Cultural Universals

Directions: Pick six of the twelve cultural universals described below and give examples of US culture. Then, in the next column, provide examples of artifacts of other cultures. Be sure to specify which society

The many suggestions below should help you easily fill out the chart.


What type of food? How do people eat? How is food prepared? When do they eat? Where do they eat? What do they eat at each meal? Where do they get food? What customs or traditions are associated with eating? What are some seasonal food items?


What materials are used? Where are the shelters located? How are they arranged? Describe the size and shape. Do the size and shape have significance? Who lives together? What customs and rules are associated with being in the shelter? What furniture or decorations are part of the shelter? What comforts are in the shelter?


What are the clothing styles? What materials are used for clothing? Are there certain clothing for each activity? Are there decorations? Where do people get clothing? Who makes clothing? How is clothing made? What rules are there regarding clothing? Is there any society pressure in clothing? What clothing is needed because of the climate?


What are the beliefs, especially for creation and death? What types of religions or customs? What placesdo people meet to celebrate? Are there religious symbols, rituals, and leaders?


What are the family traditions and rituals, especially for passage into adulthood, courtship, and marriage? Who makes a family? How is respect shown for authority? What roles are determined by gender or age?


What types of transportation? How are they made? Where are they obtained? Is there status associated with certain transportation? What effect does transportation have on the society? How does the transportation work (wheels, fuel)? What is needed for transportation (roads, bridges, paths, etc)?


Who teaches? Where does it take place? What is taught? What tools are used? What is the status of education? What are the levels of education? What education requirements are there for different jobs?


What types of recreation (sports, games, leisure time)? Where does it take place? What supplies are needed? Who participates? What is the status of recreation? Are there activities separated by gender and age? How are rules decided? Who enforces the rules? Describe specific types of recreation.


What types of art? What tools and supplies are needed? Are there masters of art? What is the value and status of art? Where is art observed?


What types of communication are there? What tools and supplies are needed? Who communicates with whom? What is the cost? How convenient? What type for personal communication? What type for mass communication? How is privacy ensured?


What type of government? Who are the leaders? How are they selected, by whom and according to what qualifications? How are laws decided and enforced? How are disputes settled? What services are provided and how are they paid for?


What jobs are available? How are they paid? How are the poor taken care of? What do people buy? What kind of businesses and industry are available?


Universal / US Cultural Artifacts / Other Culture’s Artifacts