Vermilion Minor Hockey

Information Binder


Contact Lists and Information

Duties and Guidelines


This Electronic Information Binder can be found on our website at

Under the “Resources” tab chose the dropdown for “Division Director” and locate the link to the document “Information Binder”.

Visit the “Links” page at

Where you can find links to



·  Hockey Alberta

·  Hockey Canada

·  Town of Vermilion

·  and more

This information Binder is a “work in progress” and your input is greatly needed. If you find that there is information missing (things that you wish would have been in here), things that you came across that SHOULD be in this binder (including forms, duties, information, procedures) or anything else that you feel would make this a more useful tool, please bring forward your suggestions so that they can be incorporated into the Binder. Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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Contact Lists and Information Index

·  Website Information

·  Vermilion Minor Hockey Executive List

·  NEAHL Executive Contact List

·  Ice Schedule

·  Vermilion Tournament Dates

·  Respect in Sport Information

·  Jersey Sponsors and Annual Donations

·  Instructions for Tournament Donations

·  Travel Permits

·  Ice Booking Procedure (Town of Vermilion)

·  Volunteer Bonds and Concession Shifts

·  Accident, Injury and Insurance

·  Team Account Guidelines

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Contact Lists and Information

Website Information

Please utilize these websites to find information on Bylaws, Clinics, Contacts, Schedules, Tournaments, Upcoming Events, etc.

Vermilion Minor Hockey

Bylaws, Handbook & Job Descriptions

Tournament Page

Hockey Alberta

Members page

Hockey Canada

Minor Hockey page

Northeast Alberta Hockey League


East Central Alberta Female Hockey League


Scroll through the tabs on the Hockey Alberta Members page where you will find information on the Respect In Sport program, Hockey Alberta’s Bylaws and Regulations, information on the Insurance program, the Game and Conduct Manual, Playing Rules, Zone maps and a listing of Hockey Alberta sanctioned Tournaments organized by Division.

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Contact Lists and Information

Vermilion Minor Hockey Executive

Please visit the “Executives” page at

The list and contact information for the Executive is generally updated after the Fall Annual Meeting in September of the current season.

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Contact Lists and Information

North Eastern Alberta Hockey League Contact List

The NEAHL Executive list and contact information can be found on the NEAHL website at

Vermilion Minor Hockey Association is a member of the North Eastern Alberta Hockey League and is the league in which our Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget level teams play.

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Contact Lists and Information

Ice Schedule

The Vermilion Minor Hockey ice practice schedules are posted on the “Ice Schedule” page as they become available.

Season start for Vermilion Minor Hockey will generally begin the week after the Jr. B camp (3rd Friday of September). Only the ice surface in the Stadium is used from start-up to the end of October. The ice schedule will change from week to week until mid-October. The ice schedule for the last two weeks in October will usually remain the same. The ice surface in the Arena is generally added the end of October and the two ice surface schedule will remain unchanged from the end of October until the end of February at which time the ice is removed from the Arena. A new one ice surface schedule is created at that time for those teams wishing to continue using the ice.

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Contact Lists and Information

Vermilion Tournament Dates

A listing of all the tournaments being offered by Vermilion Minor Hockey is found on the “Tournament” page. The list includes the dates, cost to enter and sanction number. The contact for each tournament is the Division Director’s email address.

The Tournament page now includes the tournament listing, a tournament registration form, tournament cancellation policy, a map of the Arena, Stadium and accommodations and information on accommodation at Alumni House at Lakeland College.

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Respect in Sport Information – Parent Program

One parent from eachfamily must complete the Respect In Sport- Parent Program by October 15, 2012 or your child will not be allowed on the ice. After this date, completion of the Respect In Sport Parent Program will be a mandatory condition of registration.

The Respect in Sport program is an online certification program designed to protect our youth as well as enhance Hockey Alberta’s mandate of providing a safe and fun environment for all of our participants. It is Canada’s leading online bullying, abuse, harassment, and negligence prevention program for parents, coaches, and community leaders.

