


2009 № 3



© A.A. Dobritsina, 2009


DobritsinaA.A. Pressing problems of health protection of medical workers rendering emergency medical aid // Herald of the MechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - № 3 (32). – P. 7-10.

State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Training «Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academyof the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation», Russia, 195067, St.-Petersburg, К-67, Piskarevsky prospect, 47, tel.: (812)543-96-09, fax: (812)140-15-24, e-mail:

Summary: In article the medico-social characteristic of the medical workers rendering emergency medical aid is presented, negative professional features of their work, a consequence of this influence are analyzed, the estimation of spent actions for health protection of this category of medical workers is given.

Key words: the first aid, health of medical workers, negative professional factors.


1. Таракнов А.В., Кутова Е.В. Инсомнические расстройства у врачей скорой помощи (сообщение 1) // Скорая медицинская помощь, СПб. – 2007. – №1.– С. 80.

Information about the author:

Dobritsina Anna Alekseevna – the post-graduate student, work tel.: (812)543-02-64, e-mail:


© M.A.Karachevtseva, N.M. Bogushevich, 2009

UDC 614.2 : 658.325

Karachevtseva M.A., BogushevichN.M. Integrated assessment of indexes of insurance medical organization activities on examination of quality of medical aid // Herald of theMechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - № 3 (32). – P. 10-13.

Saint PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy named after I.I. Mechnikov (SPSMA)195067, St.-Petersburg, Piskarevskii pr., 47, tel. 8-812-543-96-09, fax: 8-812-740-15-24, E-mail:

Territorial Fund of the obligatory medical insurance of Saint-Petersburg (TF OMI SPb), Koli Tomchaka str, build. 9 lit "A", Saint-Petersburg, 196084 (Moscovski pr., build.120), phone: 8-812-703-73-14, fax: 8-812-703-73-94, E-mail:

Summary: There is shown the integrated estimation of the indices of the Medical Insuranse companies work in the assesment of the medical help quality with their following ranking.

Key words:Integrated estimation of the Medical Insuranse companies workof the medical help quality


1. Кравчук С.Г. О деятельности Федерального фонда ОМС по организации защиты прав граждан в системе ОМС//Обязательное медицинское страхование в Российской Федерации. - 2008. - № 4. - С.26 - 31.

2. Кравченко Н.А., Старченко А.А.. Гришина Н.И. Реформа обязательного медицинского страхования граждан Российской Федерации глазами страховщика//Экономика здравоохранения.-2008.- № 8.- С. 18-22.

3. Чавпецов В.Ф., Михайлов С.М. Опыт организации экспертной деятельности для управления качеством медицинской помощи//Система управления качеством медицинской помощи в Санкт-Петербурге. Первые результаты и проблемы развития:Сб. научно-практ. работ/ Под ред. А.В. Шаброва,В.Ф. Чавпецова.- СПб., 2007.- С. 52-62.

4. Юргель Н.В., Никонов Е.Л. Мониторинг реализации мероприятий приоритетного национального проекта в сфере здравоохранения //Менеджмент качества в сфере здравоохранения и социального развития. - 2007. - № 2. - С. 3- 7.

5. Линденбратен А.Л., Григорьева Т.Н. Совершенствование подходов к организации и проведению вневедомственного контроля качества медицинской помощи на основе анализа территориальных моделей / Под ред. Д.В. Рейхарта, Е.Н. Сучковой.- М.: Федеральный фонд ОМС, - 2007.- 136 с.

Informeition about the authors:

Karachevtseva Marina A. - M.D., professor of the department of the Organisation of the public health and managment of quality of the medical help, Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy of I.I.Mechnikov, head of the Department of the menagment of the quality of medical help assesment of the TF OMI SPb, work tel.: 8-812-596-12-96, 8-812-703-14-07, E-mail:

Bogushevich Natalya M. - assistant of the department of the Organisation of the public health and managment of quality of the medical help, Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy of I.I. Mechnikov, leading specialist of the Department of the menagment of the quality of medical help assesment of the TF OMI SPb, work tel.: 8-812-596-12-96, 8-812-703-73-14, home tel.: 8-812-520-66-71, E-mail:


© A.A.Sidorov, P.P.Romashov,, 2009

UDC 614.1:616.7-053.89

Sidorov A.A.1, Romashov P.P.2Medical-and-social characteristics of bone-muscular system disease prevalence in working population // Herald of theMechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - № 3 (32). – P. 13-17.

