2012-01-10 Version approved by FG
Quotation Request Questionnaire for Activities of:
Processing, Distribution, Retail or Brokerage of Organic Products
The purpose of this document is to calculate a quotation for organic certification in relation to your needs. It is important to complete this questionnaire with as much detail as possible in order for us to properly evaluate your certification costs.
Name of companyOrganic Manager / Title
2nd contact
Address / City or town
Tel. / Province / Postal code
Fax. / E-mail
2ndphone number or cellular / Web site
Email for the transmission of your invoice ( accounts payable)
Number of site(s) to be visited:
à Indicate the address of the site(s) to be visited, if different from your postal address.
Address / Telephone
City / Postal code
1.Describe your company
To help us identify your needs, please describe your activities:
1.1 For processors: What type of clientele are you targeting?
Retail Consumer
2. Have any of your products been certified or pre-certified in the last 5 years? No Yes Name of Certifier: Year :
Are your products presently certified? No Yes
If your products were certified (or pre-certified) last year by another certification body please ask them to send us a copy of your file (report, decision letter, and certificate). We will not be able to process your request without receiving these documents.
Has certification for any of your products ever been suspended, withdrawn or denied in the past?
No Yes If yes, complete the grid below:
Certification Body / Year / Product(s) / Reasons
3.Your certification request applies to which products and activities?
Activities (please check all that apply): / Type of products (annex a list if insufficient space) / Annual volume
Mixing of different products to create a product
Repacking products in a different format without changing the composition
Sale of bulk products directly to consumers
Selling products to manufacturers, retailers, and distributors without processing or repacking
4. Do the products contain more than 70% organic ingredients (excluding water and salt from the recipe)? YesNo
5.Will there be conventional production on the same site as the organic products?
6. Sales turnover for the previous year :
% of sales company planned for the organic sector :
7.Trademark(s). **Please provide proof of registration for trademarks upon contract signature.
8.Do you deal with outside companies to do certain operations YesNo
e.g.: extermination, butchering, slaughtering, threshing, etc. Please indicate the name and address of the company.
Operation / Name and address of the company / Certified organic
9.How many employees does the company have (full time equivalent 40hrs a week x 50 weeks a year)?
Note: The number of employees indicated in the Register of Companies of Quebec is used to establish the CARTV contribution
10. Requested standards:Following the equivalency agreement between Canada and the United States, certification to NOP standards in Canada is prohibited. With the exception of dairy farmers, all clients certified COS + are eligible, without additional monitoring, to use the USDA logo on their products as part of the US-Canada agreement.
You can find more information on this agreement at the following links (sites of the CFIA and the USDA.)
The agreement with the European Union allows certified organic products that are 100% Canadian (all organic ingredients are grown in Canada) to be exported to member countries. For products with organic ingredients originating outside of Canada, organic certification according to the European Regulations remains necessary and is available through Ecocert Group.
As of January 1st 2011, Brazil requires organic certification according to its regulation. In collaboration with Ecocert Brazil our office can provide this service.
If you do not intend on exporting in the coming year, it is not necessary to request supplementary regulatory standards. However, because inspection according to specific standards is mandatory, please inform us a good deal ahead of time to avoid problems with exporting your products.
Country you will be exporting to in the coming year:
European community àProducts contain 100% of Canadian ingredients? Yes No
Japan (JAS)
Swiss (BS) àSpecify the importer (required):
Other àPlease specify:
Additional needs: Ecocert Cosmetic Standard Ecocert Fair Trade Standard Ecological Detergent Standard Home Perfume Standard GOTS Ecocert Textile SPA Ecocert Standard
IFS or BRC standard (specify which one):
EnvironmentalImpact Service: Life Cycle Analysis / Carbon Calculation
11. Does your company have a quality system in place?
(e.g.: HACCP ISO etc.) Yes Specify : No
12.Considering that there is a potential delay of up to 6 weeks between the time of registration and inspection, please indicate when you plan on marketing your products.
13. Other document requests :**All documents will be provided to you in English (your communication language)
I will also need to receive these documents in French (additional fees):
-Certificate in French
-Inspection report in French
-Decision letter and grid in French
I hereby declare that I am aware of the certification standards which apply to my production and I authorize Ecocert Canada to contact my previous certifier to get additional information if needed.
Date / SignatureInternal use
Document received on
Quotation # Made on