Word Within the Word Lesson #11
ROOT / DEFINITION / EXAMPLES / ORIGIN-i / plural / Bacilli, fungi, nuclei, alumni, magi, octopi, gemini, homunculi, literati / Latin
jus / law / justice, justify, unjust, jus soli, justiciary / Latin
lum / light / luminary, luminous, illuminate, luminiferous, superluminous / Latin
ann / year / annual, superannuated, anniversary, annuity, perennial / Latin
apo / away or up / apotheosis, apogee, apoplexy, apology, aphelion, apostasy / Greek
sen / old / senile, senior, senator, seniority, senescent / Latin
sol / alone / solitude, solitary, solo, soliloquy, desolate, solipsism, solifidian, consolidate / Latin
bas / low / bass, base, basic, basal, bassoon, debase, contrabase, abase, bas-relief / Latin
rogat / ask / interrogation, abrogate, derogatory, arrogate, supererogatory / Latin
parl / speak / parliament, parley, parlor, parlance, parlando / Latin
potent / power / potential, potentiometer, potentate, plenipotentiary, omnipotent / Latin
surg / rise / resurgence, insurgence, surge, surgent / Latin
log / word or reason / logic, neologism, philologist, logician, illogical, monologue / Greek
gram / writing / telegram, pentagram, hexagram, hologram, grammar / Greek
cant / sing / recant, cantata, incantation, descant, canticle, canto / Latin
reg / rule / regal, regiment, regulate, regent, interregnum, regicide, regime / Latin
pro / forward / provide, pronounce, program, prognosticate, prospect, prognosis, prolix / Greek
gyn / woman / androgynous, gynecologist, polygyny, misogynist, gynephobia / Greek
ag / to do / agile, agent, agency, agitate, aggression, aggrade, agree / Latin
act / to do / transact, react, action, activate, abreact, counteract, interact / Latin
mob / move / mobility, mobile, immobile, mobilize, demobilize / Latin
sess / sit / session, sessile, insessorial, sessility, obsessed / Latin
fic / make / fortification, fiction, prolific, horrific, soporific / Latin
nounce / tell / denounce, pronounce, announce, renounce, enunciate / Latin
andro / man / androgynous, android (droid), androgens, androphobia, polyandry / Greek
Using the context clues from the sentence and your understanding of the root, define the underlined words in the following sentences.
- Do bacilli and fungi have nuclei in their cells?
- Can a system of justice ever be unjust?
- The luminous moonlight illuminated the aluminum sculpture.
- The superannuated doorman celebrated his fiftieth anniversary.
- At the satellite’s apogee we could not find it with binoculars.
- The senior class president befriended the not-so-senile old man.
- On his solo transcontinental flight, he enjoyed the solitude.
- Basic instructions are included with each new bassoon.
- The interrogation was derogatory in tone.
- Several members of Parliament had a parley in the parlor.
- The plenipotentiary met twice with the potentate.
- The surge of the sea portended the resurgence of violence.
- The philologist delighted in inventing neologisms.
- The grammar in the telegram was not correct.
- During the holy man’s incantation, the spirit began to appear.
- There were no regal ceremonies in the interregnum.
- The doctor’s prognosis was not favorable.
- The musician’s androgynous appearance was widely imitated.
- The secret agent spilled the deadly chemical agent.
- There may be little time to act or react.
- When the National Guard was mobilized, the mobile units were ready.
- Dozens of chairs were arranged for the general session.
- Is that wall supposed to be beautification or fortification?
- Pronounce your announcement clearly.
- The metal android grappled with the furry anthropoid.
Mystery Questions #11
- Is a five-pointed star a pentagram?
- Do solifidians believe in salvation through faith alone?
- Is an interregnum the space between two armies?
- Can you close a business deal by abrogating it?
- Is a kindergarten child a superannuated individual?
- Is the moon at apogee near to or far from the earth?
- Is a neologism in the dictionary?
- Could a ruler send a plenipotentiary to transact official business?
- Is grinding poverty debasing?
- Can a senator be a victim of regicide?
- What do you think the difference is between misanthropy and androphobia (a very rarely used word!)? Between misanthropy and misogyny? Break the words down and figure them out.
- What is the difference between a philosopher and a philologist? Between a regicide and an interregnum?
- When Galileo published his discovery that the solar system was helio-centric, the church forced him to recant. Do you think there is ever a time when an institution or society has a right to prevent a truth from being known? Does national or social interest come into direct conflict with our interest in discovering truths? How can such questions be decided?
