These are the guidelines that you should follow to be successful on the 1,000 word paper assignment in this class. The grade will consist of several parts, including portions for the content of the paper, your use of writing skills, adequate research, and following these directions. In general, the paper will be a minimum of 1,000 words long, excluding title page,citations, and works cited page. There is no maximum length. If it is typed according to these guidelines, it should be about 3 pages. I will hand out a separate grade sheet that you will attach to your paper. It will allow you to see exactly how I will assign a grade to your work. I will also hand out a checklist that you will complete and attach to your paper. If you check your paper against that list, you should have no problem earning a high grade on this assignment.

You should begin with research. I expect a minimum of 3 sources. At least two must be from outside class. In large part, the quality of your paper depends upon the quality of your sources. Spend some time looking for good sources. I encourage the use of a first person account, such as an interview, especially if you are writing about a recent event (say from WWII on). Talk to relatives, friends, neighbors or others who experienced the event. It should make the assignment a lot more fun (or at least more interesting) to complete. After conducting research, make certain that the paper you write contains your own words and ideas. Plagiarism is a serious offense that I take very seriously. I recommend that you take notes from your sources and write from your notes. If you are writing your paper directly from a source (with it open in front of you), you are much more likely to be guilty of plagiarism. You will want to read the separate handout on plagiarism.

I would like this paper to be written using the guidelines established in the Reitz Memorial High School Writer’s Guide, with the following exceptions (page number in Writer’s Guide):

  • Writing in the first person is allowed, especially in the reaction portion of the paper (p3).
  • On the title page, I would like the date the paper is actually turned in, not the due date (p3).
  • You may format the title page in any way you like, as long as the required information is present (p3).
  • I will not require a rough draft or outline be turned in, so instructions regarding these should be considered suggestions for good writing, but will not be graded.
  • You may use encyclopedias as sources, but not Wikipedia (p5).
  • You may use class notes with the permission of the instructor and my approval (p5).
  • I will not require copies of sources used in the essay be turned in, but you should be prepared to produce them upon request (p5).
  • You must include a Works Cited page, but a Works Consulted page is not required (p5).
  • I expect you to be able to produce an electronic copy of the paper (flash drive, disk, etc.) if I request it (p7).

You should write using your best writing skills. The paper should be virtually free of spelling and grammar errors. It should also include a good introduction and conclusion. The information should be well organized in a way that leads toward your conclusion.

A strong paper will show understanding and interpretation of the source materials by combining them in a way that is original to your paper. Use the paper to present an argument, rather than to tell me a bunch of facts. For example, a good topic might be whether we should have been involved in WWII. A weaker paper would just present the details on the attack of Pearl Harbor. To make a valid argument, your opinion must be based upon facts. Use the facts and opinions you gather through research to help you to present your own argument. An important part of your grade will be based upon how well you use the facts to support your opinion.

The paper will be worth 100 points, the same as a test grade. If it is turned in late, for any reason, the maximum grade you can earn is 50 points. If I decided a paper is unacceptable for any reason, except plagiarism, you may resubmit the paper with a new deadline for half credit, unless you originally turned it in by the early deadline. Then you may resubmit it by the final deadline with no penalty, except the loss of the early deadline bonus. The early deadline will be______. You will receive 10 bonus points on the paper if it is turned in by that date. The final deadline is ______. In addition, one other date will apply. I expect a topic statement and preliminary list of possible sources by ______.