Limericks by Year 4

There once was a girl named Star,

Who wanted a shiny new car,

She asked her mum

And sucked her thumb,

And her mum said, “Don’t go too far!”

By Grace I

There was a young man from Dubai,

Who wanted to know how to fly,

From the window he jumped,

On the hard ground he bumped,

And never again did he try.

By Katie

There once was a boy called Phil,

Whose brother was bossy Bill,

Their cousin was Harry,

Their second cousin was Barry,

And they all had the surname of Will.

By Reece

There once was a cat from Cance

Who wanted to know how to dance,

He went to college

But didn’t have knowledge

And ended up having a prance

By Ella

There once was a boy from York,

Who really wanted a cork,

His mother said ”Yes”

So he started to dress,

And ran to the shop called Mork.

By Olivia

There once was a man from Hick,

Who always seemed to be sick,

He was sick all the night,

It gave him a fright

And he wanted morning to come quick!

By Emily

There was a young girl from Chile

Who was a little bit silly

She watched her dog,

Fall off a log,

And decided to call him Billy

By Leah

There was a young girl from Chile

Who decided to name herself Lilly

She worked in a shop

And learnt how to mop

And she always tried to be silly

By Coby

There once was a dog named Billy

He liked to be really silly

He wanted to fly,

So he jumped in the sky,

But he ended up really chilly.

By Finn

There once was a young man from Chile

Who was often very silly

He had a best friend

Time together they did spend

And his buddy was known as Billy

By Oscar

There was a young boy called Billy,

Who loved eating really hot chilli

He told his friend Dilly,

Who thought it was silly

And said it was silly to Billy

By Andrew

There is a country called Namibia

Which was discovered by Olivia

She said, “What a country,

But it is very bumpy,

I think I prefer Bolivia.”

By Lucas

There was a young girl from France

Who wanted to know how to dance

But however she tried,

She bitterly cried

But she had not a chance to dance.

By Cerys

There once was a dog from Kay,

Who was excited to play

He dashed to his yard

And ran very hard

And always had something to say.

By Tom C

There once was a boy called Lye

He was exceptionally shy.

He ran and he ran

And tripped over a can,

Run, he never again did try.

By Scott

There once was boy named Finn,

Who tried to swallow a bin,

He coughed and he sputtered,

The words that he muttered,

That silly young boy named Finn

By Joseph

There was a young girl called Nell,

Who wanted to learn how to spell,

She tried and she tried

Then she bitterly cried

Oh that silly girl called Nell

By Jamie

The was a cat from Dundee,

Who climbed and enormous great tree

It couldn’t get down

So it started to frown

And did a gigantic great wee!

By Daniel

There was a young boy called Scott

Who was felling extremely hot

He had a cool drink

And started to think

I shouldn’t stay in this spot!

By Ryan

There was a boy called Nick

Who tried to swallow a stick

He had a great pain

That took him to Spain

And he was dreadfully dreadfully sick!

By Vincent

There once was the school Potten End,

Where the children were really nice friends,

They played and they talked

And so fast they all walked

That they always went round the bend

By Thomas F

A tutor once said to Bobby,

“Do you have an interesting hobby?”

“Of course” he replied

“on the ice I do slide,

It’s really a very hard jobby!”

By Lillie

There once was a mouse called Mickey

Who wanted to eat his friend Nicky,

She started to scream

And ate some ice-cream

Then started to feel rather sicky!

By Rohan

Other poems written by Year 4

The Lazy Teacher

A lazy teacher called Mr Edward,

Never bothered to pick up the phone,

So he missed out on plans,

Lost touch with his gang,

And spent every day alone!

By Leah and Olivia

The Baby

I had a little baby

And my baby was so small

She licked me in the face

And learnt how to crawl.

By Leah and Olivia

The Snowmen are Standing

The snowmen are standing

In a hand banding

Playing and clapping

Doing a handstand

One fell over and then started standing

By Coby and Andrew


Spring is here

Pansies, roses and daffodils,

Growing from the ground,

New born animals getting bigger every day,

Ignore the pouring rain,

Nothing is better than spring

Glorious and magical,

It doesn’t last for long!

By Grace I and Ella