The Soaring Eagles 4-H Club Secretary’s Report

October 2, 2016

The meeting was called to order by former President, April Pabst, on October 2, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. at the Prairie View Elementary School. Flags for pledges were lead by Grace Hall. Co-leaders Sally Pabst and Lavon Augustine welcomed all the members and new members to the club to a new 4-H year. There were 21 members in attendance. The Secretary and Treasurer reports were read and.


Our club made and gave the blankets to the Ronald McDonald House. We had a very successful time making and taking projects to the Pierce County Fair. April Pabst hosted a record book workshop in August after the fair. The historians also met to make our Historian Book.


The by-laws were read and amended. Officer positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer will need to have had one year prior 4-H club membership. Club elections were held, the officer positions will be held by President - Emma Augustine, Vice President – Harmony Renk, Secretary – Mara Adams, Treasurer – Brianna Hove, Co-reporters - Abigail Michels and Mya Petersen, and Historians - Maleah Petersen, Cianna Hall, Madison Bowen, and Nina Augustine.

The club focus area for the year was voted to be recreation. The club dues will be $5.00 per child. All other new business was tabled to the next meeting (fundraising ideas and the club calendar). Our club is planning on being in the volleyball tournament again this year. Happy Birthdays were given to Trevor Doerty, Madison Bowen, Miles Petersen, Nathan Augustine, and Annika Hall. Fair checks will be handed out at the schools this year. Club awards were presented.

The next meeting will be on Sunday November 1st at 4 p.m. at the Prairie View Elementary School. Abigail Michaels made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Cianna Hall seconded it. The meeting was adjourned by new President Emma Augustine.