1State unitary enterprise “Vodokanal Saint-Petersburg” branch “Medical Center”, 191124, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Stavropolskaya str., 12/15, tel./fax: (812) 438-43-71, e-mail:

2State Educational Institution for Higher Professional Training “Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy” of Roszdrav, Russia, 195067, Saint-Petersburg, Piskarevsky prospect, 47, tel.: 543-00-82, fax: (812) 740-15-24, e-mail:

Summary.Basing on the results of statistical preventive medical examination and morbidity accompanied by temporary disability data medical-and-social characteristics of bone-muscular system diseases were studied in the workers of the industrial enterprise. High social-economic significance of these diseases was shown, which was due to their increased prevalence, high level of primary invalidisation, significant level of temporary disability.

Keywords: diseases of bone-muscular system, physical inability, morbidity with temporal disability.


1.Баскаков В.Н., Крылова Е.К., Яненко Е.А. Первичная инвалидность в России: аналитический обзор 1999-2002 гг. – М.: АНО «НААЦ», 2004, - 39 с.

2.Белова А.Н. Нейрореабилитация: руководство для врачей.- М.: Антидор, 2002. – 736 с.

3.Зайцев В.М., Аликбаева Л.А., Сидоров А.А., Двояковский А.Л., Гладков Д.И. Медицинская статистика в амбулаторно-поликлинических учреждениях промышленных предприятий. – СПб., 2009 – 416 с.

Information about the authors:

Sidorov Alexander Anatolievich – Director of the Branch “Medical Center” of the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal Saint-Petersburg”, work tel./fax: (812) 438-43-71, mobile phone:8-921-423-74-02, e-mail:

Romashov Pavel Pavlovich – Candidate od Medical Sciences, Assistant-Professor of the department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Field Surgery with the course of Syomatology of the Machnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy, work tel.: (812) 543-80-54, home tel.: (812) 298-56-94, mobile phone: 8-921-745-95-73.


© Yu.A.Khrustalyeva, 2009

UDC 340.69 : 347.948

Khrustalyeva Yu.A. Analysisof establishing cause-effect relations in the materials of the repeated examinations // Herald of theMechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - № 3 (32). – P. 17-20.

FederalState Educational Institution of Higher Professional Learning «ArmyMedicalAcademy n.a. S.M.Kirova» Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, 194044, St.-Peterburg, str.Lebedeva 6, tel.: 8-812-329-71-18, fax: 8-812-329-71-18.

Summary:Have made evaluation of determination cause-and-effect relation in case of making recurrent appraisals. Found out the cases different treatment presence or absence cause-and-effect relation in valuation the same accidents. Working-out criterias of the sort of relation and application unified approaches to determination causality will be redound to decrease experts mistakes.

Keywords:expert appraisal by materials of file of case, recurrent expertise, expert report, answers, cause-and-effect relation.


1. Ардашкин А.П. Методологические основы судебно-медицинской экспертизы: Автореф. дис. …д-ра мед. наук. – М., 2004. – 24 с.

2. Быховская О.А. Судебно-медицинская оценка дефектов оказания медицинской помощи в условиях крупного города: Автореф. дис. …к-та мед. наук. – СПб., 2002. – 24 с.

3. Ильина Е.Р. Оценка заключения судебно-медицинского эксперта по уголовным делам/ Е.Р. Ильина, В.В. Сергеев, А.А. Тарасов. – М.: Юрлитинформ, 2008. – 224 с.

4. Лобан И.Е. Судебно-медицинская деятельность в уголовном судопроизводстве: правовые, организационные и методические аспекты /И.Е.Лобан, Г.И. Заславский, В.Л. Попов. – СПб.: Издательство «Юридический центр Пресс», 2003. – 467 с.

5. Пиголкин Ю.И. Критерии обоснованности врачебного риска и их судебно-медицинская оценка /Ю.И. Пиголкин //Суд.-мед.эксперт. – 2004. – №1. – С. 3–7.

Information about the author:

Khrustaleva Julia Alexandrovna - candidate of medical sciences, docent, assistant-professor of the Department of Forensic medicine of ArmyMedicalAcademy n.a. S.M.Kirova, work tel.: 8-812-495-72-28, home tel.: 8-812-482-21-34, mobile phone 8-911-951-15-75, e-mail: .


