Psychology 1B

Mrs. Peterson-Guada

Quiz 1 Study Guide: Chapters 10 & 2

Chapter 10: Personality

1) What is personality? What is a personality theory?

2)What are the three different levels of awareness according to Freud?

3)Be familiar with the three main aspects to Freud’s personality structure (id, ego and superego). Be familiar with the pleasure principle and reality principle as well.

4)What are the nine major ego defense mechanisms Freud outlines? Why do they form and how do they play themselves out. (Exclude the defense mechanism “undoing”). What two components do all defense mechanism have in common?

5)According to Karen Horney’s personality theory, what three personality orientations arise out of the basic anxiety that exists in all humans? Also, be familiar with Karen Horney’s idea of womb envy and how it contrasts with Freud’s idea of penis envy.

6)What is a trait? What are surface traits? Give examples. What are source traits? Give examples.

7)What are the five basic source traits to the five-factor model of personality or the “Big Five”?

Chapter 2: Neuroscience

1) What is biopsychology?

2) What is the neuron’s basic task?

3) What are the three primary parts of a neuron? What is the function of each?

4) What are sensory neurons, interneurons and motor neurons?

5) Approximately, how many neurons are in the human brain? And, in the human nervous system?

6) Be able to describe the general function of the nervous system.

7) What is the function and location of the cerebral cortex?

8) What is the purpose of the cortex’s corticalization?

9) What is gray matter? What is white matter? How do they work together?

10) What is the location and function of each of the four brain lobes?

11) What is the primary somatosensory cortex? Where is it located?

12) What is the primary motor cortex? Where is it located?

13) How do the somatosensory and motor cortex’s work together?

14) What are the brain functions of the left-hemisphere?

15) What are the brain functions of the right-hemisphere?

16) What is the corpus callosum? What is it made of?