Erikson’s Stages Storybook

*For each page/stage:

1. Name/title each stage and the age range in which it occurs.

2. Give a summary in your own words of the Erikson stage for that page. (use your book or my power point notes on my webpage to help you) Chapter 7 pg. 213-219

3. Write a story/description of your struggle with that stage in your own childhood. Did you successfully resolve that crisis and take on the positive ego identity? Or did you take on the negative ego identity and you still have anxiety related to that stage that you need to resolve?

4. Include a picture of yourself from that age for each stage.

*For the early childhood stages (the ages you don’t remember) provide an example of what could cause a baby to develop the positive identity or the negative identity. You can make an assumption based off of how your parents raised/treated you to create this example if you like.

*For the older stages (that you have not reached yet) tell me what you believe your life will be like and how that will allow you to resolve that stage. Are you married? Do you have kids? How are you contributing to the next generation? Or are you not contributing? In your old age, will you have any regrets or will you be active and content? You may use pictures of your older siblings/parents/grandparents for these stages.

*The stories can be typed or written but must be done so neatly. You must include the title/stage, summary of the stage, and story/example, as well as a picture on each page!!!



*Erik Erikson’s 8 Stages of Psychological Development:

1.  Trust vs. Mistrust

2.  Autonomy vs. Doubt

3.  Initiative vs. Guilt

4.  Industry vs. Inferiority

5.  Identity vs. Role Confusion

6.  Intimacy vs. Isolation

7.  Generativity vs. Stagnation

8.  Ego Integrity vs. Despair