Mt.OliveHigh School

English II Expectations Sheet

Mr. Kaspereen

telephone extension:7491 room:B240 and B243

Behavior & Expectations:

  1. Use common sense, respect and kindness when dealing with your peers and instructor.
  2. Have your agenda with you at all times if you expect to leave the classroom.
  3. Expect school policies found in the MOHS agenda to be enforced. Lack of awareness of a rule does not excuse you from following it.

Required Daily Materials:

  1. A 3-ring binderwith dividers
  2. Pen (blue or black ink), pencil, highlighter.
  3. Post-it note for class readings.
  4. Paper for class notes. You will need this EVERY DAY!
  5. A small notebook for journal writing purposes.
  6. An independent novel to read for class.

Academics Expectations:

  1. All essays must be TYPED and a hard copy present at the beginning of class. Students will not be excused from class to print an essay. Please do not e-mail a paper, as it will be considered late (EXCEPTIONS HAPPEN, BUT YOU MUST MAKE ME AWARE PRIOR TO THE DUE DATE). Additionally, any problems with the file-type (Mac or none Microsoft Word users) will not be excused. For late work policies, please see the section below “Grading Policy”.
  2. If you are absent, you will have the number of days you were absent to make up missed work (extended absences are exceptions). I will not reach out to you about what you missed; it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me to make up your work.
  3. If you are present the day an assignment is given, but absent the day it is due, you are expected to have the assignment with you immediately upon your return. This also applies for tests and quizzes; you will be expected to take the test or quiz upon your return.
  4. Anyone who copies or cheatsOR ALLOWS SOMEONE ELSE TO COPY OR CHEAT will receive a non-negotiable zero. THIS INCLUDES PLAGIARISM OF ANY SORT.
  5. Please be advised: all assignments and documents will be posted on my website.


Each marking period is worth 20 percent of your final grade.

Please Note: 9 week quarterly and 27 week quarterly embedded in marking period grade a with separate value of 40% of the marking period average to be calculated in the teacher grade book formula. Additionally, Mid-terms and Final Exams are worth 10% of your overall grade and will not affect Marking Period Grades.

MP 1: 60% Assessments and 40% Quarterly

MP 2: 100% Assessments

MP 3: 60% Assessments and 40% Quarterly

MP 4: 100% Assessments

Please Be Advised: Mount Olive no longer allows a grade of D. As such, the lowest passing grade is now a 70, the letter grade equivalent of a C-. Know and expect that school policy regarding this grade change as well as the district make-up policy will be strictly enforced. Parents will be notified by Power School if a student does not hand in an assignment.

Major assessments may be handed in up to 4 days (including weekends) late for reduced credit. Homework assignments must be handed in the day after the message from Power School is sent. The maximum grade on ANY late assignment is a 70.

Please review, sign, and return to Mr. Kaspereen. This will count as your first homework grade.

Student Name: ______Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian E-mail: ______

Parent/Guardian Phone Number______

* Please return this paper next class!