WebVoyage Committee

Approved Minutes

9-11am April 16, 2014


Voyager Version: 7.2.5

1. Call to Order: Hasegawa 9:02am

Present: Kris Anderson / UH Mānoa Sinclair, Catherine Bye (for Brian Huffman) / Law, Carolyn Dennison / UH Mānoa SciTech, Alphie Garcia / UH West O‘ahu, Michael Gmelin / Kauai CC (via phone), Carol Hasegawa / Honolulu CC (Chair), Carol Kellett / Systems Office, Mariko Kershaw / Windward CC, Dongyun Ni / UH Mānoa Cataloging Dept., Annie Thomas / Kapi‘olani CC, Ralph Toyama / Leeward CC, Kathleen Stacey / UH Hilo (via phone), Daniel Saulean / Hawaii Medical Library, Angela Lee / JABSOM, Tara Severns / Library Council Liaison

Absent: Thora Abarca / UH Hilo, Laurel Gregory / UH West Hawai‘i Center, P. Huston Ladner / UH Mānoa TIM, Lisa Sepa / UH Maui College, BJ Short / Bishop Museum, Sachi Kawaiaea / Honolulu Museum of Art, Jennifer Beamer / Student Representative, Dore Minatodani / UH Manoa Hawaiian Pacific

2. March 19, 2014 Minutes (Toyama)

Minutes approved with the corrections sent via email.

3. Committee Liaison/Representative Reports

a. UH Library Council Liaison to WebVoyage (Severns)

Hasegawa introduced Severns and explained her role on the committee.

b. Review of Integrated Library Systems (RILS) Committee (Garcia)

The RILS Committee convened on April 7, 2014. The committee is currently collecting feedback, which will be used to create a survey that will in turn gather more specific feedback. The next meeting is scheduled May 5, 2014. The committee will create a wiki, where committee documents will be made available to everyone.

Next Action: WebVoyage Committee members may email feedback to Garcia through April 21, 2014.

4. Unfinished Business

a. Voyager

i. Voyager Login Redesign Implementation Status (Kellett)

Next Action: Kellett will implement by the next WebVoyage meeting (May 28).

ii. Voyager 8 Available on Test Server for Review (Kellett)

Kellett emailed two links to the committee to test Voyager 8 that did not work (due to a firewall issue). Use the second link, which was fixed this morning.

Next Action: Committee members may test out Voyager 8 and give feedback at the next WebVoyage meeting.

b. Primo

i. Results List Numbering (Hasegawa)

A Primo patch caused the results list numbering to disappear. Kim at the Systems Office fixed it.

ii. Primo Central Index (PCI) Collection List (Kellett)

Kellett posted the most recent list to the WebVoyage Laulima site. Kellett reported that Ex Libris updates the list every quarter. If library staff come across an unwanted title in PCI, email to remove.

iii) Link to Resource that goes to UHM Login (Hasegawa)

Members tried replicating problem within the meeting, but got different results than before, so the problem seems to be fixed. “Link to resource” wording can be changed, email assist@hawaii to change. Discussed possibility of turning off FRBR (can only be done systemwide), since it is problematic.

5. New Business

a. Voyager

i. The “Save” in “Print/Save” on Item Records (Kershaw)

The word “save” is superfluous.

Next Action: Kellett will remove “Save.”

ii. Hold Requests Screen: Revise “Not needed after” (Kershaw)

Wording “Not needed after” is confusing for patrons. Discussion ensued, but consensus on a solution was not reached and the issue is tabled for the next meeting. (Wording can be changed site-by-site, but it is preferable to be consistent throughout the System)

Next Action: Kershaw will email committee listserv for feedback.

iii. Social Bookmark Buttons (Kershaw)

The relevancy and usage of the social bookmark buttons on item records was questioned. The committee agreed that the buttons are outdated and create visual clutter.

