Abstract submission deadline: August30th2016


Poster Contest: Poster session will be held on September 18th2016


  1. For poster contest, the study design must be an observational or experimental study or a case report however, not a literature review.
  2. Article has never been published or presented in other seminar/conference/meeting/forum
  3. Best Award will be given to 3 outstanding participants and reward will only be given to the first author.
  4. Soft copy of the abstract must be submitted to Scientific Committee (e-mail: ) before the deadline date.
  5. Additional payment for Poster Presentation: Rp 150.000.


  1. Size : 160 cm x 90 cm with portrait orientation (participants have to provide standing banner)
  2. Language: English or Bahasa
  3. Format :
  4. For original research study: Title, Authors and Affiliations, Introduction/Background, Objective, Method, Results (diagram/tables/pictures), Conclusion/Summary, Key words, References.
  5. For a case study: Title, Authors and Affiliations, Introduction/Background, Objective, Case description/presentation, Conclusion, Key words, References.
  6. The poster should be easily read from a distance (at least two meters).
  7. Authors should be available beside their work through Poster session (to answer questions from the Examiner)
  8. Poster will be disqualified from the contest if:
  9. poster does not exhibit during symposium
  10. author does not attend poster presentation
  11. committee found that the work has been published or presented in other seminar/ conference/meeting/forum.


Participants are invited to submit abstract for poster presentation for preliminary selection with particular topic on Dermatovenereology.

Abstract Format :

  1. Language: English. Should be straightforward and concise. Abstract which not written in English standard style or grammar will not be accepted.
  2. Abstract text word limit: maximum 250 words.
  3. Page orientation must be portrait.
  4. Abstract title typed in First Letter Capitalized (e.g. Genotypes Associated with Virulence in Mycobacterium leprae). Avoid any abbreviation in the title and whole manuscript.
  5. Add single space between the title, the author(s), affiliation(s), and the abstract text
  6. Full name(s) of the author(s) typed in ALL LETTERS CAPITALIZED, first name(s) followed by surename(s), without title (e.g. ANI DEWA AYU). Please put asterix (*) after the name of Corresponding author.
  7. The name of the presenter is written in BOLD.
  8. The affiliation details of all authors (department, institution/hospital, city/town, country) should be typed beneath the names.
  9. Corresponding e-mail: email account of the corresponding author is typed beneath affiliation
  10. Text of abstract should be typed in Times New Roman font 12, single line
  11. Key words consisting of three to five words.

Notes :

An author may present one (1) paper only, however he/she may be co-author for other papers.