© A.V.Bereznikov, V.P.Konev, I.V.Pismennyi, Yu.O.Onufriychuk, 2009


BereznikovA.V.1, KonevV.P.1, PismennyiI.V.1, OnufriychukYu.O.2Legal examination of cases of medical aid in Oddi sphincter dysfunction // Herald of theMechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - № 3 (32). – P. 20-23.

1Federal Educational Establishment for High Professional Training Omsk state medical academy of Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation, 644043, Omsk, Lenina street, 12, phone: 8-3812-236207, a fax: 8-3812-244041, E-mail:

2Budgetary establishment for High Professional Training Khanty-Маnsiysk state medical institute

Summary: Authors allocate criteria of positive consequences of rendering of medical aid of patients with dysfunction of sphincter Оddi, the algorithm of an expert estimation of quality of medical aid is offered.

Key words: defects of rendering of medical aid, criteria of efficiency, examination of cases of medical aid.


  1. Бояджан В.А. Проблема стандартизации оценки деятельности учреждений здравоохранения / В.А. Бояджан, Ю.Н. Семёнов // бюл. НИИ им Н.А. Семашко – М, 1992. – С.29 – 31.
  2. Григорьев П.Я. Желчнокаменная болезнь и последствия холецистэктомии: диагностика, лечение и профилактика / П.Я. Григорьев, И.П. Солуянова, А.В. Яковенко // Лечащий врач. – 2002. – № 6. – С. 26–32.
  3. Григорьев П.Я. Стандарты диагностики и лечения заболеваний органов пищеварения: метод. рекомендации для врачей / П.Я Григорьев, Э.П. Яковенко. – М., 2005. – 40 с.
  4. Ивашкин В.Т. Рациональная фармакотерапия заболеваний органов пищеварения / В.Т. Ивашкин – М. : Литтерра, 2003. – 1056 с.
  5. Ивашкин В.Т. Схемы лечения в гастроэнтерологии / В.Т. Ивашкин, Т.Л. Лапина – М. : Литтерра, 2006. – 155с.
  6. Минушкин О.Н. Дисфункциональные расстройства билиарного тракта : метод. рекомендации / О.Н. Минушкин. – М., 2004. – 24 с.
  7. Радул В.В. Экспертиза качества медицинской помощи терапевтическим больным: методология, уровни оценок, клинико-анатомические параллели: автореф. …дис. канд. мед. наук / Радул В.В. – Омск, 2004. – 22с.

Information about the authors:

Bereznikov Alexey Vasilyevich - candidate of medical sciences, the assistant to faculty of forensic medicine with a rate of jurisprudence of Omsk State Medical Academy of Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation, the address post: 644123, Omsk, Koneva street, the house 12 - 56, phone house: 8(3812) 765454, mobile. 8-904-5827996, e-mail:

Konev Vladimir Pavlovich – doctor of medical sciences managing faculty of forensic medicine with a rate of jurisprudence of Omsk State Medical Academy of Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation, the address post: 644043, Omsk, street Partizanskaya, the house 20, phone house: 8(3812) 211367, mobile. 8-913-9630597, e-mail:

Pismennyj Igor Viktorovich – the competitor of faculty of forensic medicine with a rate of jurisprudence of Omsk State Medical Academy of Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation, the address post: 644043, Omsk, street Partizanskaya, the house 20, phone mobile: 8-913-6280471.

Onufrijchuk Julia Olegovna – candidate of medical sciences, the assistant to faculty of hospital therapy of Budgetary establishment for High Professional Training Khanty-Маnsiysk state medical institute, the address post: 628011, Khanty-Mansiysk, street Studencheskaya, the house 15 - 404, phone mobile. 8-902-8196987.


A.G.Zaitsev, V.N.Bolekhan, T.A.Chesneishij 2009

UDC 613.9: 613.67

Zaitsev A.G.1, Bolekhan V.N.2, Chesneyshy T.A.3 Sexual behavior and marriage models of military high school cadets // Herald of theMechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - № 3 (32). – P. 23-27.

1The research center of medicine of 1-st Central scientific research institute of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, 198013, St.-Petersburg, Ruzovskaya str., 10, tel. .: 8-812-316-66-48, 8-812-316-66-92.

