Saturday, June 28, 2008 / Sunday, June 29, 2008
9:00 A.M. / 9:00 A.M
Judge:Tammy Tootle, Columbus, OH / Judge: Elaine Schott, Lexington, KY / Judge:Elaine Schott, Lexington, KY / Judge:Tammy Tootle, Columbus, OH
  1. Walk trot eq. poles 8 & under
  1. Special Hunter U/S
  1. Walk trot eq. poles 8 & under
  1. Low Jumper

  1. Walk trot equitation poles 8 & under
  1. Intermediate Child Hunter U/S
  1. Walk trot eq poles 8 & under
  1. Inter. Child/Adult Jumper

  1. Walk trot equitation poles 9+
  1. Intermediate Adult Hunter U/S
  1. Walk trot eq poles 9+
  1. Inter.Child/Adult Jumper

  1. Walk trot equitation poles 9+
  1. Special Hunter O/F
  1. Walk trot eq poles 9+
  1. Hopeful Jumper

  1. Walk trot eq. 8 & under Flat
  1. Special Hunter O/F
/ 119. Parent’s Walk trot eq. Poles* /
  1. Child/Adult Jumper

  1. Walk trot equitation 9+ Flat
  1. Intermediate Child Hunter O/F
/ 120. Parent’s Walk trot eq. Poles * /
  1. Child/Adult Jumper

  1. X rail Eq O/F 9 &under
  1. Intermediate Child Hunter O/F
/ 121. Parent’s Walk trot flat * /
  1. Schooling Training Jumper

  1. X rail Eq O/F 9 &under
  1. Intermediate Adult Hunter O/F
  1. X rail Eq O/F 9 &under
  1. Special Hunter O/F

  1. X rail Eq O/F 10+
  1. Intermediate Adult Hunter O/F
  1. X rail Eq O/F 9 &under
  1. Special Hunter O/F

  1. X rail Eq O/F 10+
  1. Low Hunter U/S
  1. X rail Eq O/F 10+
  1. Intermediate Child Hunter O/F

  1. Lead Line
  1. Pre Green Hunter U/S
  1. X rail Eq O/F 10+
  1. Intermediate Child Hunter O/F

116. Parent’s X rail Eq. O/F* /
  1. Child/ Adult Hunter U/S
  1. X rail Eq flat 9 & under
  1. Intermediate Adult Hunter O/F

117. Parent’s X rail Eq. O/F* /
  1. Open Hunter U/S
  1. X rail Eq flat 10+
  1. Intermediate Adult Hunter O/F

118. Parent’s X rail Eq. Flat* /
  1. Low Hunter O/F
  1. 18” Equitation verticals O/F
  1. Intermediate Child/Adult Eq.

  1. 18” Equitation Flat
  1. Low Hunter O/F
  1. 18” Equitation verticals O/F
  1. Combined Eq 12- Adult O/F

  1. 18” Equitation verticals O/F
  1. Pre Green Hunter O/F
  1. Very Low Hunter O/F
  1. OHJA MEDAL 12-Adult 2’6/3’/3’6

  1. 18” Equitation verticals O/F
  1. Pre Green Hunter O/F
  1. Very Low Hunter O/F
  1. Inter. Child/Adult Eq Flat

  1. Very Low Hunter U/S
  1. Child/ Adult Hunter O/F
  1. Beginner Rider Hunter O/F
  1. Combined Eq 12-Adult Flat

  1. Beginner Rider Hunter U/S
  1. Child/ Adult Hunter O/F
  1. Limit Hunter Rider O/F
  1. Low Hunter O/F

  1. Very Low Hunter O/F
  1. Open Hunter O/F
  1. Limit Equitation O/F
  1. Low Hunter O/F

  1. Very Low Hunter O/F
  1. Open Hunter O/F
  1. Short Stirrup Hunter O/F
  1. Pre Green Hunter O/F

  1. Beginner Rider Hunter O/F
  1. Low Jumper
  1. Short Stirrup Eq O/F
  1. Pre Green Hunter O/F

  1. Beginner Rider Hunter O/F
  1. Low Jumper
  1. Eq 11 & under O/F
  1. Child/ Adult Hunter O/F

  1. Short Stirrup Hunter U/S
  1. Intermediate Child/Adult Jumper
  1. OHJA 2’ Medal
  1. Child/ Adult Hunter O/F

  1. Limit Rider Hunter U/S
  1. Hopeful Jumper
  1. Limit Eq Flat
  1. Open Hunter

  1. Short Stirrup Hunter O/F
  1. Hopeful Jumper
  1. Eq 11 & under Flat
  1. Open Hunter

  1. Short Stirrup Hunter O/F
  1. Child/Adult Jumper
  1. Short Stirrup Eq Flat

  1. Limit Rider Hunter O/F
  1. Schooling Training Jumper
  1. Pony Hunter U/S

  1. Limit Rider Hunter O/F
  1. Schooling Training Jumper
  1. Limit Hunter Horse/Pony U/S

  1. Pony Hunter Fences
  1. Pony Hunter Fences

  1. Pony Hunter Fences
/ Additional Classes:
Please join us in celebrating Cincinnati
Therapeutic riders. Many riders will participate in a demonstration beginning 11 AM on Saturday. Exhibition will be held at the parking lot end of the schooling arena
A silent auction will be held over the course of the weekend. Lots of fun stuff! Proceeds to benefit Cinti Therapeutic Riding /
  1. Pony Hunter Fences

  1. Limit Hunter Horse/Pony O/F
  1. Limit Hunter Horse/Pony O/F

  1. Limit Hunter Horse/Pony O/F
  1. Limit Hunter Horse/Pony O/F

Windfall policies
Management reserves the right to combine cancel or divide classes as entries
Helmets & appropriate foot wear to be worn when mounted.
Dogs must be leashed or contained at all times. $50 fine for unleashed dogs
Windfall Farm LLC, property owners, management, official, or employees
will not be liable for any loss, damage or injuries to persons, property
or animals during the show or on the grounds at any time.
This horse show is operated in accordance with the current rules of OHJA, KHJA &
Tri StateHorse Show associations. To be eligible for year end awards owner & rider must Members and the horse must be registered w/ the association
* These classes designated for parents of our exhibitors. Appropriate foot ware and helmets required. Chaps & ½ chaps are OK.
Jackets & breeches not required.
SAT/SUN: 7- 8:45 AM
Xrails 8:30 - 8:45 W/T 8:45-8:55
Jumpers (sun) Course walk 8:30 – 8:45
Fees:Classes: $20 except lead line $17
Schooling: $30 Shavings: $8
Tack/stalls (limited) $80 (I clean)
$50 u clean/strip at end of show
Camper(electric only) $10 nite
Non Showing horse with stall $100 +
Schooling & stall fees
Returned check fee $25
Entry & schooling fees should be made payable to Cinti Therapeutic riding
Please provide a separate check to Windfall Farm for stabling/shavings fees.
Show Manager: Erica Staib


Course Design: Jeremy Sims
Blacksmith: Mike Blankenship (sat)
Don Tombaugh (Sunday)
Office Staff, Announcer, Ribbons, Secretary & Jump Crew : Pam Schimweg, Andy Deyo, Jane Schimweg, Nicole Schimweg & Karen Dale
Vet on Call: Lebanon equine
Ring Masters: Deb Wulfhorst,
Sarah Krings & Marion Maybank