Musbury Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held Monday 19 June 2017 in Musbury Village Hall Committee Room

PRESENT: Cllr C. Corbett (Chair); Cllrs C. Ellis, J. Albano, P. Perryman and P. Smith; County Cllr I Hall; Ms J. Bishop (Clerk); 8 parishioners.

1 APOLOGIES: Cllr M. Perry.

2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING held Monday 8 May 2017 were accepted as a true record and duly signed by Cllr Corbett.


4 POLICE MATTERS: PCSO Chris Bolsover had emailed the crime reports for Axminster Rural for May. There were 11 recorded offences in the area but no crimes were recorded in Musbury.

The Clerk will check why none of the call-outs about Mountfield are included (probably because they were civil not criminal offences). ACTION

The Clerk said she had filed a personal complaint to the police about a) the long response times and b) the failures to locate the property when calls have been made about intruders to Mountfield.

Resident Mike Lock reported recent anti-social behaviour in the Whitford Rd and Cllr Corbett said the playing field picnic bench had been damaged. Cllr Hall said it was important to record all such instances.


Councillor vacancy- This remains. One person has declared an interest in the post. Cllr Corbett said he will wait until the next meeting to see whether there are any other candidates. ACTION

Millennium Noticeboard at the former PO – This has not yet been refurbished as carpenter James Amato was ill and then swamped by work following the Chelsea Flower Show. He has told the Clerk that he would hope to do the work now in early July. She will confirm with him. ACTION

This board will be re-sited on the side wall of Musbury Garage.

Rogue Musbury PC Facebook Page –A Facebook page was created in the name of Musbury PC by someone who wanted to discredit the Mendip Mules open-top bus service. It appeared to say that this Council had forbidden the posting of publicity material for the bus on any of the Council’s property. This angered some residents who posted anti-Council sentiments. After talking to the Clerk the owner of the bus service realised it was ‘fake news’ and removed it and all the comments. He also offered all Musbury residents a free hour- long mystery tour to compensate.


Temporary Prohibitions of through traffic and parking- Councillors noted closures to enable new water services: a) Axminster Rd 17-19 July

b) Whitford Rd, near Ferndale Cottage 7-11 August.

Garage visibility- Cllr Perryman had again spoken to the garage owner and suggested washing the vans on the grass outside the forecourt to improve the sightlines for drivers onto the A358. He did not think the suggestion would be taken up.

Drainage – Cllr Perry has provided a quote to clean out the ditch on Combpyne Rd and to remove the spoil. Cllr Corbett will organise a comparative quote. The payment will be made from the TAP fund.


Dog fouling- Resident Michael Brock has kindly cut the grass outside his house for some years. He has noticed an increase in the amount of dog fouling which makes the job very unpleasant. If an owner is identified they may be subject to a fixed penalty of £80. He has brought the matter to the attention of Environmental Health. The Clerk has also requested a temporary pavement stencil from EDDC (ref 17/02184/GNDGFO) to drive home the No Fouling message.

Verges on Main Road - Cllr Smith requested that the small patch of grass with the copper beech tree outside the garage is added to the area cut by Halycon. The Clerk will ask for a quote. ACTION


Recent transactions - The Clerk presented the accounts for May (below). These had been reviewed by Cllr Ellis for internal audit. The accounts were approved by Cllrs Smith and Perryman.

Parishes Together Funds 2017/18- Applications are now open for funds. Musbury has 467 voters generating a fund of £513.70. Closing dates for applications 19 June and10 November 2017, 7 February 2018.

The Clerk will check if drainage prevention money can be applied for again. ACTION

There was some discussion about the value of public defibrillators. Cllr Perryman was in favour of Musbury having one, other Councillors were not sure. A straw poll amongst the residents present were 50:50 for and against.

Whitford has 2 defibrillators. The Clerk will ask a representative to come to the next meeting (July) to outline their local experience. ACTION

It was suggested that the St John’s Ambulance could provide a professional view. This could be requested for the Sept meeting if there is interest in taking forward the acquisition.

8 P3

Cllr Albano said that it was important that walkers used a map or looked at the signs when walking and did not rely exclusively on google maps or other online locators. Several walkers had recently got lost in this way although there were clear footpath markers nearby. Cllr Smith said he was also aware that many people did not actually look where they were, but relied on the screen in their hand. Cllr Albano has now put out more East Devon Way foxglove markers.

Parish Walk 2017 – This has been fixed for Sat 29 July. A tea will be served in the Village Hall with donations in aid of the Exeter Leukaemia Fund (ELF) unit at the RDE. This has treated several residents in recent times as well as offering transport services to the hospital. ELF undertakes research into blood disorders. Even if residents do not come on the walk everyone is invited to the tea.


Mountfield - TheYou Tube video of the contents now has had 8 million views. Still the intruders come, causing damage to neighbours’ fencing and the security measures. The Court of Protection deputy has now authorised structural engineers to make the building safe enough for the rooms to be cleared. The timescale is not known.

Decisions notified

17/0324/LBC - Yew Tree House Replacement of 6 no. windows to match existing in south elevation; replacement of side hung barn doors with four panelled french doors (2 fixed panels and 2 opening) in south elevation; re-locate internal staircase and replace concrete floor in store – Approved.