Respect in Sport Parent – A program providing information on parents' natural influence over a child, the coach or leaders role in an activity, the role parents play in their child's enjoyment and of a sport or activity, and protecting your child when they are outside of your immediate control. The program also provides parents with tools to evaluate their own behaviour by highlighting five key "behavioural traps" frequently exhibited by parents, particularly in competitive sports. It demonstrates negative behaviours and provides ideas of how a situation may be better handled, includes valuable information from subject matter experts delivered in a clear and concise fashion, and asks questions of parents based on scenarios presented. Specific topics included in the program are: five common negative parent behaviours, a child's development, nutrition and hydration, rest, injuries, as well as interacting with coaches, officials, and other parents.

Click here for the Respect In Sport - Parent program

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Contact Lists and Information

Jersey Sponsors and Annual Donations

Businesses and organizations that sponsor our jerseys will be acknowledged on the “Sponsors” page. In addition, some businesses and organizations prefer to make one lump sum donation annually. All of these sponsors are included on our sponsor page.

The names of all jersey sponsors, annual sponsors and those businesses and organizations that sponsor individual tournaments must be displayed at each tournament and included in a “Thank you” in the newspaper.

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Instructions for Tournament Donations

·  Letter of donation request – to be presented to Vermilion businesses annually.

·  A maximum of one business per player may be solicited for a tournament donation. If a parent/guardian does not wish to approach a business for a donation, a $20.00 gift/cash donation per player may be accepted from that parent/guardian.

·  Minor Hockey members and parents/guardians shall not solicit any business or person(s) for a personal team gain such as; team clothing, team busing or hockey equipment. However, any business or person(s) may voluntarily donate to any team at any time if they so wish. Unsolicited sponsorship of any kind may be accepted and does not need to be approved by the executive. The Executive must be informed, in writing, of any such donation.

·  Vermilion Minor Hockey members and parents/guardians shall not solicit any business for a donation other than for regular home tournaments unless approved by the Executive. E.g. Annual/major fundraising events; Provincial Tournaments

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Travel Permits

Travel Permits are required when a team from Vermilion Minor Hockey travels outside our Zone (Zone 2) to play an exhibition game (including tournaments or practices). You do NOT require a Travel Permit if it is a League game that is outside the zone.

A Travel Permit Applicationmust be submitted to the VP of Business ASAP or a minimum of 5 days prior to traveling. Vermilion Minor Hockey must have sufficient time to submit the request to Hockey Alberta and receive the permit in return. The Travel Permit must be carried with the traveling team at all times.

The Travel Permit number and team official phone numbers must be clearly indicated on the game sheets.

Managers may apply on-line for a Travel Permit. The on-line application is found on the “Forms” page.

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Ice Booking Procedure

The Town of Vermilion has a written policy for the scheduling of ice time at the community arenas.

For Vermilion Minor Hockey, the Manager of each team shall be the contact for booking ice. Ice changes for the week Monday to Sunday must be submitted to the Town of Vermilion by that Monday to avoid penalty. The penalty after this time shall be 50% of the ice booking and cancellation within 48 hours of the booking will be charged 100% of the booking. Due to inclement weather or any unforeseen circumstances the Director of Community Services has discretion to cancel ice bookings without penalty.

Click here to view a copy of the complete Ice Booking Procedure.

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Volunteer Bonds and Concession Shifts

Volunteer Bond: Each family must contribute volunteer time toward Vermilion Minor Hockey Association level activities. By assisting with these activities you will become more involved, gain a better understanding of our Association and enjoy a better hockey experience. As part of the registration process, you are required to provide one $250.00 bond cheque per family. The cheque will not be cashed if you volunteer to assist with Association level activities.

