Revelation given to Matthew Philip Gill via the UrimThummim.

Present were Matthew Philip Gill,

Philip Andrew Gill & David Relfe Smith.


The People of Light

My name is Jeraneck son of Isnah from the house of Isnah. I have been taught the gospel of the Christ and the almighty God by my Father and Mother. But it is from my Mother that I have learnt a greater understanding of humility, respect and love and it is to her that I give thanks for the man I am today. I am the last and living Prophet of the People of Light and it is at a great and terrible time that I compile this sacred record, for even as I speak now war and famine do cover the whole land and the remaining followers of the Christ and the Almighty God have fled with me, the last living Prophet, to the temple of the Almighty God on the plains ofShainnonand it is here that my people intend to make their last stand against the invaders from the east.

For it is my people that have strayed from the paths of righteousness and it is because of this that I do compile this record so that one day people may learn from the mistakes we have made, for the Lord has shown unto me his Prophet in the days before his coming, that these sacred records will one day come forth. ForI have seen your day and I do tremble with great fear for the times in which I have seen you live. The Lord the Almighty God has promised me, his servant, that if you remain faithful and steadfast that the sacred history of my people the People of Light will be placed in your hands and our history will be known once again to all the children of God.

I lay down upon these twenty four plates the history of my people for I say unto you they were once a mighty and great people, willing to listen to the voice of their prophets and the voice of their God. To understand my people we must go back to their origins and the place from whence they sprang. And now I record the history of my people

It is a time of great wickedness upon the whole earth but the People of Light do follow in the footsteps of the Prophet Araneck and do heed his words. They do keep the commandments of the Almighty God and they do worship him with one heart and one spiritbut the land remains a wicked land and the people on the plains of Shinar have taken upon themselves and upon their whole land to build a mighty tower unto the Lord, for it is their wish to walk into the kingdom of the almighty God without humbling themselves.

The Prophet Araneck being a mighty man in stature went before the Lord and offered up a sacred prayer saying. “Almighty God, Lord of Heaven and of the Earth spare the people, forgive them of their wickedness pour out the spirit upon their hearts, that they might have a great and mighty change of heart, that they may kneel before thee in solemn repentance for the wickedness they have done.” As Araneck finished his prayer unto the Lord a great fire appeared before him in which stood the Lord of hosts the very Saviour.

The Saviour and Lord of hosts did speak to the Prophet Araneck and Araneck did tremble before the Lord, for the Lord would not stay his hand.

After Araneck had made his proposition to the Lord for the people, his heart grew sad and heavy for he knew if the people would not humble themselves and repent of their wickedness that the Lord would destroy them from off the whole earth. So with a heavy heart Araneck went unto his people and told them of the things that the Lord had spoken to him. Now the people of Araneck or in other words the People of Light listened with great attention to the words that Araneck spoke to them.

And there stood in the midst of the great people one who was a guard of all the armies. And his name was Shiblon and he did listen with great listening and his heart was moved and he spoke to the people and he said this,

“I will go down with the great Prophet Araneck and I will teach with him repentance and humility to the great tower builders, with one hand on my sword and my one hand on the shoulder of the Prophet we will go forth with great authority and power and I will see for myself whether or not the Lord will stay his hand.”

Upon the next morning the prophet Araneck and the Captain of the army Shiblon did make the long walk to the plains of Shinar and they were walking for eight days and they came upon a hill that over looked the valley and plains of Shinar and they saw a great and mighty tower reaching above the clouds and into the sky and it did fill their hearts with great fear for they feared for the people.

Upon seeing the tower Araneck spoke,

“You wicked, wicked people you cannot buy or walk your way into Heaven you must humble yourselves now, before the God of Heaven and of Earth does destroy you.” Upon hearing this, the people of the plains and valley of Shinar began to shout and ridicule and throw rocks and dirt and all manner of things toward the Prophet and Shiblon, these are the words that the people said,“We do not need a Prophet for our king has promised that in the coming days we will walk with God in the Heavens, we do not need to humble ourselves before God for we have all the things we need to enter into his Kingdom, for instance the mighty tower and our fine clothing and our mighty storehouse and our money.”

After the people had finished shouting and screaming these words, the Prophet Araneck and his companion Shiblon made their way into the heart of the great city and to the base of the tower in the great city named after the great hunter and mighty king Nimrod.

Upon seeing the great tower in the mighty and wicked city,Araneck knew in his heart why the Lord would not stay his hand, the people were wicked and liked being wicked and they would not change their hearts.

Shiblon then spoke to the Prophet Araneck saying “let us go down to our friends who are camped by the river on the west and let us speak to Mahonri and let us see if he has spoken to the Lord about this same thing, the wickedness of the people of Shinar at the city of Nimrod”With this Araneck and Shiblon took their walk to the camp of Mahonri.

