
Alexander ‘Alex’ James Patterson

Senior at the University of Colorado-Boulder, 21-years-old

Hometown: Boulder, CO

303-249-9634 Cell

School-Related Activities

  • I attended and graduated from Fairview High School in Boulder, CO. I attended the school from 2004 to 2008.
  • During high school, I played tennis on the high school tennis team for three years and made the Varsity 2 tennis team as a senior. Our varsity team finished second in the state of Colorado overall that year.
  • During high school, I played baseball for the high school baseball team for three years.
  • While I was in my sophomore year in high school, I participated in history day with two other people. The project took us five weeks to prepare and finish and we spent about 20 hours a week on the project. We ended up with an 88 on the project and the project was on Jackie Robinson.
  • During my senior year in high school, I was a member of the Link program at my high school. The program helps freshman transition into high school. As a member of the program, I was in charge of a group of about 20 students with one other upper classman and a teacher. My partner and I ran activities for the kids and helped them study for finals during their first semester.
  • From August 2008-December 2009, I attended the University of Missouri. I left before the Spring 2010 for personal and financial reasons.
  • For the Spring 2010 semester, I attended the University of Colorado at Denver.
  • From August 2010 to the present, I am a student at the University of Colorado-Boulder with a major in Media Studies within the School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Non-School Related Activities

  • While I’m out of season for sports, I play those sports almost everyday. I help my dad coach a baseball team in the spring.
  • While in 7-9 grade during the summer, I co-organized a golf tournament. This was a golf tournament that benefited the YMCA scholarship program or just gave the YMCA a chance to get some money to help pay for much needed materials. Our best year, we donated over $5,000 to the YMCA.
  • I am a very good cook. I make dinner on a regular basis for myself and sometimes for my friends.
  • After my junior year in high school, I participated in National Student Leadership Conference at American University. During the conference, I studied Sports Writing and Broadcasting during the Journalism and Mass Communications conference.
  • Starting first semester of freshman year of college through Spring 2010, member of the Delta Chi Fraternity at the University of Missouri.
  • Winner of Homecoming 2009 Talent at University of Missouri, as I was Delta Chi Homecoming Talent director. I, along with four others, was in charge of around 60 people. My responsibilities included writing a 12-minute skit, directing that skit, and delegating and managing the duties of building sets, designing costumes, and I personally was in charge of all technical duties with the skit, including master headset/cue-call on stage.

Employment Experience

  • The summer after my sophomore year, I worked at an office in Frederick, Colorado, called B2B Direct. They sell computer and printer supplies to other offices and companies that need them. I worked their as a junior assistant and also sold some supplies on occasion. I worked from June through August in 2006.
  • The summer after my junior year, I worked at a window construction company called Ameritech. I would walk through neighborhoods and talk to people one on one try and get them to sign up for a free estimate on their windows. I worked for four hours a day 3-5 times a week. I worked for the company from May through August in 2007.
  • From December 2007 through August 2008, I worked at a family Mexican restaurant in Niwot, Colorado called Ajuua!! I worked as a busboy at the restaurant for the duration of my time there. Typically, I worked for five to six hours bussing tables and closing the restaurant each time I worked. I worked about 20-25 hours a week at the restaurant.
  • From July 2009 to August 2009, I worked as a Team Advisor Intern for National Student Leadership Conference at University of California-Berkeley. I was in charge of 10-12 for two weeks and taught them elementary skills in Journalism.
  • Since February 15th, 2010, I host my own radio show for three hours each week, two hours on Monday and one hour on Tuesday, through As a part of this, I am in charge of my own content. I spend about 6 hours a week working on my shows, critiquing myself and coming up with new content. The shows are archived and podcasted on iTunes. Check out iTunes for an example of my work.
  • From February 2010 to October 2010, I wrote a weekly article for the blog website This was a nice way to get my writing out into the public, and since I am a big Colorado Rockies fan, it only made sense. Check out the website for all of my work.
  • In May 2010, I started working back at Ajuua Mexican Restaurant as a busboy. My duties are the same as listed above.

Summer Activities

  • During the summer I work, travel, and play sports in my free time all summer long. I stay as active as I can during the summer.


  • I was awarded with the YMCA President’s Round Table award in December of 2003.
  • Winner of 2009 Homecoming Talent at University of Missouri, and I held position of Delta Chi Homecoming Talent Director.


  • Scott McWilliams: Programming Director for
  • Can be reached at
  • Jason Primm: Manager, Ajuua Mexican Restaurant
  • Can be reached at 303-709-4110