2Federal State Educational Establishment of the Maximum Professional Training «Army Medical Academy of a name S.M. of Kirov» the Ministries of Defence of the Russian Federation, 194044, St.-Petersburg, Academician Lebedeva str., 6, tel.:8-812-292-32-73, fax: 8-812-542-83-53

31410 Center of the state sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, 198329, St.-Petersburg, Brave str., 1, tel.: 8-812-736-84-26, fax: 8-812-736-98-87

Summary:Features are certain of sexual behaviour of cadets of military high school, including their installation in relation to the introduction into the marriage are certain, allowing to make the conclusion that the significant part from them in moral-psychological attitude is not ready to creation of family and is inclined to risky forms sexual on-conducting.

Key words: military men, sexual behaviour, semantic sphere, a content-analysis, models of the introduction into marriage.


1.Баловнева Я.В., Белозеров Е.С., Буланьков Ю.И., Болехан В.Н. Факторы, определяющие распространение в молодежной среде инфекции, передающиеся преимущественно половым путем // Сибирский медицинский журнал. –2008. – №7. – С.103-105.

2.Болехан В.Н., Огарков П.И., Орлова Е.С. Особенности проявлений эпидемического процесса ВИЧ-инфекции в России, Вооруженных силах РФ и совершенствование профилактики в современных условиях // Система профилактики ВИЧ/СПИДа в вооруженных силах: материалы 5 международной науч. – практ. конф. – СПб., 2008. – С.35-36.

3.Буланьков Ю.И., Болехан В.Н. Курсанты военно-учебных заведений – целевая группа реализации профилактических программ // Международное сотрудничество в области профилактики ВИЧ-инфекции среди военнослужащих: материалы 4 международной науч. – практ. конф. – М., 2007. – С.32-33.

4.Буланьков Ю.И., Болехан В.Н., Баловнева Я.В. Урогенитальная патология среди молодежи // Медлайн Экспресс. – 2008. – №5. – С.59-61.

5.Евченко А., Разов П., Архипов Н. Конфликт в семье военнослужащего // Морской сборник. – 2001. – № 3. – С. 44-46.

6.Зайцев Г.К., Зайцев А.Г. Сексовалеология взросления // Педагогика. – 2005. – №5. – С. 49-58.

7.Зайцев Г.К., Зайцев А.Г., Изгорев С.А. Сексовалеологическое образование молодежи // Валеология. – 2004. – №1. – С. 39-43.

8.Зайцев Г.К., Зайцев А.Г., Хаптанова Т.Г.Половое воспитание подростков: ценностное отношение к здоровью // Вопросы психологии. – 2002. – №3. – С. 33-40.

9.Зайцев Г.К., Зайцев А.Г., Хаптанова Т.Г.Формирование мотивационной сферы сексуальности подростков // Педагогика. – 2002. – №3. – С. 40-44.

10.Изгорев С.А., Зайцев Г.К., Минеева А.Т. Социально-психологический анализ готовности молодежи к супружеской жизни // Образование взрослых в современном развивающемся обществе: материалы международной науч. –практ. конф.– СПб.: ИОВ РАО, 2003. – Ч.1. – С. 306-310.

11.Лоуэн А. Любовь и оргазм. – Ростов-на Дону: Феникс, 1998. – 448 с.

Information about the authors:

Zaicev Anton Georgievich – the doctor of medical sciences,the senior scientific employee of the research center of medicine of 1-st Central scientific research institute the Ministries of Defence of the Russian Federation, work tel.: 8-812-316-66-48, 8-812-316-66-92, home tel.: 8-812-460-18-55, моbile phone: 8-921-632-09-99, E-mail:

Bolekhan Vasily Nikolaevich – the doctor of medical sciences, the deputy chief of the research center of ArmyMedicalAcademy of a name S. M. of Kirov, work tel.: 8-812-292-34-29, home tel.: 8-812-293-73-58,моbile phone: 8-921-315-64-19, E-mail:

Chesnejshij Taras Anatolievich – the chief of mobile laboratory 1410 Centers of state sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision, work tel.: 8-812-736-84-26, моbile phone: 8-904-513-07-78, E-mail:


© I.A.Parenkova, S.I.Parenkov, M.I.Sokolova, M.O.Belova, A.V.Zherebchenko,2009

UDC 614.2-052.63:612.6

Parenkova I.A.1, Parenkov S.I.2, Sokolova M.I.3, Belova M.O.1, Zherebchenko A.V.1Reproductive health and life quality of students// Herald of the MechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - №3(32). – Р. 27-31.

