Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held at Long Clawson Methodist Church Hall

on Monday 18th June 2007

The Chairman, Cllr J Machin, opened the meeting at 7pm. There were no local electors present.


The confirmation of the co-option of Karen Edwards, Hose and Brian Hiley, Harby, as Parish Councillors was proposed, Cllr Dames, seconded Cllr Witcomb and agreed unanimously.

07/26 COUNCILLORS PRESENT: - Cllr J Machin in the Chair, Cllr A Dames, Cllr K Edwards, Cllr J Hedley, Cllr B Hiley, Cllr B Seddon, Cllr J Witcomb. Borough Cllr R Umbers

07/27 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr J Rackstraw. It was noted that in the absence of Cllr Machin at the July & August meetings the Chair would be taken by Cllr Dames, Vice Chairman


07/29 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS HELD ON 14TH MAY. The Minutes of the AGM were approved unanimously and signed (proposed Cllr Dames, seconded Cllr Witcomb) and the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting were approved unanimously and signed (Proposed Cllr Dames, seconded Cllr Seddon)


07/30a Planning Decisions

Permission granted: - Noted

i Mr J Howden 06/01183/FUL (old Village Hall site, The Sands, LC)

Erection of 4 townhouses and 8 parking spaces

ii Mr & Mrs Timberlake 07/00250/FUL (1 Back Lane, Long Clawson)

Extension/alterations to form office/granny annexe

iii Beancleaned & B & J Wiles & Son 07/00272/FUL (Brinvale Farm, Broughton Lane, LC)

Alterations to 4/01602/FUL for erection of 6 silos & ancillary plant & equipment

iv Long Clawson Primary School 07/0288/06 (Primary School, Long Clawson)

Installation of 5 bay modular classroom

v D Haywood 07/00323/FUL (Hill Farm, Waltham Lane, Harby)

Resiting of existing agricultural building

The Clerk was asked to confirm with MBC that the condition of a dark green roof, requested by the PC, had been included in the planning permission.

vi P & A Gallop 07/00332/FUL (Field 2769 Pasture Lane, Hose)
Demolish existing cattle barn & erect stables & outdoor school for domestic use

vii Mr Luke 07/00342/TCA (Courtyard House, 4 The Sands, LC)

Cutting down a conifer hedge

Permission refused: - Noted

viii Scalford Developments Ltd 07/00203/FUL (West End Cottage, 2 Barnards Place, LC)

Erection of new detached 2 storey dwelling with separate garaging

07/30b Appeals Lodged/Inspector’s Decisions: - Noted

i Mr & Mrs R E Skinner 06/00129/OUT (site at Willow Farm, Waltham Lane, Harby)

Planning Inspectorate 1.3.07 - Appeal withdrawn

ii Mr & Mrs P Clarke 06/00729/OUT (land to rear of 3 Langar Lane, Harby)

Planning Inspectorate 27.3.07 – Appeal dismissed

iii Stonecroft Country Homes Limited 07/00160/FUL (Buildings adjacent Rushland Cottage,

Church Lane, LC)

MBC 11.6.07 – Appeal to Secretary of State 7.6.07-19.7.07

07/30c Planning Applications – received prior to the circulation of the Clerk’s Report.

i Mr T Sadler 07/00524/OUT (1 Dickman’s Lane, Harby)

Proposed two dwellings

There were no objections to this application on condition that the plans, which had great merit, were adhered to and not amended at a later date.

ii W Brooker 07/00497/FUL (12 West End, Long Clawson)

Erection of garage for domestic use - There were no objections to this application.

iii. Mr & Mrs Kenyon 07/00503/FUL (55 Church Lane, Long Clawson)

New conservatory

There were no objections to this application.

iv. Mr C Cunnington 07/00530/FUL (7 Pinfold Place, Harby)

Garage extension & alterations

There were objections to this application on the following grounds:

·  "permitted development rights" had been withdrawn at the insistence of the local community at a village meeting;

·  this property has already had an extension under 01/00414/FUL and the Parish Council considered that a further extension was beyond the original intention of the planning authority and local community;

·  this property would be much larger than adjacent properties and out of keeping with the surroundings;

·  that this property should remain as affordable housing.

v. Mr A Doubleday 07/00535/FUL (Plot 3 Rushland Farm, Church Lane, LC)

Modification to 05/00278/FUL & amended plans from MBC dtd 14.6.07

The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds of over-intensification of the site.

vi Rev & Mrs Shouler 07/00545/LBC (Old Manor House, 1 West End, LC)

Replace boundary wall/erect potting shed/re-roof lavatory in slate

There were no objections to this application

vii Mr & Mrs P Clarke 07/00551/OUT (land to rear of 3 Langar Lane, Harby)