Upon seeing Mahonri they did embrace him for he too was a Prophet of the Most High God, and he did lead them to his camp by the side of the river which was called Moack. Upon entering the tent of Mahonri he asked them to sit and they relayed the tale of the people of Nimrod, and Mahonri said to Araneck,“I too have been to the city of Nimrod and I too have seen the wickedness there, and my heart sank also for the wickedness was great and the people would not listen to me.” Upon hearing these words Araneck asked Mahonri to go with him and Shiblon to the city of Nimrod to once again call the people to repentance.Upon the next day Araneck, Shiblon, Mahonri and his brother Jared did take their journey to the city of Nimrod.

Upon entering the city there began a great storm and the whole earth shook beneath their feet and Araneck looked and saw that the great tower did sway to and throw, side to side and began to fall. Shiblon being a mighty man took hold of Araneck and forced him into a great hole and did shield him from the destruction. Araneck upon this prayed to the lord asking for protection from the destruction around them.

“Oh Lord hear my words. Hear the words of thy Prophet, protect the lives of my people and my friends people, this I pray thee, Lord protect us.” Upon the ending of the prayer Shiblon looked out around him but could not see for the air was full with blackness and decay. Upon this Shiblon heard voices calling and crying but he could not make out their tongue. The Lord then moved upon Araneck and Araneckknew through the Holy Spirit that the language of the people of Nimrod had been cursed. He knelt down with Shiblon and offered a great prayer to the Lord of hosts. “Oh Lord thou art great and wonderful and although your anger is great I ask that you may preserve the language of the People of Light and also the language of our friends for this is the language of our first parents and we do not wish to lose that and all its meaning. We pray this, oh Lord, with the power of all the Priesthood. Amen”.

Araneck, having made his prayer to God,knew through the power of the holy priesthood that the Lord had spared his people, and spared the people of his friend Mahonri. And he knew that the Lord had spared the integrity of their language and now Araneck and Shiblon were moved by the Holy Spirit to leave the plains of Shinar and take their journey home to the People of Light. As they journeyed home their hearts became heavy and sad for they new the people at the great tower had not humbled themselves and Araneck became worried for his own people for he knew that not all of his people were righteous and he worried that the Lord, although he had spared his people and their language, would destroy them if they would not humble themselves to the words he would speak to them.


The Great Journey

As Araneck and Shiblon returned home, after many days of walking, they found their people in a state of preparedness, for they had already gathered themselves together with all manner of things, Sheep, Oxen, Camels, Donkeys, Horses and many other things they were prepared with, for the sight of this was like a mighty host and Araneck could not believe what stood before him, and his heart did soar for he knew his people had gathered together because the Lord had commanded it, and Shiblon stood forward and commanded that the people should make known their intentions and Azanar stood forward and told Araneck that he and all the people gathered had been commanded to do so by a bright and marvellous cloud of light, with this Araneck heard the voice of the Lord and the voice did say to him,“Your people are gathered for I have commanded them that they should be prepared, for they will leave this place and take their journey northward away from the wicked and destructive people of Shinar.”

Upon hearing these words Araneck commanded Shiblon to move the people northward. The people of Araneck or in other words the People of Light were walking for the space of many days when the Lord appeared unto them in a cloud of fire. When Araneck saw the cloud he approached it and stretched fourth his hand so that he could touch the cloud, as he did he saw a hand appear from the cloud and in the hand there appeared to be a round solid brass ball, upon the ball Araneck saw that there were written many things that would help his people to cross the desert waste and the mountain heights.

Araneck went to remove the ball but was forbidden to do so, upon this the ball opened and inside the ball there was another solid brass ball with writing upon it. As Araneck looked at the writing he saw that the writing described stars in the heavens and seas on the ocean and the names by which the seas and oceans should be called and where to find them. As Araneck looked at the ball he heard a voice from the cloud which made him tremble, for he had never heard the Lord of the most high speak with such power and authority, these are the words which Araneck heard.

“Because of the faithfulness of thy people, I the Lord God will give to you, Araneck my Prophet, this gift. Upon this gift are written commandments and instructions that the people should follow. If your people will follow the instructions upon the ball, I the Lord and Saviour of this world will lead you and your people to a safe and beautiful land and upon this land you and your people will find many wonderful and marvellous things, it is a land that I the Lord have chosen for thy people to inherit.Beware Araneck I will not be mocked, as soon as thy people forget the ways of the Prophets and of me I will cause them to be destroyed for all time. A commandment I give to you to mark your way to this land so that others I may command will be able to follow and find this pleasant and blessed land. I will now show unto you, Araneck, the form that these signs must take, they are this” the Lord then showed unto Araneck that mighty stone circles and monuments must be placed in all the lands they travel through. When Araneck saw the great stone monuments that must be built he marvelled at how his people would accomplish the things that the lord had asked of them and by what means they were to be built. The Lord said this to Araneck,“I the Lord will provide all that is necessary for these markers to be built for many more people will follow these markers and they will stand as a testament to your journey and a sign that I the Lord am great and I will bless all that do follow my commandments.”

