Training in Schools Work

30th September- 2nd October at High Leigh Conference Centre

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Please describe briefly your experience (if any) in schools work:






Please return this form, together with £20 deposit (cheques made

payable to Scripture Union) to: Joanna Swepston, 3 Captains Court

Horton, NN7 2AX

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Training Courses in
Schools Work

Training in Schools Work

30thSeptember - 2nd October

High Leigh Conference Centre

Lord Street



EN11 8SG


Schools Work is an increasingly significant area of youth and children’s ministry. This course is designed for those new to schools work, as well as those with some experience or who are working in schools as a part of a wider role as church-based youth or children’s workers – both paid and unpaid. It is suitable for people working in primary or secondary schools. As well as thinking about the theological underpinning of schools work, there will be practical sessions and the opportunity to gain new ideas and insights.


The course is a residential and will start will at 11am on Monday 30 Septemberand end at 1pm with LunchonWednesday 2nd October 2013.


High Leigh Conference Centre, Lord Street, Hoddesdon, HertfordshireEN11 8SG

Course content includes:

The mission context of schools work

The educational context – legislation and its implications

Developing partnerships between churches and schools

Supporting Christians in the school context

The role of Christian groups

Enabling and equipping volunteers

Assemblies, lessons, and other activities

Developing a strategy

and much more……

THE COURSE FACILITATORS ARE: Lisa Jones and Karen Quinney

Lisa Jones is Scripture Union’s development worker for schools in the South East and Karen Quinney is Scripture Union’s development worker for schools in the East. Lisa and Karen will host the three days and be available to answer any questions you may have. The course will be delivered by a number of Scripture Union’s staff and associates bringing a wide range of knowledge, experience and understanding.


If you would like to attend this course, please complete an application form (one per person – enclosed) and return it to Joanna Swepston at the below address. If you have any questions, call Joanna on 01604 870080 or email

Details of the daily programme can also be obtained by contacting Joanna


The course will cost £140 for Independent trusts and Individuals.

For Scripture Union associates it will cost £100

A deposit of £20.00 is payable (to Scripture Union) on booking by the 31st July 2013, and the balance is due two weeks before the start of the course.

The small print: the deposit is non-returnable in the event of cancellation. If you

have to cancel your booking within two weeks of the course you will be liable forthe full fees.


If you would like to attend either course, please complete an application form (one

This will cover all meals, accommodation, tuition and course materials.