Activities that will fulfill the volunteer bond requirements:

Board of Director Member – number of positions as per Bylaw VIII

Team Head Coach – 1 position per team

Team Assistant Coach – 2 positions per team

Team Manager – 1 position per team

Jersey Carrier – 2 positions per team

Team Website Reporter – 1 position per team

Tournament Coordinator – 1 position per tournament

Concessions/Volunteer Bond Coordinator – 2 assistants

Registration – 3 assistants

Equipment Manager – 1 assistant

Equipment Repair – 1 position

Minor Hockey Week Committee – 4 positions

Player Development Assistant – 4 positions

Sponsor Television Maintenance – 1 position

Picture Day – 4 assistants

Tiger Pride – TBD

Major fundraising event – TBD

Other activities as determined by the Board of Directors - TBD

Concession Shifts: For every player registered in Vermilion Minor Hockey, there is a requirement to work two concession shifts of four hours each. One concession shift is required to be completed by December 31 and the second concession shift by March 31. It is your responsibility as a parent to sign up for the shifts. The sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board in the stadium (around the corner from the main doors). Each of these concession shifts requires a $200 bond cheque. If you do not work each shift by the deadline date, your cheque will be cashed.

Exemptions for concession shifts:

Board of Directors – concession shifts for family are covered

Head coaches – concession shifts for family are covered

Assistant coaches – 2 concession shifts are covered (maximum 2 assistant coaches per team)

Managers – For Atom levels and above, concession shifts for family are covered

Managers – For Initiation and Novice levels – 2 concession shifts are covered

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Contact Lists and Information

Accident, Injury and Insurance

Who is covered?

Any officer, director, employee, coach, volunteer worker, instructor, referee, safety person, or member of a committee while acting within the scope of his/her duties.

It includes members of teams, leagues, Branch teams, zone teams, national teams, or international teams provided all are registered with or affiliated with Hockey Canada.

Click here for more information about “Who is covered?”.

When are you covered?

During a Hockey Alberta SANCTIONED event (league games, tournaments, practices, training camps, and sanctioned fund-raisers) involving and/or WHEN PLAYING OTHER MEMBER (HOCKEY CANADA/OTHER BRANCH) TEAMS ONLY.

Click here for more information about “When are you covered?”.

How to make a claim

SECURE a Canadian Hockey Injury Report Form from your team or Minor Hockey Association, or the Hockey Alberta website.

COMPLETE the form in its entirety. Have your team manager complete the team section and your Doctor or Dentist completes the back of the form. There may be a fee charged by the Doctor/Dentist to fill out this form. The parent of the injured player must pay this fee and submit the receipt for reimbursement.

SUBMIT the fully completed form to your Branch office along with any receipts or invoices within 90 days of the date of accident.

NOTE: Only Accident Report Forms received in the Branch office within 90 days of the date of accident will be accepted. Forms must be completed in their entirety or they will be returned. Only original receipts and/or invoices are acceptable.

Hockey Canada is strictly a supplemental insurer. If you have access to any other insurance, you must pursue it through them first. Hockey Canada shall cover those costs not covered by your primary insurance to our policy limits.

Click here for the Canadian Hockey Injury Report Form.

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Contact Lists and Information

Team Account Guidelines

  1. If a tournament is to be cancelled, the Director of that age category/division must notify the President, VP of Development or Business so that it may be discussed at the next Executive meeting (time permitting) or discussed ASAP before cancellation.
  2. Team accounts are put in place for the benefit of each team. The money shall not be spent carelessly or unreasonably. The funds solely come from the proceeds raised at each teams’ home tournament. Any deficits incurred from over expenditure from the Team Account will be the responsibility of the parents/guardians of that team.
  3. Minor Hockey Executive must approve each expenditure from all Team Accounts. A detailed request for approval may be submitted by the Director or Manager in writing, a minimum of 7 days prior to the occurrence, to a member of the Executive Approval Committee which consists of:

·  VP of Business

·  VP of Development