Golf Games for 2015

12 Individual Games

225 - Circle & add net scores of 2 par 3’s, 2 par 5’s, 5 par 4’s on card after finishing 18 holes.

Fabulous Fours - Holes to be counted are the par 4’s. Add net score of these holes.

Kicker - At the conclusion of play, eliminate the three poorest holes and substitute Par scores. No more than two holes may be eliminated from either front or back nine. Subtract full handicap for your net score.

Low Gross/Low Net - Player with the lowest gross score wins and player with the lowest net score wins.

Low Putts – Player with the lowest number of putts wins. Count only putts from the putting surface (green).

Nassau - The best net front nine, the best net back nine & best net 18 hole score.

Ones - Only holes beginning with the letters O, N, E, and S will be counted. Add net score of these nine holes.


Tee to Green – Count only the strokes, including penalties, from tee to green. If any part of the ball touches the green, it is considered on the green. Subtract handicap.

Ten - Only holes beginning with the letters T, E, N will be counted. Add net score of these nine holes.


T’s & F’s - Only holes beginning with the letters T and F will be counted. Add net score of these nine holes.


Threes and Fives – Only holes to be counted are the par 3’s and par 5’s. Add net score of these eight holes.

Three Clubs and a Putter – Four clubs total are allowed to be carried. Three clubs of the players choice and a putter.

4 Team Games

Bear Creek - Par 5’s one best net, par 4’s two best nets, par 3’s three best nets.

Best Ball Games:

Odds - 1 net, Evens - 2 net

Best 1 net front nine, best 2 nets back nine

Cha-Cha-Cha - First hole 1 low net, second hole 2 low nets, third hole 3 low nets. Repeat for remaining holes.