MorelandPlanning Scheme


Shown on the planning scheme map as RGZ2.


1.0Requirements of Clause 54 and Clause 55

Standard / Requirement
Minimum street setback / A3 and B6 / In accordance with A3 and B6 unless the setback is greater than 3 metres, in which case the front setback should be 3 metres. Balconies should not encroach into this setback.
Site coverage / A5 / None Specified
B8 /
  • Small lots (250-750 square metres) –
    60 per cent.
  • Medium lots (751-2,000 square metres) – 70 per cent.
  • Large lots (2,001-5,000 square metres) – 80 per cent.

Permeability / A6 and B9 / None specified
Landscaping / B13 / A minimum of one tree should be planted within the front setback, in accordance with the Moreland Tree Planning Manual for Residential Zones, 2014.
Trees to be planted in side and rear setbacks.
Side and rear setbacks / A10 and B17 / Side Setbacks
Side setbacks in accordance with A10 and B17 if abutting a property in the General Residential Zone or Neighbourhood Residential Zone, otherwise:
Any part of a building abutting a property within the Commercial 1 Zone, Mixed Use Zone orResidential Growth Zone should be setback:
  • Primary outlook (living areas): 4.5 metres from the property boundary.
  • Secondary outlook (bedrooms, kitchens) or no outlook: 2 metres from the property boundary.
Rear Setbacks
  • A minimum 3 metres from the property boundary up to a height of 4 metres.
  • A minimum 6 metres from the property boundary above 4 metres.

Walls on boundaries / A11 and B18 / None specified
Private open space / A17 / None specified
B28 / None specified
Front fence height / A20 and B32 / None specified

2.0Maximum building height requirement for a dwelling or residential building

A building used as a dwelling or a residential building must not exceed 13.5 metres unless the slope of the natural ground level at any cross section wider than 8 metres of the site of the building is 2.5 degrees or more, in which casethe height of the building should not exceed 14.5 metres.

3.0Application requirements

The following application requirements apply to an application for a permit under clause 32.07, in addition to those specified in clause 32.07 and elsewhere in the scheme:

  • An existing vegetation plan that shows any proposed tree removal.
  • A landscaping works and planting plan that includes information on tree selection and planting, in accordance with the landscaping requirements of clause 1.0 of this Schedule and the Moreland Tree Planting Manual for Residential Zones, 2014.

4.0Decision guidelines

The following decision guidelines apply to an application for a permit under clause 32.07, in addition to those specified in clause 32.07 and elsewhere in the scheme:

  • Whether the development provides an appropriate transition to properties in an adjoining zone.
  • The requirements of Design and Development Overlay Schedule 24 (DDO24).
  • The Moreland Tree Planting Manual for Residential Zones, 2014.

5.0Transitional provisions

Schedule 2 to clause 32.07 does not apply to an application to construct a dwelling or residential building made before the approval date of the planning scheme amendment that introduced this schedule into the planning scheme.

These transitional provisions do not apply to applications to extend a permit to construct or extend a building made under Section 69 of the Act.

Residential Growth Zone – Schedule 2Page 1 of 2