The information on this page will help us find the proper new home for your pet.
Please fill out one profile per animal and give us as much detailed information as possible.
In some cases, we may have homes waiting for a pet just like yours so please forward photographs of your pet along with this profile.
Today’s Date:
Your Name, Address, Phone # and Email address:
Pet’s name:
Age/Date of Birth:
Species and Breed:
Color/Type/Coat Pattern:
Why are you unable to keep your pet?
What kind of habitat did your pet live in? Please be as specific as possible, inc. cage dimensions.
Are you able to send this habitat with your pet to his foster or forever home?
What type of bedding did you use for your pet?
What did you feed your pet? Please include brand names, treats and/or homemade diets
How does your pet react to being handled?
Would you recommend placing this pet in a home with children?
Has your pet ever bitten anyone? If so, please tell us the circumstances.
Did the bite happen in the past 10 days? ______If so, what was the date of the bite and who was bitten?
Would you recommend placing this pet in a home to live with others of his species?
Has your pet ever been to a veterinarian? If so, why?
Who was the veterinarian? Name and phone number please.
May we contact your veterinarian to obtain medical records?
Is there anything else that you would like this organization, foster home and future forever home to know about your pet?
Our foster homes are all over New England and beyond, we may need your help getting your pet(s) to their foster home. How far are you able/willing to travel?
If you are not able to travel, are you able to give gas money to a volunteer to pick up your pet and deliver to its foster home?
Please write a couple sentences about this animal’s personality. Here are some words you might use to describe him/her:
shy, outgoing, submissive, calm, snuggly, silly, playful, stand-offish, adventurous, curious, energetic, kissy, skittish, affectionate
Please write a couple sentences about this animal’s likes and dislikes. Here are some suggestions to write about:
shoulder ride, snuggle in pouch/shirt/hoodie, use hammocks, use a wheel, use hidey house/hut, hide from people, come to front of cage, run away from people, take food from human hands, favorite foods, favorite toys, favorite friends, uses teeth in play
Please write a couple sentences about this animal’s experiences while in your care. Here are some suggestions to write about:
uses a litter box, been around dogs, young children or cats, played with other rats, had a bath, free ranged, bit out of fear, bit out of anger, bit when taking food from a hand, would never think of biting, been to the vet
Please tell us what type of family you think this animal would fit best with and explain why:
Adults only, family w/young children, family w/ tween children, family w/older children, family w/previous rat experience, newbies, other
*Please use as much room as needed. Every bit of information helps us help your pet find a perfect home!
*MRR is a non-profit organization and receives no funding from government agencies. MRR does not require a fee for helping your pet but appreciates any and all donations.
Street Address:
Email Address:
Phone Numbers (Please include area code): Home: Cell: Work:
Pet’s name:
Species, Breed & Color: Age & Gender:
Pet’s name:
Species, Breed & Color: Age & Gender:
Pet’s name:
Species, Breed & Color: Age & Gender:
Pet’s name:
Species, Breed & Color: Age & Gender:
Pet’s name:
Species, Breed & Color: Age & Gender:
I, ______, as the legal owner of the afore-mentioned animals (indicate number and sex______), forego my ownership of the animal(s) and relinquish this animal(s) into the care of Mainely Rat Rescue. In doing so, I agree that Mainely Rat Rescue is free to seek out an adoptive home for the animal(s), and provide medical treatment including euthanasia if appropriate and necessary. I also have provided Mainely Rat Rescue with a complete history of the animal(s) to the best of my knowledge, including medical and behavioral. Any further instructions or details to be listed here:
Owner’s Signature: ______Date: ______
MRR Representative Signature______Date: ______