After hearing the words of the Lord Araneck told his people all the things the Lord had told him, and they did sing out with one voice, “Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to the most High God”

Many years passed and the People of Light did take their journey north. Now their hearts were full of the love of God and although their journey was a hard and testing journey they remembered the promises which the Lord had given them, that if they were to build the stone markers that the Lord would guide their journey. The People of Light journeyed with a full heart and spirit. Many years past and their hearts were full at first but as the years past they began to be sorrowful, for their lives were hard and the wilderness began to take its toll on their spirits and they began to murmur and complain and began to neglect the building of the stone markers that the Lord had commanded them to build and they took it upon themselves that which their hearts desired and Araneck being very old went unto the people and began to call them to repentance saying,“Oh my people how quickly you have forgotten the words of your Lord and Saviour, for he promised us that if we were faithful and obedient he would guide our journey and make it light, that your burden may be carried by him but you have forgotten and now my people you wonder at your hardship. Repent, repent, repent and kneel before your God if not you will be destroyed.”


A New Prophet Is Chosen

Now the People of Light in part did listen to the Prophet Araneck but there stood amongst them one who did not heed his words and his name was Lioneck and he was the very son of the Prophet Araneck, for Lioneck was the firstborn of Araneck and he had journeyed with the people since he was a small child.

Now Lioneck stood before the People of Light and said to them,“Do not follow this foolish old man for he thinks he speaks with God but I tell you now that God does not speak with him and if he did speak with my father he would command us to stay here for this land has all that we need and want. Do not listen to this fool”. After making his words known to the people, Araneck wept for his son. Lioneck, being his firstborn was to be taught all the things that his father Araneck was taught in the ways of the spirit, now Araneck grew to be very old and his son Lioneck gave him no peace and Araneck cried unto the Lord saying, “Oh Lord of Heaven how long will you permit me to live upon this earth and how long, oh Lord, must I bear my firstborn and his raging against me.” and the Lord appeared before Araneck as if it were a cloud of burning fire and a voice sounded from the cloud saying, “Oh my Prophet, repent of your thoughts and your feelings, for I the Lord, will deal justly and swiftly with all those who defile my Prophets and my name. Take strength my servant, for soon you will have your rest.” Upon hearing these words Araneck found strength in his legs and walked amongst the people and told them to gather to his tent, for he was soon to find his rest. And so it was that the People of Light gathered to the tent of the Prophet and waited to hear the words of Araneck for the last time. Araneck being very old and frail stood before the people and the people beheld that the spirit of the Lord fell upon him and the people beheld that the spirit of the Lord shone like the sun at midday, for it filled his tent and all that were present felt of the spirit and of the Lord and many did fall to the ground because they were so overcome that they could not stand. Now the five children of Araneck did stand before him in order that the oldest was first and the youngest was last. Now I Jeraneck make no apology for what follows, for Araneck did not write down upon his record all of the names of his children, but I Jeraneck have the first three names, Lioneck being the oldest, Sharaneck being the second in line and Hadjaneck being the third in line. Now they sat before Araneck and waited for their father to name his successor to the prophetic calling, now Lioneck, being the oldest, stood and held his father so much so that Araneck had to fight for breath, upon seeing this Hadjaneck caught hold of Lioneck and wrestled him to the floor. Now Araneck cried with a loud voice as if being touched by the Mighty One of Heaven and he cried out, “Oh my sons, be faithful and obedient to the will of the Lord, for the Lord has chosen his next Prophet and Sharanack shall be the anointed one and Hadjaneck shall be his voice unto the people, for although Sharaneck has no tongue his spirit is mighty, the mightiest off all Gods people, with this mighty spirit Sharaneck will tell Hadjaneck the will of the Lord.” Now Lioneck grew angry and he threw off Hadjaneck and he went before the people and stood before them and said to them, “Do not listen to the ravings of an old man but listen to me and I will lead you and we will go north to the lands that my scouts have told me of and we will have plenty and we will have no need to brake our backs on the building of these worthless stone monuments.” Now his words pleased many and Lioneck did draw away many of the sons and daughters of light. Now upon hearing his son Lioneck, the prophet Araneck fell to the floor and died.