Defra project WQ0202

Appendix A

Acornley, R.M. and Sear, D.A. (1999). Sediment transport and siltation of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) spawning gravels in chalk streams. Hydrological Processes 13, 447-458.

Allen, S.E. (1989). Chemical analysis of ecological materials. Blackwell, Oxford, UK.

Barker, R., Dixon, L. and Hooke, J. (1997). Use of terrestrial photogrammetry for monitoring and measuring bank erosion. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 22, 1217-1227.

Black, K.S., Wilson, P., Athey, S., Black, I., and Evans, D., (2007). The use of particle tracking in marine sediment transport studies: a review. In: Measuring sediment transport in coastal and shelf environments. Coastal and shelf sediment transport. Journal of the Geological Society of London Special Issue 274, 73-91.

Boardman, J. (1990). Soil erosion on the South Downs: a review. In: Boardman, J., Foster, I.D.L. and Dearing, J.A. (eds.), Soil erosion on agricultural land. Wiley, Chichester, UK, pp 87-105.

Bottrill, L.J., Walling, D.E. and Leeks, G.J.L. (2000). Using recent overbank deposits to investigate contemporary sediment sources in larger river basins. In: Foster, I.D.L. (ed.), Tracers in geomorphology. Wiley, Chichester, UK, pp 369-387.

Brown, A.G. (1985). The potential use of pollen in the identification of suspended sediment sources. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 10, 27-32.

Bull, L.J., Lawler, D.M., Leeks, G.J.L. and Marks, S. (1995). Downstream changes in suspended sediment fluxes in the River Severn, UK. In: Osterkamp, W.R. (ed.), Effects of scale on interpretation and management of sediment and water quality. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication No. 226, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK, pp 27-37.

Caitcheon, G.G. (1993). Applying environmental magnetism to sediment tracing. In: Tracers in hydrology. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication No. 215, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK, pp 313-318.

Caitcheon, G.G. (1998). The significance of various sediment mineral magnetic fractions for tracing sediment sources in Killimicat Creek. Catena 32, 131-142.

Carling, P.A. (1984). Oxygen flux through salmonid gravels. Freshwater Biological Association Project 73.

Collins, A.L. and Anthony, S.G. (2008a). Assessing the likelihood of catchments across England and Wales meeting ‘good ecological status’ due to sediment contributions from agricultural sources. Environmental Science and Policy 11, 163-170.

Collins, A.L. and Anthony, S.G. (2008b). Predicting sediment inputs to aquatic ecosystems across England and Wales due to current environmental conditions. Applied Geography 28, 281-294.

Collins, A.L. and McGonigle, D.F. (2008). Monitoring and modelling diffuse pollution from agriculture for policy support: UK and European experience. Environmental Science and Policy 11, 97-101.

Collins, A.L. and Walling, D.E. (2002). Selecting fingerprint properties for discriminating potential suspended sediment sources in river basins. Journal of Hydrology 261, 218-244.

Collins, A.L. and Walling, D.E. (2004). Documenting catchment suspended sediment sources: problems, approaches and prospects. Progress in Physical Geography 28, 159-196.

Collins, A.L. and Walling, D.E. (2006). Investigation of the remobilisation of fine sediment stored on the channel bed of lowland permeable catchments in the UK. In: Rowan, J.S., Duck, R.W. and Werrity, A. (eds.), Sediment dynamics and the hydromorphology of the fluvial system. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication No. 306, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK, pp 471-479.

Collins, A.L. and Walling, D.E (2007a). Sources of fine sediment recovered from the channel bed of lowland groundwater-fed catchments in the UK. Geomorphology 88, 120-138.

Collins, A.L. and Walling, D.E. (2007b). The storage and provenance of fine sediment on the channel bed of two contrasting lowland permeable catchments, UK. River Research and Applications 23, 429-450.

Collins, A.L., Walling, D.E. and Leeks, G.J.L. (1996). Composite fingerprinting of the spatial source of fluvial suspended sediment: a case study of the Exe and Severn River basins, United Kingdom. Geomorphologie: Relief, processus and environnement 2, 41-54.

Collins, A.L., Walling, D.E. and Leeks, G.J.L. (1997a). Source type ascription for fluvial suspended sediment based on a quantitative composite fingerprinting technique. Catena 29, 1-27.

Collins, A.L., Walling, D.E. and Leeks, G.J.L. (1997b). Fingerprinting the origin of fluvial suspended sediment in larger river basins: combining assessment of spatial provenance and source type. Geografiska Annaler 79A, 239-254.

Collins, A. L., Walling, D. E. and Leeks, G. J. L. (1997c) Sediment sources in the upper Severn catchment: a finger printing approach. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 1, 509-521.

Collins, A.L., Walling, D.E. and Leeks, G.J.L. (1997d). Using the geochemical record preserved in floodplain deposits to reconstruct recent changes in river basin sediment sources. Geomorphology 19, 151-167.

Collins, A.L., Walling, D.E. and Leeks, G.J.L. (1998). Use of composite fingerprints to determine the provenance of the contemporary suspended sediment load transported by rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 23, 31-52.

Collins, A.L., Walling, D.E., Sichingabula, H.M. and Leeks, G.J.L. (2000). Determining catchment suspended sediment sources using the fingerprinting approach. In: Sichingabula, H.M., Walling, D.E. and Collins, A.L. (eds.), Dynamics of erosion, sediment transport and sedimentation in small catchments. Zambia Educational Publishing House, Lusaka, Zambia, pp 48-70.

Collins, A.L., Walling, D.E., Sichingabula, H.M. and Leeks, G.J.L. (2001). Suspended sediment fingerprinting in a small tropical catchment and some management implications. Applied Geography 21, 387-412.

Collins, A.L., Anthony, S.G., Turner, T. and Hawley, J. (2007). Predicting the impact of projected change in agriculture by 2015 on annual mean fluvial suspended sediment concentrations across England and Wales. In: Webb, B.W. and De Boer D. (eds.), Water quality and sediment behaviour of the future: predictions for the 21st century. International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication No. 314, Wallingford, UK, pp 28-37.

Collins, A.L., Walling, D.E. and Peet, L. (2008). Identifying gravel siltation sources. Salmo Trutta 11, 26-28.

Collins, A.L., Walling, D.E., Webb, L. and King, P. (2009). Particulate organic carbon sources and delivery to river channels in the Somerset Levels ECSFDI priority catchment, southwest UK. International Journal of River Basin Management (in press).

Cooper, D.M., Naden, P., Old, G. and Laize, C. (2008). Development of guideline sediment targets to support management of sediment inputs into aquatic systems. Natural England Research Report NERR008. Natural England, Sheffield.

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