1State Educational Organization Tver State Medical Academy, Russia, 170100, Tver, Sovetskaya str., 4 , office phone: 8-4822- 32-17-79 , fax. 8-4822-34-43-09,e-mail:

2Swiss Medical Center, Russia,109240, Moscow, Nicoloyamskaya str., 19, building 1, office phone / fax: (495) 223-13-20.

3State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Training «Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academyof the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation», Russia, 195067, St.-Petersburg, К-67, Piskarevsky prospect, 47, tel.: (812)543-96-09, fax: (812)140-15-24, e-mail:

Summary:The results of examination of 222 students of TverMedicalAcademy at the age of 17-24 years; 158 girls and 64 youth are represented. The gastroduodenal pathologyprevails in the structure of somatic morbidity, girls suffer more frequently from urogenital systemdiseases and boys – from cardiovascular diseases. The reproduction health hazards and the quality of life have been research of 278 adolescents – students. The quality of life of students according to the SF-36 test has gender differences in the physical and psychic health scales.

Key words:reproductive health, morbidity, students, adolescents, quality of life, SF-36 test.


1.Агаджанян Н.А., Баевский Р.М., Берсенева А.П. Проблемы адаптации и учение о здоровье: Учеб. пособие. – М.: Изд-во РУДН, 2006. – 284 с.

2.Волкова О.Н. Качество жизни детей, страдающих хроническим гастродуоденитом и рефлюксными поражениями пищевода // Вопросы детской диетологии. – 2009. – Т. 7. - № 1. – С. 9-11.

3.Гублер Е.В. Вычислительные методы анализа и распознания патологических процессов. – Л., 1978. – 296 с.

4.Иванов А.Г. Медико-социальные проблемы репродуктивного потенциала молодежи: Монография. – Тверь: ООО «Издательство «Триада», 2004. – 112 с.

5.Математическая статистика в медицине: учеб. пособие / В.А. Медик, М.С. Токмачев. – М.: Финансы и статистика, 2007. – 800 с.

6.Никитин А.И. Вредные факторы среды и репродуктивная система человека (ответственность перед будущими поколениями). – СПб.: «ЭЛСБИ-СПб»., 2005. – 216 с.

7.Новик А.А., Ионова Т.И., Кайнд П. Концепция исследования качества жизни в медицине. – СПб: Элби, 1999. – 140 с.

8.Рычкова С.В. Качество жизни детей школьного возраста и влияние на него хронической гастродуоденальной патологии: Автореф. дисс. … д.м.н. – СПб., 2007. – 43 с.

9.Халимова Д.Р. Здоровье детей и подростков как показатель репродуктивного потенциала // Репродуктивное здоровье детей и подростков. – 2007. – № 4. – С. 29-33.

Information about the authors:

Parenkova Irina Anatolyevna, the candidate of medical sciences, the assistant of the (sub)department of obstetrix and gynecology of StateEducationalOrganizationTverStateMedicalAcademy, e-mail: , , phone mobile 8-920-693-8888.

Parenkov Sergei Ivanovich, neurologist of SwissMedicalCenter, phone mobile 8-903-631-72-45, 8-4822-41-72-45, e-mail:

Sokolova Margarita Ivanovna, the associate professor of the (sub)department of pediatry of Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnicov, home tel. (8-812)- 268-22-85.

Belova Mariya Olegovna – the postgraduate in professor's absence of the chair of obstetrix and gynecology of State Educational Organization Tver State Medical Academy, the gynecologist of Roszdrav´s Clinic, Moscow, the phone mobile 8-910-938-18-75.

Zherebchenko Alla Viktorovna – student of StateEducationalOrganizationTverStateMedicalAcademy, phone mobile 8-960-717-81-96.


© G.R.Bazarova, A.H.Zhilokov, 2009

UDC61616.9. – 2:459

Bazarova G.R., Zhilokov A.H. Introduction and use of pathogenic material control methods // Herald of theMechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009.-№ 3 (32).-P. 31-34.

1Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Centre for prophylaxis of quarantine and most hazardous infection Laboratory National collection of bacteria, agents of infection groups of I-II, Republic of Uzbekistan, Eshon Bobokhon str. 2, Tashkent, 100169, tel.: +(998-71) 246-36-84; fax: +(998-71) 227-15-66, е-mail:

2Black & Veatch, Building a world of difference, Russia,MosAlarko Plaza One, 109147, Moscow, Marksistskaya str., 16, tel.:+7(495)232-67-38, fax: +7(495) 232-67-39, е-mail:

Summary:It was given the results of introduction of methods of the account, monitoring and movement of pathogen materials, controls of isolated strains of a storehouse and collection. There is a system of a safe, reliable and convenient method of monitoring with automatic reception of the reports and documents. The system is designed on international taxonomic classification of microorganisms with the raised accuracy and speed of information input, convenient and idle time in use. It is introduced and is completed for the first time in the territory of the Central Asia, at the Centre of PACS.

Key words:PACS, account, control of biological pathogens.


1. Жилоков А.А. Система контроля патогенных материалов. Руководство пользователя. Версия 3,0. – М., 2007. - 53 с.

2. Методические указания по использованию Системы контроля патогенных материалов (PACS) / А.С.Нематов, Г.Р.Базарова, Ш.Ж. Умаров [и др.]. – Ташкент, 2008. – 15 с.

Information about the authors:

Bazarova G.R. – candidate of medical sciences, the head of the laboratory of a National collection of bacteria, agents of infection groups of I-II, Centre for prophylaxis of quarantine and most hazardous infection (CPQMHI) Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, work tel.: +(998-71) 246-36-84, home tel.: +(998-71) 218-23-02, mob. tel.: + (99897) 155-36-32, е-mail:

Zhilokov A.A. – System Analyst, Black & Veatch, Building a world of difference, tel.: +7(495)232-67-38; mob. tel.:+7(926) 148-02-25; е-mail:

09 1102

© A.A. Pyatovskaya, L.V. Lesnikova, S.N. Smelkov, N.A. Smirnova, 2009

UDC 616-036.22:576.895.42 (470.12)

Pyatovskaya A.A., Lesnikova L.V., Smelkov S.N., Smirnova N.A. Tick-induced borreliosis disease rate among Vologda region population and the problems of this disease prevention//Herald of the Mechnicov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy. – 2009. – № 2 (31).–P. 34-37.

The Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Vologda region, Russia, 160012, Vologda,Yashinstr., 1-a, tel.: 8(8172) 75-21-23, fax: 8(8172)75-15-68, е-mail: ,

State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Training «Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academyof the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation», Russia, 195067, St.-Petersburg, К-67, Piskarevsky prospect, 47, tel.: (812)543-96-09, fax: (812)140-15-24, e-mail:

Summary: Tick-induced borreliosis (TIB)occupies the leading place among natural-focal infections in Vologda area due to the wide distribution of the causative agent, high degree of infection rate of ticks, high disease rate and high risk of infestation. The disease rate of TIB among Vologda urban population and a proportion of affected citizens increase every year, which is the result of increased contacts of the population with the nature, increasing of number of owners of garden and garden fields, rural country houses.

Key words: tick-induced borreliosis,migratory erythema, disease rate.


1. Алексеев Н.А., Дубинина Е.В., Вашукова М.А., Волкова Л.И. Боррелии как вероятные антагонисты вируса клещевого энцефалита: паразитологический и клинический аспекты проблемы // Мед. паразитол.– 2001.-№2.-С.3-11.

2. Ананьева Л.П., Коренберг Э.И., Скрипникова И.А. и др. Клинико-серологическое изучение болезни Лайма на северо-западе СССР // Мед.паразитол.- 1990.- № 6.- С.28-31.

3. Коренберг Э.И., Щербаков С.В., Крючечников В.Н. Материалы по распространению болезни Лайма в СССР // Мед.паразитол.-1987.- № 2.- С.71-73.

4. Коренберг Э.И., Крючечников В.Н., Ковалевский Ю.В. Первые итоги и задачи изучения болезни Лайма в СССР // Вестн.АМН СССР.- 1990. - № 6.- С.52-57.

5. Коренберг Э.И. Иксодовые клещевые боррелиозы в России // Рэт-ИНФО.- 1996.- № 1(17).- С.9-12.

6. Коренберг Э.И. Изучение и профилактика микстинфекции, передающихся иксодовыми клещами// Вестник РАМН.-2001.-№11.-С.41-45.

7. Коренберг Э.И., Горелова Н.Б., Ковалевский Ю.В.. Основные черты природной очаговости иксодовых клещевых боррелиозов в России // Паразитология. – 2002. - Т.36. –В.3 –С. 177-187.

