Note: Please type your information in place of the examples/information below or remove them. You should also remove this text before submitting your proposal. Poster proposals should be submitted to by 8 August 2014. The completed poster should be submitted in digital form on the template provided by 22 August 2014. OLT will print the accepted posters in A1 size for display during L&T Week.
Use the file names for submission as follows.
Poster Proposal file name: Surname-Title-PosterProposal-LT2014.doc
Poster file name (on template provided): Surname-Title-Poster-LT2014.ppt

[Insert your title here]

The Poster presentations are an opportunity for CDU VET and HE lecturers and other staff to create a poster that presents a visually appealing aspect of teaching practice around the theme for Learning and Teaching Week Innovative and creative teaching and assessment through engagement with technologies.

Poster Creator(s)

Include name of poster creator(s), title, school or theme and faculty, location (e.g. Alice Springs campus; Sydney campus).


Identify the theme of the poster. Posters should align with one of the following sub-themes of L&T Week:

  • Growing your learning and teaching community
  • Engaging Students in Learning
  • 21st Century Assessment
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Serious Fun and Flexible Learning

Key words

Identify the key or focus words for the poster


Please provide a description of the teaching practice, student learning, project or research that the poster promotes. The description should be no more than 250 words. Please ensure the accuracy of the information you provide as it will be used to promote the poster and will be published in the L&T Week program and materials and on the OLT Website.


“This poster demonstrates experience in providing formative feedback to distance-based students, along with developing future strategies and technologies. The quality of learning experience is enhanced by providing formative feedback during courses, either by fellow students as part of planned collaborations or directly from the course presenters.

For distance students in postgraduate courses, personal interviews mid-course have been conducted using Skype with available time slots managed using the online tool Doodle. Whilst the responses of students to receiving such tailored feedback was very positive, class sizes of more than 50 and world time-zone differences overly stretched teaching resources. A more time effective approach in this course was to utilize “Quick Comments” and the ratings feature with Q&A Forum Tool in the Moodle LMS. The latter tool was used in group format whereby students first contributed their response to a question, and subsequently were given access to other group member’s comments to critically review and provide feedback.

Further improvement could be achieved by using tools integrated with Moodle LMS such as: Blackboard Collaborate webinars instead of Skype, and Scheduler instead of Doodle. In addition, some activities could be extended, eg: use “Quick Comments” throughout the semester by setting up Moodle Assignment as a Learning Journal, and require students to provide comments as well as ratings in the Q&A Forums. Through this approach, time saved with the judicious use of technology could be redirected into providing richer and more individualized feedback for students” (Mitra, Timms & Allen 2014, Using Technology to improve efficiencies in providing feedback. In UNSW 2014 Learning and Teaching Forum Posters).

Rough Mock up

You may optionally include a rough mock-up of your poster. It should be included in this Word file, and not in separate graphic or drawing package format.