Next Action: Kellett will remove all social bookmark buttons.

iv. Item covers display in “New Books & Media” (Kershaw)

Kershaw asked if item covers can be displayed in the search results list, similar to how they are displayed in the New Books & Media tab. Kellett explained that the tab is a completely separate plug-in (not from Ex Libris) and therefore it is not feasible to implement.

Next Action: Garcia will take this feedback to the RILS Committee.

v. Mobile Voyager (Kershaw)

A. “Text me this call number” Functionality

Kershaw asked if the “Text me this call number” function could be

added to mobile Voyager.

Next Action: Kellett will investigate.

B. Reverts from Mobile to “Regular” View

WCC staff reported that occasionally after using the mobile version of Voyager on a smartphone, the view unexpectedly changes to the “regular” version. One example of a trigger situation was executing a second search query. However, the problem could not be replicated during the discussion.

Next Action: Kershaw will ask WCC for more examples and to provide screenshots.

C. No Display Message for Zero Hits

If a query results in no hits, there is no display message. This may be confusing for patrons as it appears that the search was not executed.

Next Action: Kellett will add a display message.

D. Holds Confirmation Message

No confirmation message is displayed after placing a hold.

Next Action: Kellett will investigate.

E. Renew Items Screen

The renew items screen only shows item type and due date--it does not show the item title. Kellett explained this is a known bug.

vi. Reserve Status in Text Me This Call Number (Kershaw)

If an item is on reserve, the status is not displayed in a Text Me This Call Number text.

Next Action: Kellett will investigate.

vii. Emailed Item records (Kershaw)

A. Change Email Subject Line

WCC staff felt that the current subject line is too vague and unhelpful (“Search Results”). They wondered if it was possible to make the subject line contain the name of the item. Or if this is not possible, something similar to “Hawaii Voyager Search Results” or “UH Libraries Search Results.” Discussion ensued, but was tabled.

Next Action: Kershaw will email committee listserv for feedback.

B. Include Persistent Link

WCC asked if it is possible to include the persistent link back to the item record. Kellett said it is not.

C. Change From Address

WCC asked it it is possible to change the From address to something shorter without numerals because it looks like spam ().

Next Action: The Systems Office will change the address.

viii. “In the Pre-Order Process” Status (Bye)

Recently, Law staff experienced issues with handling requests on items with the “In the Pre-Order Process” status. The committee discussed the meaning, usage, and wording of the status and possible solutions to the issues it causes patrons. Bye proposed changing the status wording to “On order.”

Next Action: Bye will talk to Law staff, as well as consult Minatodani and N. Sung (UHM). Stacey approves of the proposed change (which only affects UHM, UHH, UH Law--the libraries that use the acquisitions module).

ix. Print vs. Electronic Version in Search Results

Bye reported searching for the print version of a book, but only finding the electronic version. The search was replicated during the discussion and it was found that the problem was due to the search limiter settings. Kellett fixed the problem immediately.

b. Primo

a. Publication Prices Displaying (Bye)

The publication prices are occasionally in the title of search results. This

problem is due to bad metadata in the Primo Central Index, provided by

publishers. Since Systems and Ex Libris has no control over this, it cannot be


6. Announcements

LCC/WCC: Will extend hours and hold events during dead week.

KapCC: KCC’s campus Web site changed and is causing issues. Library is now open (after being renovated); another renovation project is planned for this summer.

Law: May be getting new flooring this summer.

HonCC: Current renovation may be ending soon.

UHWO: Garcia may go to ELUNA conference this year.

UHM: Congressional papers are coming to Hamilton, so SciTech is consolidating their reference collection with BHSD to make room.

Systems: Kellett will be on vacation April 22-30. Kim and Shum will be at an Ex Libris conference April 25-May 1. The Voyager upgrade will be active May 19. Email questions regarding the upgrade to .

7. Next Meetings

Wednesday May 28, 9-11am, JABSOM, Recorder: Lee

Tuesday June 17, 9-11am (Thomas will check if KapCC can host), Recorder: (?)

8. Adjourn (Hasegawa) 11:19am