
May 2, 2003

Attending: Cindy Boque, Carol Brodie, Wendy Cornwall, Paul DeMersseman, Ed Garrick, Kitty Gilbert, Katrina Jaggears, Peggy Kay, Sara Kleinert, Dave Lambertson,

Chris Lozano, Kim McCormick, Jane Masuoka, Rebeca Noble, Jennifer Sexton, Kim Stone, Tania Walden, Von Wallin

Absent: Sheila Bacus, Sally Berry, Deborah Burdick, Linda Gemelos, Ginger Hudson, Nancy Landes, Wendy Pryschuk, Donna Rawhouser, Cheryl Sloup, Nancy Snider, Pat Spreer, Shary Trent, Jane Wright-Hayes

Guests: Patrick Cavanaugh, Donald DeRosa, Rosie Fox, Bob Rice

1. Approval of Minutes – MOTION: D. Lambertson moved, W. Cornwall seconded to approve

the minutes of April 4, 2003. Motion passed unanimously.

2. Treasure’s Report – Tania Walden reported the available budget as of April 30, 2003 is $221.

3. Chair’s Report

Ø  Sexton distributed the SAC Year-End Report. Sexton stated President DeRosa received a copy of the report when she met with him last week.

Ø  Compensation Committee Replacement – Names have been forwarded to President DeRosa for his consideration to appoint two staff members to the University Compensation Committee ( exempt: Carol Brodie, Sponsored Program Administrator and Valerie Phillips, Sponsored Programs Accountant; non-exempt position: Lori King, Pharmacy, Von Wallin, OISR, and Carolina Quiroga, Math Department) to replace Sheila Bacus (non-exempt) and Carolyn Darcy (exempt). She thanked Sheila and Caroline for their work on this committee.

Ø  Web-Page – Mark Rosenburg is working on the SAC web page.

Ø  Summer Hours - The June 6th SAC meeting with start at 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Summer hours begin May 19th 7:30 – 4:00 p.m. M-Th and 7:30 – 1:00 p.m. on Friday.

Ø  Executive Board - A new executive board will be elected at the June meeting.

Ø  New SAC Members - Sexton welcomed the new SAC representatives:

Budget and Finance Susan Williams (non-exempt)

Student Life Cheryll Bautisa-Reale (non-exempt)

University Advancement Kim Stone (exempt)

Provost Rebecca Noble (non-exempt)

Jane Masuoka (non-exempt)

Von Wallin (non-exempt)

McGeorge Cindy Boque (exempt)

Ø  Orientation for New Members - An orientation will take place in July for the SAC representatives.

4.  Performance Review Overview – Bob Rice, Training & Development Manager, discussed

the performance review program at Pacific. He stated there were some minor changes

made no major changes. The handbook and forms were revised based on the feedback

received after last year’s reviews. Most of the revisions were to clarify the information. Rice

stated the “revised” handbook and forms are available on Blackboard (

Performance Reviews are due July 1, 2003.

5.  Committee Reports

A.  Staff Salary Plan – Peggy Kay

Ø  The Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on the Staff Pay Plan met with Ed Garrick on Tuesday, April 22nd to review the information the Committee requested in their April 10th letter to him.

a)  Equity Adjustment – Garrick provided data regarding concerns on how many employees are below the market average per pay grade, how many are above, and will those employees whose salaries are already above the market average receive an equity adjustment, if so, why. The Committee reviewed the data and our plan is to work toward a solution for the FY05 Equity period where they will investigate dispersing equity adjustment pay based on the defined levels within the pay grades with the bulk of the dollars going to the staff in the lower end of the pay grade. They are also working on a plan on how to direct the dollars if the University reaches the market average prior to the four year plan.

b)  Longevity – The Committee is still investigating the longevity issue with Human Resources to determine if the issue affects a large population of staff or should be viewed on a case by case basis. The Committee has asked Garrick to provide additional information regarding staffs that are below market average and their length of employment with the University.

c)  Staff Making Below the Minimum Salary – The Committee received data on the number of staff whose salaries are below the minimum level of their pay grade and their years of service with the University. It was agreed by the Committee and Garrick to have him request that the salaries of these staff members (37) be adjusted to the minimum level before the distribution of merit increases and then apply their merit increases based on the new salary. The target date to do this is this year September 2003. Garrick informed the Committee that he has started working on a Salary Administration Plan to ensure that people can not be hired or promoted into a pay grade without being at least at the minimum of that grade. The Committee will be able to review the plan along with other policies that will be included in the Plan.

d)  Salary Ranges for FY2003-2004 – The Committee asked Garrick how many staff are 20 percent below the adjusted market average and how many staff are 80 percent above the adjusted market average based on the salary ranges for FY 2003-2004. The Committee will be receiving additional information in July.

e)  Additions to Future Salary Surveys - The Committee requested additional employer’s information and suggested the following be included: San Joaquin County, Stockton Unified, Lincoln Unified, Lodi Unified, and Manteca Unified School Districts. Garrick stated that he has received employer information from all with the exception of Manteca Unified School District who will not release the information.

f)  Technology Survey Data – The Committee requested that a Technology Salary Surveys be conducted separately but published with other salary survey information. Garrick stated that he has almost completed his analysis of Technology average market salaries and is waiting on the April data to complete his report.

