St John’s Catholic Primary School Overview for Term 2

2017‐ 2018

Subject / Areas to be covered
RE / We are going to be learning about how we all belong to God’s family, in order to understand that all the people in the world are part of his family and that we are part of it too. The children will be talking about their own family and community. We will be also learning about Christmasand how we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The children will be listening to and retelling the Nativity story.
We will also be learning about Diwali.
Communication and Language / We will continueworking on our listening skills, listening to stories with increasing attention and recall and responding to simple instructions. We will also continue to develop our language skills by telling and retelling stories and make observations and our own explanations about the world and the people around us.
We will also be also working on learning new words and using them when we communicate.
Mathematics / We will continue to practise reciting numbers to at least 10, counting objects and comparing quantities. We will learn about shapes, noticing simple shapes and patterns in pictures and talking about the size of everyday objects. We will also work on using positional language.
Physical development / We will practise drawing lines and circles using our gross motor movements and develop our understanding of safety when we use equipment and tools. We will also experiment with different ways of moving.
Understanding of the world / We will remember and talk about significant events in our own experiences including festivals that we celebrate. We will use simple ICT toys. We will also talk about the seasonal changes in nature.
Literacy / We will share stories, rhymes and songs. We will listen to and join in with stories. We will be learning sounds and letters.
Expressive arts and Design / We will continue experimenting with different tools, colours and marks and explore what we can do in our Art area. We will also be engaging in imaginative role-play based on our own first-hand experiences and the stories we have been listening to.
We will learn songs and play musical instruments for our Christmas performance.
Personal social Education / We will work on adapting our behaviour to changes in a familiar routine as we are going to practise and rehearse for our Christmas performance!
We will also continue our work on making relationships with others.