Erection of 1 ½ storey dwelling & garage

The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds that no ecological survey had been included.

viii Mr & Mrs Lumb 07/00556/FUL (Holmlea, 62 Church Lane, Long Clawson)

Erection of 2 pole mounted domestic wind turbines

The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds that:

·  it was not suitable for a village environment;

·  the wind turbines were too large for the setting;

·  the noise levels would be too high;

·  it was out of character with the neighbourhood

ix M Crocker 07/00566/FUL (8 Langar Lane, Harby)

Single storey side extension & alterations

There were no objections to this application

x Mr Jenkins/Ms Featherstone 07/00588/FUL (Horseshoe Cottage, 15 School Lane, Harby)

Alterations & extension to dwelling

There were no objections to this application.

07/30d Further Planning Applications - received after circulation of Clerk’s Report.

i. Ms Mary Partridge 07/00606/FUL (7 Pinfold Lane, Harby)

Retrospective planning application for catslide dormer window

There were no objections to this application

ii. D J Wilford & Bros 07/00619/OUT (17 Langar Lane, Harby)

Erect one dwelling

The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds that:

·  there was no access statement;

·  there was no access available off the existing drive;

·  the only other access would be over a Protected Open Space

iii. Mr N D Varney 07/00620/FUL (Bluebell Cottage, 2 Water Lane, LC)

First floor extension to double garage for garden store

There were no objections to this application

iv. AF&SJ Building Design Cons’ts 07/00650/GDOAGR (Brook Farm, Hickling Lane,LC)

Proposed portal framed agricultural building

It was agreed that further information was needed before the PC could comment on this application ie why is such a large building required on such a small acreage?

xv. MBC 15.6.07 – Hedgerow Regulations 1997 – comments by 6.7.07

Hedgerow at White House Farm, Colston Lane, Harby

The Parish Council had no comment to make on the above hedgerow other than it seemed a pity to be taking out a hedgerow when the current trend is for retaining and establishing new hedgerows

07/30e Planning Correspondence

i. MBC 31.5.07 – Development Committee 12.6.07 & site inspection 8.6.07

Harby Village Hall Committee - 07/00385/FUL (Demolish existing Village Hall & erect new one on adjacent site)

It was noted that planning consent had been given at the above meeting. It was agreed that the clerk should arrange a meeting, provisionally on the 2nd July at Hose Village Hall at 7pm, for the Harby Cllrs, Cllr Edwards and either Cllr Machin or Rackstraw with the HVHC and their architect. Cllr Dames would draft a letter for the clerk to send to Mr M Ponsonby. She would also draft a letter for the MBC Planning Officer, copy to Mr J Worley, with a copy of the PC Summary of Deliberations dtd May 2007 and the PC letter to the Principal Planning Officer dated 16.5.07

ii. Application by B & J Wiles & Son for change to Goods Vehicle Operator’s Licence at Brinvale Farm, Broughton Lane, Long Clawson

Letter of objection dated 5th July from Parish Council to Traffic Commissioner

It was noted that, because comments needed to be received by 20th June, the clerk had sent an objection to the above in consultation with Cllr Machin. It was agreed unanimously (proposed Cllr Witcomb, seconded Cllr Hedley) that this objection was acceptable.

iii. Burton & Dalby PC 1.6.07 – Re Planning Dept, MBC

It was agreed that the clerk should reply to Burton & Dalby PC that the PC believed the correct way to register complaints and problems with MBC Planning Department should be through the LRAPLC as the Chief Executive of MBC always attended the branch meetings

iv. MBC 14. 6.07 – Informal hearing on 24.7.07 10am in The Board Room, Hunting Lodge, PERA

05/01128/COU & 05/01129/FUL (The Black Horse 21 Bolton Lane, Hose)

Change of use of existing pub to dwelling with proposed alterations & extensions

Cllr Machin agreed to ask Cllr Rackstraw if he could attend with one of the Hose Cllrs. Clerk to check with MBC if attendees needed to be registered beforehand.


07/31a Items requiring no further action:

Items in 5a were noted

07/31b Necessary actions have been taken on the following:

Items in 5b were noted

07/31c Responses are awaited to the following:

06/88cv. MBC about site visit re signage of properties/roads in Harby.

06/88d Mr J Summers refurbish Hose Millennium sign & reimbursement

It was noted that Mr Summers was in the process of repainting the Hose sign. An invoice for the sign writing paint had been received and was on the Agenda for payment.

06/109fvii Letter to Hose Green Trustees re possible site of replacement bench on the Green

06/109fvii. Salt bin request to LCC, for East End, LC

06/113 Outline planning permission for land at Pinfold Lane, Harby.