- If you have made a firm, public commitment to some cause, do you have the right to abrogate your commitment if you begin to feel differently?
- If you were the Macrocosmic Potentate and could make three changes in the universe, any three changes you wished, what would the changes be?
- If you could shrink in size to one millimeter or even smaller, and explore the world from a microcosmic perspective, what would you like to examine? What would bacilli and fungi look like on that scale?
- Think about the subtle emotional connotations of the words solo, solitude, solitary, and desolate. What are the delicate shades of feeling that distinguish these words from each other and that allow you to choose among them in writing a poem or a short story?
- If you could be omnipotent for a day, how would you feel? Sacred? Excited? Stunned? What would your emotional response be?
Complete the following analogies.
a) prolific : soporifica) patrilineal : children
b) mobile : immobileb) monarchy : plutocracy
c) parley : parliamentc) ruler : ruled
d) fortification : fortifyd) father : mother
a) solifidian : desolatea) annual : perennial
b) epistle : parallelogramb) aphelion : perihelion
c) solitude : solipismc) bibliophile : agoraphobia
d) apotheosis : renunciationd) misogyny : misanthropy
a) cantata : canticlea) superannuated : life
b) luminous : superluminousb) regicide : interregnum
c) phenomenon : phenomenac) react : counteract
d) mobilize : immobiled) omnipotent : potentate
a) senile : seniora) demobilize : mobilize
b) senescent : senileb) aggression : justice
c) bilateral : trilateralc) philologist : philosopher
d) prognosticate : prognosisd) bacilli : fungi
a) apogee : perigeea) solo : symphony
b) bassoon : baseb) resurgence : insurgence
c) prose : fictionc) nuclei : cells
d) notes : intervalsd) incantation : magi
Classic Words #11
1.From Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
The captain had been struck dead by thundering ______.
- apoplexy
- senescence
- omnipotence
- incantation
2. From Charles Dicken’s David Copperfield
There was a black barge, or some other kind of ______boat, not far off.
- luminiferous
- sessile
- superannuated
- superrogatory
3. From William Makepeace Thackeray’s Vanity Fair
Honest William was left at George’s ______in London, to transact all the business.
- soporific
- plenipotentiary
- potentate
- luminary
4. From John Milton’s Paradise Lost
Raphael, the affable Arch-angel, had forewarn’d Adam by dire example to behave ______.
- interrogation
- solipsism
- apostasy
- bacilli
5. From Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass
Sprouts take and accumulate, stand by the curb ______and vital.
- prolific
- supererogatory
- superannuated
- prolix
TEST #11
Directions: For the following words, write the definition of the root in bold.
Word Within the Word Lesson #11
- FICtion
- SESSion
- MOBilize
- ACTion
- AGent
- GYNecologist
- PROvide
- REGicide
- CANTata
- teleGRAM
- LOGic
- reSURGence
- PARLey
- interROGATion
- BASic
- SOLitary
- SENior
- APOgee
- ANNual
- LUMinary
- JUStify
- fungI
- ULTRAmarine
- ECTOthermic
- DIAlogue
- LUCidity
- GREGarious
- MEDIocre
- GYROscope
- TETRAhedron
- GEOthermal
- ENDOplasm
- PUTative
- DORMancy
- HYPOdermic
- TRANSport
- EXTRAordinary
- LUNAtic
- CHRONometer
- NEOlithic
- ORTHOpedist
- POLYphonic
- MALignant
- MISSile
- ANTIbody
- DEMOgraphic
- BENEdiction
- GENetics
- SACROsanct
- ALTimeter
- ISOthermal
- PALEOzoic
- MORTify
- PEDagogue
- CURSive
- UNIverse
- MUTAnt
- FUGitive
- NATive
- CARNivorous
- ETHNOcentrism
- HEXAgram
- FIDelity
- FRACTion
- LATeral
- LITHograph
- SENSation
- SANCTimonious
- GESTation
- METAmorphosis
- ANIMated
- NUMERous
- PACifist
- ACRimonious
- PLUrality
- GERMinate
- TANGent
- HYPERventilate
- COGNizant
- SURmount
- CORPulent
- MEGAlith
- MAGNificent
- HELIOtrope
- NECROphobia
- TACTician
- AUDItory
- PROTOtype
- MONOtonous
- ORNITHologist
- CENTRIfuge
- EQUAnimity
- BIOmorphic
- CIRCUMpolar
- Euphony
- THERMOnuclear
Word Within the Word Lesson #11