September 21, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Vaun D. Ryan.
A roll call was taken which showed council members Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum present. Mayor Ryan stated that the meeting was a regularly called meeting and that notice of the time, place and agenda of the meeting had been provided to the local news media and to each member of the governing body.
Others present included City Manager Justin Johnson, City Recorder Carolyn Wilcken, Roger Eschler, Jean Liddell, Geoff Liesik, Kirk Wentworth, Sam Torgerson, Jared Robinson, John Pack, Laurita Keel.
Opening prayer was given by Councilman Dave Labrum.
A motion was made by Councilman Lane Yack to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 7, 2010, as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilman David Labrum. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion was carried unanimously.
Swimming Pool Manager Kirk Wentworth came before Council to report on the pool operations this season. Although the pool needs to be replaced, the repairs that were done enabled the pool to be kept open and operating all summer. Kirk handed out a report showing the use of the pool by all Basin residents. Kirk will attend the public meetings scheduled to discuss bonding for the the new pool.
Those attending the ULCT conference included Mayor Vaun Ryan, Councilmember David Labrum, City Manager Justin Johnson, and City Recorder Carolyn Wilcken. David Labrum reported that he felt it was very beneficial and the session he felt most useful was done by League attorney David Church. Justin Johnson reported that he would like to pursue a relationship with Economic Development Corporation of Utah which is a firm that assists in development of private business. Carolyn Wilcken reported on attending a session discussing the use of technology and how it can be used to assist cities and towns communicate better with their residents. However, a city should be wise in how they use this technology and take steps to protect the content and use. Mayor Ryan reported that Roosevelt City was mentioned in two
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sessions, one relating to water issues and the other being the lawsuit between Duchesne County and individuals who were trying to put in a youth home. Mayor Ryan also reported on a discussion involving the merits of the open meeting requirements versus being able to discuss things freely and openly without the issues being broadcast or published prematurely.
Sam Torgerson of Freedom Construction came before Council requesting an out-of-city water connection to be located at 1000 North about 2100 West next to but not part of the Royal Stewart Subdivision. After review and discussion, a motion was made by Councilman David Labrum to approve this request. Motion seconded by Councilman Guy Coleman. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion was carried unanimously.
John Pack came before Council requesting a ¾” out-of-city water connection to be located at 698 North 260 West on Lot 10 in the Royal Stewart Subdivision. After review and discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Lane Yack to approve this request. Motion seconded by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion was carried unanimously.
Lance Denver could not be present and asked to be put on the next agenda.
City Manager Justin Johnson reported that he will send information to Council on suggested projects for this list. Some of the items are carried over from the previous year. Council needs to let Justin know if they would like anything added.
As the engineers could not be present, this matter will be scheduled at the next meeting.
City Manager Justin Johnson reported that he has received a letter from Duchesne County Commissioners requesting a $94,215.00 payment for the 200 North project change orders. Council believes commitments were made and need to be honored even though the City believed the matter to have been previously resolved through road work done next to the Uintah Basin Medical Center.
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Laurita Keel came before Council asking that the mandatory secondary hookup fee of $500 over a two year period instead of the one year time period. After review and discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Guy Coleman to approve this request due to her financial circumstances and formulate criteria for who will qualify in the future. Motion seconded by Councilman Robet Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion was carried unanimously. Dave Woolstenhulme stated that he would like to have a planning meeting scheduled to address the secondary system and how it will be implemented throughout town.
A motion was made by Councilman Guy Coleman to go into an executive session to discuss a matter of litigation and at the end of the discussion, return back into regular session. Motion seconded by Councilman Lane Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion carried unanimously.
David Labrum didn’t have anything to report.
Lane Yack expressed concern with standing water near the junior high and possible liability. Lane also stated that he hopes we are doing good planning for future growth.
Guy Coleman didn’t have anything to report.
Dave Woolstenhulme didn’t have anything to report.
Robert Yack didn’t have anything to report.
Mayor Ryan reported that the maintenance building for Parks and Recreation is finished.
A motion was made by Councilman Dave Woolstenhulme to approve the following purchase orders. Motion seconded by Councilman David Labrum. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion carried unanimously.
55658 / Western Petroleum / $ 7,655.8455888 / K.R. Whiting Construction / 1000.00
55345 / Utah Community Planners / 2,400.00
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55598 / JF Excavation / 16,837.8055951 / Val's Body & Paint Shop, Inc. / 2,761.87
55884 / Questar Gas / 1,244.68
53691 / Horrocks Engineers / 34,550.88
53689 / Pelorus / 2,500.00
55771 / Air Petro Corp. / 19,631.15
55772 / Vaisala / 4,200.00
55774 / Yamaha Motor Corporation / 6,776.18
53685 / Rocky's Place, Inc. / 1,067.30
53686 / Fireworks West International / 10,272.31
53687 / Mabey,Wright & James,LLC / 10,006.00
53688 / Utah Dept Of Workforce Services / 2261.32
53690 / Dell / 4620.68
Utah Local Governments Trust / 2049.38
Strata Networks / 2,957.88
TOTAL / $132,793.27
Roger Eschler reported that there is approximately three and one-half weeks left of secondary water before it will be turned off for the season.
A motion was made by Councilman Guy Coleman to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Councilman Lane Yack. Those voting Aye were Lane Yack, Guy Coleman, Robert Yack, Dave Woolstenhulme, and David Labrum. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Vaun D. Ryan, Mayor
Carolyn Wilcken, Recorder