The Committee will meet in July.

B.  Grievance Committee – Tania Walden

Ø  The Grievance Policy is finished and ready for SAC to act upon. Prior to today’s meeting the SAC representatives received the policy for their feedback. Discussion followed. Motion to approve the Grievance Policy and move forward to be presented to the Cabinet for their final approval. W. Cornwall moved, D. Lambertson seconded to approve. Motion passed unanimously. Walden stated the next step will be for the University’s lawyer to look the document over and then it will go to the Cabinet for the final approval. It was stated to Ed Garrick that once the entire document (Complaint & Grievance Procedures) is approved the Human Resources Department needs to distribute a hard copy to each staff member. It was also stated the documents needs to be put in the Staff Handbook in complete wording and not a condensed version.

C.  Staff Policy Committee – Tania Walden

Ø  The committee is meeting weekly and working on each section page by page. It is hoped to have the handbook completed by early fall ’03. The handbook will be distributed to staff and also will be on-line.

D.  IPC- Pat Spreer (read by Jennifer Sexton)

Ø  “Throughout April, IPC has focused primarily on Academic Resource Planning, examining a wealth of data on enrollment, faculty workload, and financial management. This project will continue through the next few meetings. Rob Brodnick, Institutional Planning and Research, is presenting the data and facilitating discussions. The goal is to identify key strengths and issues for each academic unit and use this information to develop recommendations. The Committee reviewed a final draft statement of Information, Technology priorities related to Teaching and Learning, Institutional Administration, and Communities (i.e., current and prospective students and parents, alumni, faculty and staff) and Relationships. The Information Technology Planning Committee (ITPC) will review this draft next week”.

E.  University Compensation Committee- Sheila Bacus (read by Jennifer Sexton)

Ø  The Committee met on April 10, 2003. Debbie Beitz presented information comparing Pacific benefits to national employers, increasing benefit costs and benefit cost cutting possibilities. Factors increasing costs: risk, aging population; increased use of services; technology advancements; drug costs; provider backlash; consolidation of carriers and providers; regulatory/legislative changes. Some possible cost saving solutions for Pacific: increase co-pays, i.e., emergency room; increase deductibles; 3-tier prescription plans; disease management; wellness programs. The committee questioned comparing Pacific to national statistics and asked that California comparisons be obtained, i.e., PERS. It was suggested that an additional cost savings possibility could be the verification of Pacific/provider information to be sure Pacific isn’t paying or being debited for services use for anyone who isn’t or shouldn’t be covered. A question was asked if the salary adjusted market would be re-adjusted when benefits change. Garrick stated salaries will be reviewed every year. The next meeting will be May 8th and through the summer the committee will be working on solutions for cutting costs.

F.  Business Managers Group-

Ø  Minutes from the April 9, 2003 meeting was distributed. Sexton asked if a SAC representative would be available to report to SAC information from the Business Managers Group. Von Wallin will give an account from the Business Managers Group to SAC.

G.  ITPC- Paul Lanning

·  Paul Lanning is stepping down as the SAC representative on ITPC. Rebecca Noble will now represent SAC on ITPC.

H.  Enterprise Task Force-McCormick

Ø  Kim was unable to attend the last meeting of the Enterprise Task Force. She will have a report at the June SAC meeting.

I.  Alcohol Task Force-Carol Brodie

J.  Bon Appetit Advisory Group-Chris Lozano

Ø  The committee did not meet last month.

7.  What’s On Your Mind

1)  COSTCO membership – A question was asked about a possible partnership with COSTCO and the University a membership for employees. Ed Garrick will look in to this request along with a partnership for staff with Barnes & Noble.

8.  President DeRosa

President DeRosa met and conversed with SAC about freshmen applications for Fall 2003, Capital Campaign, facility improvements around the Stockton campus, i.e., OISR/Human Resources, Baun Fitness Center, Brookside Hall completing for Fall 2003, finishing of Pacific Theater (McCaffrey Theater), new Health Science Center which is officially opening June 21st, the expanding of WPC, the expansion of the library which will start in the fall, and renovation of classrooms at McGeorge School of Law; and the hiring of Mr. Mike Belcher as the new Public Safety Director.



FRIDAY, June 6, 2003

11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. IN THE PINE ROOM

Respectfully submitted by:

Kitty Gilbert