The clerk was asked to check when this application would be submitted

06/133 Further skidding incidents at Hose Lane, LC, reported to LCC Northern Division

06/141d Letter to MBC re land at Bridge Farm, Colston Lane, Harby

The clerk was asked to write yet again to MBC

06/141d Letter to MBC re untidy land at ‘Stokes Farm’, Hickling Lane, LC

The clerk was asked to write yet again to MBC

07/14eiii Letter to Mr D Clark, LCC Highways re sign & school bus stop, LC

07/15dii Request to LCC to clear Lover’s Walk overgrown footpath

Noted that this would be looked at next time LCC was in the area

0715eii. Letter to MBC re Development Field S9284, Melton Road, LC

07/15fvii New street light for Church Lane, LC ordered from ABB

07/17ci Letter to Highways re ‘slow down’ sign on Harby Lane, Hose

Noted that the last Police Speed check information was from Sept 2005

07/22 Request to MBC for larger ‘No dog fouling’ sign for Mill Lane, LC & footpath Dickman’s Lane, Harby

An email from the Dog Warden was noted. The clerk was asked to find out where MBC intended to place the 2 new Notices

07/31d Items awaiting futher action

i. Tasks Outstanding - Clerk

04/80bx Advise St. M Church when decision reached on new location for Harby bench.

04/181 Contact Leicester Records Office re: archive storage and restoration & collect MBC.

Full response to J Howden's letter re: Dovecote Corner residents update – DRAFT CIRCULATED.

06/109eii Purchase of litter bin for Coronation Avenue, Long Clawson

06/126 M Faulkes, Harby be asked for quote to repair Leys car park as no repairs done by Highways

It was agreed that Cllr Machin would purchase mill waste from a local firm on behalf of the PC and discuss with the handyman when they could fill in holes in Leys car park rather than pay a company to do it.

ii. Items requiring action from Cllrs/third parties

07/15dii. Cllr B Rhodes agreed to enquire progress re gate Lovers Walk, Harby.

07/17bi. Playgrounds Inspections Training Course 25.6.07 – Cllrs Seddon & Witcomb

iii. Deferred Items/Reminders for Future Tasks

03/177i Fluoridation - progress publication of new regulations and consultation process.

Nottingham East Midland Airport Exhibition Dates –Cllr Rhodes to keep updated.

06/55d Silting up of The Sands, LC culvert.

07/15ei Removal of ivy from LC Churchyard wall & trees after 1/8/07. Quote of £190 from White Lodge Groundcare. Mr P Palmer did not wish to quote because of workload.

07/17cii Mr & Mrs H & J Wippich, LC and the Rural, Economic & Environmental Affairs Committee

07/31e. The following matters were noted

i 07/24 Annual Return – Figure for community assets.

It was noted that this figure had been nil in previous returns because the community assets were not insured and could not be sold

07/31f Reports from Councillors/Clerk

i. LCC Report There was no report due to Cllr Rhodes being absent

ii. Police Issues 07/15fii – Agreed that the local Community Police should:

·  be given the dates of the PC meetings;

·  be asked to attend a PC meeting at least twice a year;

·  be asked to contact the Clerk if anything important arose in the meantime

iii. Date for Risk Assessment Working Group – 12.9.07 7.30pm Cllr Machin’s house

iv. Cemetery and Churchyard Working Group – tba when Regulations redrafted

v. Date for Playground Safety Working Group tba after 25th June Training Course

vi. Date for Finance Working Group – 27.6.07 10am Cllr Machin’s house

vii. Report from Clerk:

·  Resignation of Mr B Draper, Handyman, wef 15.6.07 noted. A gift had been bought from the PC & a card was signed at the meeting

·  The appointment of Mr B Mills as Handyman wef 18.6.07 was agreed unanimously

·  Hedge at Brock Cottage, East End, LC, encroaching onto pavement had been cut

·  Cllr contact information on noticeboards/village magazines. Agreed names, telephone numbers & e-mail address (not Cllr Seddon) with dates of meetings

·  Confirmation of £150 to PC for filing PAYE End of Year online noted

·  Allotments waiting lists. It was noted that:

- Clawson & Hose had a waiting list for allotments;

- Cllr Hiley wished to be on waiting list for Harby. It was agreed that:

a. the Hose Cllrs would arrange to meet Cllr Machin at Hose allotments to decide on a course of action for overgrown plots;

b the clerk would get quotes for clearing the overgrown allotment on Melton Road, LC.

·  New Cllr training. It was agreed that:

a the new Cllrs be offered the chance to attend a training session on Tuesday 14.8.07 at MBC 6-9pm cost of £25 pp. Cllrs Edwards, Hedley, Hiley & Witcomb agreed;