Medical Expeditions Altitude Symposium

Friday 30th November 2012

Organisers Annabel Nickol, Jeremy Windsor, Mike Grocott, Peter Barry and Caroline Clay


0815 Registration, poster mounting and coffee

0855-0900 Welcome – Annabel Nickol, Locum Consultant in Respiratory and General Medicine, Oxford

0900-1010 From mouse to man – genetic determinants of hypoxic adaptation

Chair -

Lessons from Chuvash polycythaemia - Mary Slingo, Research Fellow, University of Oxford

Genetics of high altitude populations - Cynthia Beall, Professor of Anthropology, Anatomy and Global Health, Cleveland

1010-1050 ‘3 by 3’ Oral Presentations

Chairs Mike Grocott, Professor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, University of Southampton & John West, Professor of Medicine and Physiology, University of California

1050-1130 Coffee and poster viewing

1130-1240 Exercise performance at high altitude

Chair - Erik Swenson, Professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Seattle

Exercise data from the Caudwell Xtreme Everest expedition (CXE) - Denny Levett, Co-research Leader, CXE, UCL, London

Too smart to run at 8000m altitude - Brownie Schoene, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Seattle

1240-1415 Lunch and poster viewing

1415-1525 Predicting high altitude illness risk

Chair - Rob Roach, Director of the Altitude Research Centre, Colorado

Physiological risk factors for severe high altitude illness - John-Paul Richalet, Professor of Physiology, Paris

High altitude Illness; a ‘radical’ perspective - Damian Bailey, Professor of Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Glamorgan

1525-1600 Tea

1600-1645 Poster discussion - Jeremy Windsor, SpR Anaesthetics, UCL and Jim Milledge, Professor of Altitude Medicine, UCL

1645-1730 The Human Impact of climate change - Professor Julia Slingo OBE, Professor of Meteorology and Met Office Chief Scientist.

From 1730 Drinks

1830 Research and charity: proud, tough and vulnerable - Mary Morrell, Professor of Sleep Medicine, Imperial College, London and Denise Prior, Royal Geographical Society London.

‘Life and Times in Nepal’ - Buddha Basnyat, President of the ISMM and Medical Director of the Himalayan Rescue Association.

From 1915 Buffet dinner