Information about the authors:

PyatovskayaAnnaAnatolievna – expertofthedepartmentforEpidemiologicSupervisionofthedepartmentofFederalServicefortheSupervisionintheFieldofConsumerRightsProtectionandManWell-beinginVologdaarea, work tel..: (8-817-2) 75-15-58, mobile phone.: 8-921-237-89-66, e-mail:

LesnikovaLyubovVictorovna – deputy-headofthedepartment of Rospotrebnadzor in Vologda area, work tel.: (8-8172) 75-15-58.

SmelkovSergeyNikolaevich – headofthedepartmentforEpidemiological Supervision of Rospotrebnadzor department in Vologda area, work tel.: (8-8172) 75-15-58.

SmirnovaNataliyaAlexandrovna– deputy-headofthedepartmentfor Epidemiological Supervision of Rospotrebnadzor department in Vologda area, work tel.: (8-8172) 75-15-58.



© A.V. Suvorova, 2009

UDC 613.955:371.214

SuvorovaA.V. Block-moduleeducationofchildrenanditshealth-savingpotential// Herald of theMechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - № 3 (32). – P. 37-40.

State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Training «Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academyof the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation», Russia, 195067, St.-Petersburg, К-67, Piskarevsky prospect, 47, tel.: (812)543-96-09, fax: (812)140-15-24, e-mail:

Summary:Thearticlecomparesdynamicsofbodyfunctionalstate atblock-module system of education with traditional form. Betteradaptation-adjustingreactionswereregisteredatblock-moduleform of education comparing with traditional one.

Keywords: schoolchildren, block-moduleeducation, body functional state.


1.Баранов А.А., Сухарева Л.М. Особенности состояния здоровья современных школьников // Вопросы современной педиатрии. – 2006. – № 6. – С.23–32.

2.Кучма В.Р., Сухарева Л.М., Степанова М.И. Гигиенические проблемы школьных инноваций. – М.: Научный центр здоровья детей РАМН, 2009. – 240 с.: ил.

3.Кучма В.Р., Сухарева Л.М. Состояние здоровья школьников и роль школ, содействующих его укреплению //Школа здоровья. – 2008.– № 3.– С.4–13.

4.Смирнов Н.К. Руководство по здоровьесберегающей педагогике. Технологии здоровьесберегающего образования. – М.: АРКТИ, 2008. – 288 с.

5.Третьяков П.И., Сенновский И.Б. Технология модульного обучения в школе: практико-ориентированная монография / Под ред. П.И.Третьякова. – М.: Новая школа, 2001. – 352 с.

Information about the author:

SuvorovaAnnaVasilievna – CandidateofMedicalSciences, Assistant-ProfessorofthedepartmentofPreventiveMedicineandHealthProtectionoftheI.I.MechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. Worktel.: 8(812) 543-17-47. E-mail:


© N.V. Darmogray, R.K. Khazhomiya, 2009

UDC 618.2: 613.64: 621.3

Darmogray N.V., Khazhomiya R.K. Occupational risk factors of reproductive pathology development in working women // Herald of theMechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - № 3 (32). – P. 40-43.

State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Training «Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academyof the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation», Russia, 195067, St.-Petersburg, К-67, Piskarevsky prospect, 47, tel.: (812)543-96-09, fax: (812)140-15-24, e-mail:

Summary:In the article it is proved, that using of medico-sociological methods allows tapping the unhealthiest factors of industrial activity. It gives the chance to develop effective preventive actions.

Key words:professional factors, reproductive health, quality of a life.


1. Божков И.А., Лучкевич В.С., Севастьянов М.А. Медико-социальный портрет работников современного табачного производства // Вестн. СПбГМА им. И.И. Мечникова.- 2005.- № 1 (6).- С. 56-59.

2. Величковский Б.Т. Профилактика - стратегическая цель медицины // Вестн. СПбГМА им. И.И. Мечникова.- 2003.- № 1-2.- С. 7-11.

3. Измеров Н.Ф. Современные проблемы медицины труда // Вестник Российской АМН. - 2006.- № 9-10.- С. 1-6.

4. Хамошина М.Б. Комплексный подход к изучению репродуктивного здоровья женщин.-Владивосток: ИАПУ ДВО РАН, 2002. - С.4-55.