Applications received

17/1163/FUL – Bundels - Creation of car park within garden; remove part of boundary wall to create access; rebuild part of wall and install gate

17/1164/LBC – Bundels - Removal of boundary wall to create access and parking area; installation of gate

Councillors were happy to support these applications with the proviso that Highways confirms the safety of the project in relation to the main A358.

17/1253/MFUL - Drakes Farm, Seaton Road - Agricultural Livestock building

Councillors were happy to support this application but requested a condition of some additional tree screening close to the A358 to minimise the visual impact of the large structure.

17/0883/FUL - The Golden Hind, The Street -Proposed two storey rear extension, new main entrance and associated alterations. Amendments to fenestration and elevation treatment and confirmation of no access from the street to rear garden-

Councillors were happy to support the amendments.

River Cottage- Cllrs Corbett and Ellis had received personal invitations to go on site to discuss the forthcoming application for a 16-bd guesthouse, a cookery school, events and informal lounge spaces.

Cllr Corbett asked the Clerk to request a site visit for the full Council once the application was publicly available. ACTION


Safety inspection – Cllr Corbett and a new resident with a maintenance background will meet on site to discuss priorities amongst the jobs identified in the report. ACTION


Water – An estimated bill has been received. Mr Parkman will check the actual reading for the Clerk to request a more accurate bill. ACTION

Polytunnel- New tenants at plots 28 and 29 have put up a structure without realising that permission should first be sought. While it is more like a mini marquee than a polytunnel Councillors were happy to grant permission for it to stay. The Clerk will notify the tenants. ACTION


County Councillor- Cllr Corbett warmly welcomed Cllr Hall to his first Musbury meeting. Cllr Hall

emphasized that he was here to help. He said

·  Stoney Lane in Axminster will be closed for 3 weeks from 7 August and will result in likely delays

·  Musbury Primary school has applied for funding for an outdoor classroom through the DCC Locality budget

·  Brian Hoare, now back as the local Highways contact, will be taking a tour with him around the area to assess problems

·  He had attended the DCC’s Health and Adult Care Scrutiny Committee meeting at Exeter’s County Hall earlier in the day. They had posed 14 questions to the CCG about the decision to close beds at Seaton hospital (and elsewhere). The Committee has the legal power to refer the CCG’s decision to the Secretary of State for Health unless the questions were answered to the Committee’s satisfaction. However because the Committee now has new members CCG has been given until the end of July to respond. There will be another meeting but Cllr Hall is not convinced that the CCG will change its mind.

·  A public demonstration of opposition to the bed closures at the meeting had been organized by County Councillor for Seaton & Colyton Cllr Martin Shaw. About 60 people, including Cllr Albano, attended in the public gallery.


Parish Seats – Cllr Perryman noted that several of the wooden seats in the parish were showing signs of wear and tear. Resident Allen Parkman agreed to look at the seats and report on their condition. ACTION


SW Water Business – Deregulation of the water industry; DALC – New Councillors short courses; P3 Spring/Summer Newsletter by email; Seafarers UK Fly the Red Ensign for Merchant Navy Day 3 Sept

2020 Plastics – Welcome Pack for residents; Changes to Village Green /LOVE Devon.


With no further business outstanding, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.55pm

Dates of Next Meetings Monday 31 July 2017

Monday 4 September (NB a change from 11 September)


MAY 2017

Income received 0

Earlier Cheques cleared

1084 PO for HMRC (April) (G) 48.84

1087 Tony Hargreaves – contribution to wall repair (G) 100.00

1088 Musbury Village Hall, hire (27/3) (G) 10.50

1089 Musbury Village Hall, hire (3/4) (G) 7.00

Payments made

1090 PO for HMRC (May) (G) 48.84

1091 Halcyon Landscapes – March £71.25 + £14.25 VAT (G) 85.50

1092 Steve Hearne – noticeboard repairs (G) 500.00

1093 Musbury Village Hall hire (8/5) (G) 14.00

1094 Clerk Salary April (G) £195.35 +

Expenses April (G) £11.40 = 206 .75

1095 Nigel Bowles for audit (G) 46.00

1096 Community First Trading insurance (G) 488.10

1097 SW Countryside Contractors (P3) 726.08

Balance of account as at 31/05/2017 Statement no 93 £ 6912.83


Allotment deposits 420.00

Allotment funds available 556.19 = 976.19

P3 147.75

TAP Fund 15/16 485.00

TAP Fund 16/17 503.80

General 4800.09

Cheques to sign (not included in balances)

1098 Halcyon Landscapes – April £72.33 + £14.47 VAT (G) 86.80

1099 Devon Communities Together sub (G) 50.00

1100 Clerk Salary May (G) £195.35 +

Expenses May (G) £12.32 = 207.67

1101 Musbury Village Hall hire (19/6) 10.50

1102 PO for HMRC (June) (G) 48.84

1103 Halcyon Landscapes – May £72.33 + £14.47 VAT (G) 86.80


10 April Gross Credit Interest 0.02

9 June Gross Credit Interest 0.01

Balance 360.34