it Litchfield
The following projects were identified through the study circles
Litchfield on the web
We met on April 26th. Troy Bruning is crafting a prototype for a potential website to display at the Business Expo on May 6th. Other members of the group are gathering photos, talking to other stakeholders who have a presence on the web that represent Litchfield in any capacity. A display to include the prototype website, and two posters used to gather community information and hopefully buy in. We are talking about how to house and fund
A website. No upcoming meeting scheduled to date
We had a mockup of the website available at the Business Showcase on May 6.
Sharing the Positive Stories
This group has met and found three stories to start working with.
Rec/Wellness Center
This group has met several times and have joined forces with a group of Blandin participants to garner support. They will be presenting at the Litchfield City Council meeting on August 7
Visitor Center
The Meeker County Economic Development and Litchfield Chamber of Commerce have met a few times to discuss combining efforts into one location and to create a Visitor Center/ Welcome center concept.
Bike/Walking Activities
Committee met in early May but do not have notes from that meeting
Dog Park
Email went out We will meet at the Library on Wednesday, May 24 from 6:30 to 8 PM. Tentative agenda:
I. Introductions
II. Brainstorming ideas for equipment/amenities
III. Brainstorming ideas for rules and/or use of the park
IV. Volunteer/assign co-chair/leaders of committee
V. Fundraising
VI. Other
VII. Set next meeting date and task to be completed
If you know of any others who are interested, please invite them. I am excited to delve into this project and improve our city's dog park!!! Please bring any information you may have that will help move this forward. No additional notes available
City Parks
Initially we need to evaluate, or take a “snapshot in time, “of our parks. Request to Litchfield City Council to complete this by 9/1/17. Work is being completed with a result to be presented after Sept. 1.
Beautify Litchfield
April 25th a small group met to discuss what the group wanted to accomplish. We need more members and will have a signup sheet at the Community Celebration May 6. There were a few new members added from the Business Showcase sign up. This group is taking the summer months off and will resume this fall to work with the downtown businesses to help clean up back alleyways to give better access to back entries when the HWY 12 project is being worked on.
Community Connections
Meeker Economic Development and the Chamber of Commerce has met with Meeker
County to begin talking about sharing a location, the school district has new administration which will increase the community connections. The city has not been able to participate in some of the interaction. This group will continue to try and get a quarterly meeting of City, School, County and Chamber.
Senior Living
Meeker Economic Development completed the Housing study and the results showed a need for senior housing options. MED has presented to each city the study and is currently working with a developer to bring affordable senior housing to our area.
National Night Out
This group has worked hard to develop 4 additional locations for the National Night Out, August 1. The action team is encouraging households to turn on their front porch lights, lock their doors and spend an evening in our local parks getting to know their neighbors and building better relationships with law enforcement and first responders. The 5 locations for 2017 have sponsors for each that will host the evening, provide activities and food for neighborhoods to get together. There group hopes to continue and add to the project next year.
Update as of July 2017