5. Щербо А.П., Мельцер А.В., Киселев А.В. Оценка риска воздействия производственных факторов на здоровье работающих. - СПб.: «Терция», 2005. - С. 25–31.

6. Women’shealthLiteratureWatch// J.Women’sHealth. - 1999.- Vol.8 (3).- P.421-428.


Darmograу Nikolay Vasilуevich - the candidate of medical sciences, the assistant-professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy, work tel.: (8-812) 555-09-06, home tel.: (8-812) 707-25-56, mobile phone: 948-51-13.

Hazhomiуa Rada Kondratуevna - the assistant of the Department of Public Health and Public Health Services of Mechnikov Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy, work tel.: (8-812) 543-19-46, mobile phone: 951-39-73.


© N.A. Urinbaeva, S.N. Sultanov, S.S. Sirozhiddinova, 2009

UDC 618.396:616.155.194

Urinbaeva N.A., Sultanov S.N., Sirozhiddinova S.S. Endotheliocytes dysfunction and erythron state in early loss of pregnancy // Herald of theMechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - № 3 (32). – P. 43-46.

Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, 70000, Tashkent, Kh.Abdullaev str., tel. 263-78-30.

Summary:The functional condition of endotheliocytes and thrombocytes are investigated in 56 pregnant women with treat of pregnancy interruptions and in control group of 18 pregnant women with physiological course of gestation. The premature destruction of erythrocytes, endotheliocytes dysfunction and anemia condition is revealed at early loss of pregnancy.

Key words:endotheliocytes, erythrocytes, anemia, early loss of pregnancy.


1. Использование интегральных гематологических индексов для оценки степени аутоинтоксикации организма при осложненной гестозом беременности / Г.Н. Чистякова [и др.]// Клиническая лабораторная диагностика. - 2005.- № 12. – С. 35-37.

2. Козинец Г.И. Макаров Н.А. Исследование системы крови в практической практике. - М., 1998. - 184 с.

3. Сидельникова В.М. Невынашивание беременности- современный взгляд на проблему // Акуш.и.гинекол. - 2007.- №5. - С. 24-27.

4. Эндотелиальная дисфункция, редокс-потенциал системы энергетического обеспечения и синтез альдостерона при ХСН / Н.В. Карсанов [и др.]// Российский кардиологический журнал. - 2003. - №1. - С. 12-14.

5. Massot C., Vanderpas J.Survayofirondeficienceanaemiaduringpregnancyin Belgium; analysisofroutinehospital. Laboratory//Detall. Mons. Acfa Clin. Belg. - 2003. – Vol. 58 (3). – P.169-177.

Information about the authors:

Urinbaeva Nilufar Abdujabbarovna – the candidate of medical sciences (PhD), obstetrician – gynecologist of the Republican Perynatal center, work рhone: 761-50-50, homeрhone: 233-52-02.

Sultanov Saidasim Nosirovich – doctor of medical sciences, professor, director of Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, work рhone: 263-78-30; 263-80-31.

Sirojiddinova Sanobar Sabirdjanovna - obstetrician – gynecologist of the Maternity Home 9, the competitor of Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, work рhone: 157-70-05.


© O.V.Guzeva, V.I.Guzeva, V.V.Guzeva, 2009

UDC 616.853

Guzeva O.V., Guzeva V.I., Guzeva V.V. Nonepileptical paroxysmal disorders of consciousness in children. Clinical-electrophysiological comparisons // Herald the of MechnikovSaint-PetersburgStateMedicalAcademy. – 2009. - № 3 (32). – P. 46-50.

State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Training «Sankt-Petersburg state pediatric academy of the Federal Agency for Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation», 194100, St.-Petersburg, Litovskaya str., 2, tel. (812)542-39-83, tel./fax: (812)295-40-85, e-mail:

Summary:96 children are included in the true research with not epileptic paroxysms: 61 (23,55%) the boy and 35 (13,51%) girls in the age of from 3 months till 18 years which are passed treatment in clinic of the nervous sickness of the St.-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy.

Within the limits of the complex research including clinico-anamnestic data, findings of investigation MPT of a brain, routine ЭЭГ and video-EEG of monitoring, the diagnosis of patients was specified, efficacy of treatment was estimated and criteria of diagnostic not epileptic пароксизмальных states at children were developed.

Key words: not epileptic пароксизмальные states – complex researches – video-EEG monitoring – reactions of assimilation of pace – depression of a-rithm


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Information about the author: