Village of Walworth

Regular Village Board Meeting

July 11, 2016

6:00 P.M.


Call to Order: President Watters called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m

Roll Call: Connelly, Maynard, Nordmeyer, Novak, Rasmussen, Snyder and Watters present.

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes

June 13, 2016, Regular Board Meeting and June 20, 2016, Special Board Meeting – Snyder/Novak motion to approve both carried by ayes without negative vote.

Approval of June 2016 Treasurer’s Report

Snyder/Rasmussen motion to accept and place on file for audit carried by ayes without negative vote.

Approval of June 2016 Village and Water/Sewer Payables

Snyder/Novak motion to approve carried by ayes without negative vote.

Citizen Comments

Pophal asked if trustees look at actual bills before approving them.. No per Watters. Pophal asked when this practice stopped? It hasn’t been done for more than 13 years per clerk.

Communication and Miscellaneous Business: Discussion, Consideration and Action on the following:

1.  2015 Audit Report

Art Tillman presented the audit. He handed out the management letters and draft copies of the audit. Tillman explained there’s a new GASB requirement to report net pension asset and deferred outflows related to pensions. They made two prior period adjustments—this one for the new GASB requirement and construction in progress for the library - $220,000. First two pages include fixed assets but no long term debt. Pages 3 and 4 do not include fixed assets. Page 3--$1,390,103 is our fund balance. Bonding companies want to see about 3 months of expenses. Ours is about twice what it needs to be. That’s good. Water/sewer share of $1,379,552 (page 3) is $1,356,642 (page 6). The question was asked if this would ever get paid back to General Fund? Tillman’s answer—only by water/sewer rate increases. Cancelling the $220,000 payment from the utility would give better transparency according to Watters. This will be discussed further at Finance. Watters asked if there are any numbers in the report that should make the Village nervous. The “Due To” in water/sewer makes Tillman nervous. If they forgive water/sewer there would be no surplus in the General Fund. From a planning perspective, PSC will probably want us to earn enough to pay down that debt. The Village’s margin of indebtedness is excellent (see page 33).

2.  Request for Verification in Writing – New Owners at Madison Street Subs

New owners would like an arrangement like we arrived at with Kasnick when he owned the property. They will maintain the small parcel to be able to use it. We never documented the agreement with Kasnick, but could do that now. If they’re going to park on it, it should be made suitable for parking. Connelly/Snyder motion to refer to Plan Commission carried by ayes without negative vote.

3.  Committee/Commission Appointments – Library Board

This appointment will be made next month.

4.  Official Boundary Map Legal Description – Farris/Hansen Proposal

Rasmussen/Nordmeyer motion to approve carried by ayes without negative vote.

5.  Bulk Water Sales

Connelly asked that this be placed on the agenda. A number of citizens have called him to ask why we make these sales of water to be used outside the village. Rogers checked with Public Service Commission and found that it’s under local control. When Connelly reviewed the ordinance, it was unclear to him. Are we in the business of providing water to people for outside village use? Rogers asked about 35 communities how they handle this. Only about 2 don’t sell water. Most communities believe it’s revenue to the municipality and once paid for can be taken anywhere. The ordinance will be updated when we do the water rate study case.

6.  Ordinance 2016-11 – Water Utility Rates

Nordmeyer/Rasmussen motion to approve carried by ayes without negative vote.

7.  Ordinance 2016-12 – Sewer Utility Rates

Nordmeyer/Rasmussen motion to approve with correction as noted by President carried by ayes without negative vote.

Standing Committee Reports: Discussion, Consideration and Action on the following:

Finance: Nothing to Report

General Services:

1.  Alcohol Beverage and Operator’s Licenses (If Any)

Diana Raderschadt/Sweeney’s, Laura Reed/Citgo, Dale Grampo/10 Pin Pub, Eloy Lavariega/Pino’s – Novak/Nordmeyer motion to approve carried by ayes without negative vote. Bronwyn Kelly/10 Pin Pub, Chuck Palma/Rotary – Nordmeyer/Rasmussen motion to approve carried by ayes without negative vote.

Public Works:

1. CMOM Program Assistance Authorization – Baxter Woodman

The proposal is for $5,650. It’s a one time report. In the future, the only thing that will need to be updated are maps. Nordmeyer/ Rasmussen motion to approve carried by ayes without negative vote.

2.  Water Rate Case Study Authorization – Baxter Woodman

The proposal is for $8,500 plus $1,500 for auditors. Nordmeyer/ Rasmussen motion to approve Baxter Woodman portion not to exceed $8,500 carried by ayes without negative vote. Novak/Rasmussen motion to approve auditor portion not to exceed $1,500 carried by ayes without negative vote.

Personnel Committee – Nothing to Report

Reports of Commissions and Special Committees: Discussion, Consideration and Action on the following:

Plan Commission: Meeting Update – Nothing to Report

FWWPCC: Meeting Update – Meeting tomorrow night.

Emergency Government: Nothing to Report

Library Board: Meeting Update – Nothing remarkable at last meeting. The feedback to Connelly was support for reappointing Freeman. The feedback to Watters was just the opposite.

Nordmeyer/Rasmussen motion to adjourn carried by ayes.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Schut

Clerk Treasurer